Today was a good day.
Started off bumpy but at exactly 9:34 a.m. the day turned around.
One day I'll share what happened at 9:34 a.m. but not the day.
It doesn't mean that the day didn't have its rough patches here and there (because it certainly did), but 9:34 a.m. made the many rough patches so much easier to bear.
It's been a long day and I'm tired. Let the DIALOGUE begin! When your day is rough, what's the one thing that can turn it right around and get you back on track.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Being Sick SUCKS (especially when you're Single!)
Today was not a good day. Actually, let's go back to yesterday. I went to work and made it through only by God's grace. It was rough. I knew something was wrong. So I called the doctor to make an appointment for this morning. The plan was to go the the doctor then head on in to work. Well...that was MY plan. My BODY had other plans. Between continuous trips to the bathroom and a recurring nightmare that I dreamt all night...I didn't get a lick of sleep...not a drop.
How odd it was to just keep having the same dream over and over again. I kept dreaming that a customer ordered a product that didn't exist. Of course, we couldn't tell him that it didn't exist because we had his order in house. But there was no way that the order could be filled...because the product didn't exist. It was never ending. THIS is what I dreamt...ALL NIGHT LONG.
So I get up this morning, with plans to get ready for work and my body just wasn't havin' it. I was only out of bed for about 5 minutes and I broke into a cold sweat and got all shaky. I headed right back to bed. I knew this wasn't gonna be good.
It was then that I realized there was no way that I'd make it through an entire day at work.
So here comes the sucky part. I'm a mom with 3 people to take care of and shuffle to and fro. So a sick day from work doesn't mean a sick day from work at home. With fever and all I had to get everybody to where they had to go this morning. After all...the world doesn't stop revolving just 'cause I'm sick.
After I dropped them off I headed to the doctor. Got my diagnosis and headed back home to bed because the fever was back again.
Slept til 2 then woke up so that I could go get my prescriptions. Yep...I had to go get 'em cause there's nobody who's gonna pick 'em up for me.
But at 2:00 my body wasn't ready to get movin' again and I found myself right back in bed for another hour.
Finally at 3:00 I head over to get the prescription. Then I stop off at the grocery store to pick up something for dinner. Yes...even with a fever...the show's gotta go on, and I've gotta make dinner for my kids. The world doesn't stop because I'm sick.
I knew it was bad when the checker and the bag boy both looked at me like I was GREEN. I sure felt green. The checker asked if I was ok, and I gave her my honest
So I get home and can only muster up enough strength to bring in the perishables. I put 'em away and head guessed it...BED.
And that's where I stayed til 6:00 when I had to go get the kids from the park & take 'em to their next spot. Choir rehearsal. I dropped 'em off & told 'em I'd be back when they were done.
Got home. Crawled into bed.
Got up around 7:00 to start preparing dinner. I chopped 2 tomatoes and felt like I was gonna pass out. This is so not cool.
Finally got dinner ready and was about to head off to get the girls from rehearsal when the clouds parted and I got the break I needed. Someone else was going to bring them home. Thank God!
So that was my day. Gonna go take another dose of the medication so that I can get myself together for work tomorrow. Sick or not, better or worse, I gotta do what I gotta do because 3 people are counting on me and I can't let 'em down regardless of how crummy I feel when on days like today.
Thankfully, I'm an extremely healthy person and can count on one hand the number of times I get sick each year with fingers left over. That's a blessing!
Let the DIALOGUE begin! When YOU'RE sick, who takes care of you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
How odd it was to just keep having the same dream over and over again. I kept dreaming that a customer ordered a product that didn't exist. Of course, we couldn't tell him that it didn't exist because we had his order in house. But there was no way that the order could be filled...because the product didn't exist. It was never ending. THIS is what I dreamt...ALL NIGHT LONG.
So I get up this morning, with plans to get ready for work and my body just wasn't havin' it. I was only out of bed for about 5 minutes and I broke into a cold sweat and got all shaky. I headed right back to bed. I knew this wasn't gonna be good.
It was then that I realized there was no way that I'd make it through an entire day at work.
So here comes the sucky part. I'm a mom with 3 people to take care of and shuffle to and fro. So a sick day from work doesn't mean a sick day from work at home. With fever and all I had to get everybody to where they had to go this morning. After all...the world doesn't stop revolving just 'cause I'm sick.
After I dropped them off I headed to the doctor. Got my diagnosis and headed back home to bed because the fever was back again.
Slept til 2 then woke up so that I could go get my prescriptions. Yep...I had to go get 'em cause there's nobody who's gonna pick 'em up for me.
But at 2:00 my body wasn't ready to get movin' again and I found myself right back in bed for another hour.
Finally at 3:00 I head over to get the prescription. Then I stop off at the grocery store to pick up something for dinner. Yes...even with a fever...the show's gotta go on, and I've gotta make dinner for my kids. The world doesn't stop because I'm sick.
I knew it was bad when the checker and the bag boy both looked at me like I was GREEN. I sure felt green. The checker asked if I was ok, and I gave her my honest
So I get home and can only muster up enough strength to bring in the perishables. I put 'em away and head guessed it...BED.
And that's where I stayed til 6:00 when I had to go get the kids from the park & take 'em to their next spot. Choir rehearsal. I dropped 'em off & told 'em I'd be back when they were done.
Got home. Crawled into bed.
Got up around 7:00 to start preparing dinner. I chopped 2 tomatoes and felt like I was gonna pass out. This is so not cool.
Finally got dinner ready and was about to head off to get the girls from rehearsal when the clouds parted and I got the break I needed. Someone else was going to bring them home. Thank God!
So that was my day. Gonna go take another dose of the medication so that I can get myself together for work tomorrow. Sick or not, better or worse, I gotta do what I gotta do because 3 people are counting on me and I can't let 'em down regardless of how crummy I feel when on days like today.
Thankfully, I'm an extremely healthy person and can count on one hand the number of times I get sick each year with fingers left over. That's a blessing!
Let the DIALOGUE begin! When YOU'RE sick, who takes care of you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Melvin (Part 2)
Ok. So I did it. I hooked Melvin up to the new computer and wha' da ya know...
I went from 1287 songs to 131. Obviously, I did something wrong.
But it's all good. It's kind of like I have a new iPod all over again. Each day I add a CD and eventually I'll be back to where I was before, or better.
Just goes to show that sometimes we have to take risks. Don't be afraid of the inevitable. Accept the fact that the risks may take you to a place that you weren't expecting to go, but once you're there, you'll realize what to do next.
So there's my Melvin update. Gotta go import another CD.
But before I go...Let the DIALOGE begin! If you lost all of the music in your iPod, what would be the FIRST CD that you'd add back in?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I went from 1287 songs to 131. Obviously, I did something wrong.
But it's all good. It's kind of like I have a new iPod all over again. Each day I add a CD and eventually I'll be back to where I was before, or better.
Just goes to show that sometimes we have to take risks. Don't be afraid of the inevitable. Accept the fact that the risks may take you to a place that you weren't expecting to go, but once you're there, you'll realize what to do next.
So there's my Melvin update. Gotta go import another CD.
But before I go...Let the DIALOGE begin! If you lost all of the music in your iPod, what would be the FIRST CD that you'd add back in?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Simple Question...Not So Simple Answer

Today's subject is short, sweet and straight to the point.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Is it better to love someone and then lose them (not due to death, but because of other circumstances), or is it better to have never loved them at all?
This one's really messin' with me and I wanna hear what YOU have to say.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Friday, August 6, 2010
For those who know me, and for those of you who are getting to know me here at The Dialogue Den...I LOVE music! Absolutely, positively, gotta have it every single day. If television went away today I'd be a-okay, as long as I've got my music. Take my music away and it could get ugly :-)
I remember listening to music on vinyl way back in the day (don't scratch my records!). Then came the cassette tape. Oh the hours that I spent by the radio waiting for my favorite song to come on so that I could hit Play+Record at just the right time. Not too soon 'cause then I'd get the DJ talking before the song (and I didn't want that)...but just when he was wrappin' up his intro...that's when it was time to push the button.
That worked well for a while. And then came along the CD. WHAT?!? You mean I can have a whole album full of songs on this little round circle thingy? No flippin' it over to hear Side B? No way!
Cool! I could get with this. And I did.
I still have shelves and shelves full of CDs. Just can't seem to part with 'em. Not just yet anyway.
So a few years ago at work I won my first iPod. It was an iPod Shuffle. So cool! It held about 200 songs I think. And that was enough for me.
"Who needs more than 200 songs? 200 songs...that's plenty."
So I thought.
That was until I got the itch to "upgrade" to the iPod nano. Oh, it was so pretty. I got it in blue (my favorite color next to brown). And again...for those who know me...I name everything. If it means anything to me, it gets a name. So my pretty little blue iPod nano was named "Azure". If I was looking for it around the house I'd just have to say, "Does anybody know where Azure is?" And they'd know exactly what I was talking about.
And it was so cute and compact. A perfect little square. It did everything. It had the shuffle feature in case I wanted to switch things up, and it also had a color screen so that I could see the album cover as the songs were playing. Sweet! And I think it held about 2000 songs. 2000 songs!!! No way!
"Oh, I'd never fill this thing up with 2000 songs. Never."
Yeah right. Little did I know.
It worked though. Had everything I thought I'd ever need (or should I say...want.)
That was until I won another iPod. An iPod touch. Whoa!
I remember saying when I won it..."What am I gonna do with this thing? It does way more than I need."
Well, once I opened it I very quickly found out just what it did, and it did everything that I could have wished for...and more.
I got it home...loaded it up...and gave it a name...MELVIN. Yes, Melvin. Why Melvin? Because Melvin is one of those soulful names from the 70's that you just don't hear anymore. And my Melvin is FULL of soul :-)
So Melvin is chock full of all my favorite songs. I mean really...every song is my favorite (or it wouldn't be in Melvin).
And I'm always adding new songs. Hey...did I already tell you how much I LOVE music?
But I haven't added anything in months. Not because there's nothing new for me to add. Oh no...there's plenty to be added.
But because I got a new computer a few months ago when my old one crashed. And I didn't back up my iTunes library before it crashed.
I've asked so many people about what will happen when I hook Melvin up to my new computer and I've heard a variety of possibilities. The scariest being that I will lose all of my music. SCREECH! Say it ain't so!
So for that reason I haven't added anything new.
But I've come to the realization that I've got to get over the fear of what "might" happen and just do the d@mn thing and find out what will happen. I mean really...there's only one way to find out.
If I lose it all, I'll just start over. And if it's all there then cool.
And in the process I'm learning yet another of life's fine lessons. We've got to get over our fears of what might happen and just try. The harm is not in trying, it's in not trying. If you don't try, then you're stuck and you never get anywhere. At least if you try you'll either find yourself in a place that you like and can move forward, or you'll be in a place where you didn't want to be and you'll work to get out. But you're moving and that's what matters. So don't get stuck.
Let the DIALOGUE begin(we'll keep this one light)! Do you have an iPod and does it have a name? Do you name any of the items that are important to you (besides people & pets)?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
P.S.- Happy Birthday to my Grammy. She was 40 years older than me and was my very BEST friend. Listened to all of my corny riddles...taught me how to read...encouraged me to write...always let me drink the very last sip of her coffee...let me lay underneath her organ bench where I'd watch her feet press on the organ pedals as she played. I could watch her feet for hours. She let me play with her beautiful hair...gave me a typewriter when I was 7...took me on long walks and played a game with me to see which of us could find the most loose change. Trash day was always my favorite day to walk with my Grammy...we'd always find the most loose change on those days. I could go on and on and on but I'm beginning to cry because I miss her sooo much. She's gone home to be with The Lord and I know that one day I will see her again. When I do, I'm gonna tell her a corny riddle and she'll laugh, and laugh and laugh. Happy Birthday Grammy. I LOVE YOU!!! Your Grandaughter, "De-da"
I remember listening to music on vinyl way back in the day (don't scratch my records!). Then came the cassette tape. Oh the hours that I spent by the radio waiting for my favorite song to come on so that I could hit Play+Record at just the right time. Not too soon 'cause then I'd get the DJ talking before the song (and I didn't want that)...but just when he was wrappin' up his intro...that's when it was time to push the button.
That worked well for a while. And then came along the CD. WHAT?!? You mean I can have a whole album full of songs on this little round circle thingy? No flippin' it over to hear Side B? No way!
Cool! I could get with this. And I did.
I still have shelves and shelves full of CDs. Just can't seem to part with 'em. Not just yet anyway.
So a few years ago at work I won my first iPod. It was an iPod Shuffle. So cool! It held about 200 songs I think. And that was enough for me.
"Who needs more than 200 songs? 200 songs...that's plenty."
So I thought.
That was until I got the itch to "upgrade" to the iPod nano. Oh, it was so pretty. I got it in blue (my favorite color next to brown). And again...for those who know me...I name everything. If it means anything to me, it gets a name. So my pretty little blue iPod nano was named "Azure". If I was looking for it around the house I'd just have to say, "Does anybody know where Azure is?" And they'd know exactly what I was talking about.
And it was so cute and compact. A perfect little square. It did everything. It had the shuffle feature in case I wanted to switch things up, and it also had a color screen so that I could see the album cover as the songs were playing. Sweet! And I think it held about 2000 songs. 2000 songs!!! No way!
"Oh, I'd never fill this thing up with 2000 songs. Never."
Yeah right. Little did I know.
It worked though. Had everything I thought I'd ever need (or should I say...want.)
That was until I won another iPod. An iPod touch. Whoa!
I remember saying when I won it..."What am I gonna do with this thing? It does way more than I need."
Well, once I opened it I very quickly found out just what it did, and it did everything that I could have wished for...and more.
I got it home...loaded it up...and gave it a name...MELVIN. Yes, Melvin. Why Melvin? Because Melvin is one of those soulful names from the 70's that you just don't hear anymore. And my Melvin is FULL of soul :-)
So Melvin is chock full of all my favorite songs. I mean really...every song is my favorite (or it wouldn't be in Melvin).
And I'm always adding new songs. Hey...did I already tell you how much I LOVE music?
But I haven't added anything in months. Not because there's nothing new for me to add. Oh no...there's plenty to be added.
But because I got a new computer a few months ago when my old one crashed. And I didn't back up my iTunes library before it crashed.
I've asked so many people about what will happen when I hook Melvin up to my new computer and I've heard a variety of possibilities. The scariest being that I will lose all of my music. SCREECH! Say it ain't so!
So for that reason I haven't added anything new.
But I've come to the realization that I've got to get over the fear of what "might" happen and just do the d@mn thing and find out what will happen. I mean really...there's only one way to find out.
If I lose it all, I'll just start over. And if it's all there then cool.
And in the process I'm learning yet another of life's fine lessons. We've got to get over our fears of what might happen and just try. The harm is not in trying, it's in not trying. If you don't try, then you're stuck and you never get anywhere. At least if you try you'll either find yourself in a place that you like and can move forward, or you'll be in a place where you didn't want to be and you'll work to get out. But you're moving and that's what matters. So don't get stuck.
Let the DIALOGUE begin(we'll keep this one light)! Do you have an iPod and does it have a name? Do you name any of the items that are important to you (besides people & pets)?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
P.S.- Happy Birthday to my Grammy. She was 40 years older than me and was my very BEST friend. Listened to all of my corny riddles...taught me how to read...encouraged me to write...always let me drink the very last sip of her coffee...let me lay underneath her organ bench where I'd watch her feet press on the organ pedals as she played. I could watch her feet for hours. She let me play with her beautiful hair...gave me a typewriter when I was 7...took me on long walks and played a game with me to see which of us could find the most loose change. Trash day was always my favorite day to walk with my Grammy...we'd always find the most loose change on those days. I could go on and on and on but I'm beginning to cry because I miss her sooo much. She's gone home to be with The Lord and I know that one day I will see her again. When I do, I'm gonna tell her a corny riddle and she'll laugh, and laugh and laugh. Happy Birthday Grammy. I LOVE YOU!!! Your Grandaughter, "De-da"
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My really GOOD day :-)
How long has it been since you last had a "good day"? A day that left you smiling from ear to ear? A day that left you feeling like even your insides were smiling?
Sadly, we have too few of those days.
Fortunately for me, I don't have to go back too far. For me, that "good day" was yesterday. A really really good day. Can't exactly say what made the day so good (I mean...I can, but I won't). Just take my word when I say that it was. And it carried over into today. Doesn't mean that everything went my way today ('cause it didn't), but yesterday was so special that it made even the crummy parts of today more bearable.
Not sure how long the effects of my wonderful yesterday will last, but I'm gonna ride 'em until the wheels fall off. And I'll be smiling until they do.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! When was the last really really good day that you had, and what made it so good?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sadly, we have too few of those days.
Fortunately for me, I don't have to go back too far. For me, that "good day" was yesterday. A really really good day. Can't exactly say what made the day so good (I mean...I can, but I won't). Just take my word when I say that it was. And it carried over into today. Doesn't mean that everything went my way today ('cause it didn't), but yesterday was so special that it made even the crummy parts of today more bearable.
Not sure how long the effects of my wonderful yesterday will last, but I'm gonna ride 'em until the wheels fall off. And I'll be smiling until they do.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! When was the last really really good day that you had, and what made it so good?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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