Today while I was waiting to pick my son up from school, a lady parked across the street kept looking at me.
Now, I know I'm cute...but DANG...she didn't have to be so obvious ;-)
After staring at me she then proceeded to get my attention by honking her horn. "My goodness, she's persistent", I thought.
Then she motions for me to roll my window down.
"What the...?!?"
So I do.
She then tells me that my tire is "down flat".
GREAT! A flat tire. Just what I need. No job. No money. And now...a flat.
I couldn't even get myself to get out of the car and look. I just sat there and kept waiting for my son ( the way...NEVER came out...but that's another issue).
Eventually, I decided to leave and head over to the closest tire store. I drive very slowly, still not knowing how bad the tire is, turn on my hazard lights, and pray that God gets me there safely.
He does.
I get there and finally get out to assess the damage. Low & behold, there's a big a-double-snakes NAIL in my tire. Urgh!
Now I had a nail in my tire a couple months ago and they were able to "patch" the tire once the nail was removed.
Not so this time.
This time, the tire was bald and they simply could NOT repair a bald tire. What did that mean...I had to BUY a NEW tire. URGH!!!
Sometimes, if I listen closely I could swear that I can HEAR the money leaving my wallet. I mean literally HEAR it.
So I hem, and haw, and whine about how I don't have a job and really can't afford a new tire and what does the guy do...he looks at the other tires and then tells me that I actually need TWO tires because another one was bald and could "go" at any time. It really wasn't safe to drive on those tires. I knew that he wasn't just trying to make a sale. He was right. Those tires were awful, and unsafe, and really did need to be replaced. I need TWO tires. You have GOT to be kidding me!!!
After explaining my financial situation, he was able to "work something out" for me, and I got the tires...along with a much needed alignment.
I left the tire shop in a much safer vehicle.
And it got me to thinking once again about God and how He is ALWAYS working in my life. You see...what I've just described with my tire was what I like to call a "Romans 8:28" situation. If you're not familiar with that scripture, I am more than happy to share it with you now:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Yes folks...even this nail in my tire and unexpected expense was a GOOD thing.
You see...had I not gotten the nail in my tire, there's no telling how much longer those bald tires of mine would have lasted and when they would have decided to simply rip to shreds. Quite possibly while zooming down one of our ever so crowded freeways. And from there...well, there's just no telling.
God knows that with me, He often has to YELL in order to get my attention. And I'm so glad that He does, because His YELLING is for my best interest.
Today, I heard him loud and clear.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Has anything "bad" ever happened that you eventually realized was actually a "blessing in disguise"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Friday, February 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I WILL Bless the ALL times!

Today, in my lovely state of California, the average price of gas is $4.042.
And I still don't have a job. Nor do I have any interviews lined up because no one has responded to the many many resumes that I've submitted.
And none of the agencies that I've signed up with have any assignments to send me on.
Oh...and I have NO idea what's going on with my unemployment money. The last form that I mailed in had a whole week "X'd" out. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? I have no idea. And getting anyone on the phone at EDD is virtually impossible.
What the Xs better NOT mean, is that my unemployment funds have run out. I was with my last job for 5 years and have only been collecting unemployment since October. That money better NOT be ALL GONE.
Oh...and I almost "check engine" light came on in my car today. LOVELY.
Nevertheless, as Psalm 34:1 states, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
It's just that simple. I can not STRESS if I am going to TRUST in God. I can not, and I will not.
This unemployment situation is not too big for Him.
These gas prices are not too high for Him.
My "check engine" light is nothing for Him.
He's got this. I don't. So I'm giving it all to Him and my FAITH tells me that it will all work out. Actually, Romans 8:28 tells me that, which is even better.
So...Tick Tock goes the money clock. The money is going quickly. Yet even when I'm down to my last dime, I will STILL Bless the Lord. No matter what!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What are YOU trusting God for?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Prayers for the LIVING
It is my belief that as long as a person is alive, you can submit as many prayers for them as you'd like. As long as they are ALIVE...there is still hope that whatever you are praying for will be answered.
It is also my belief that once a person dies, the prayers for that person should cease. Once they are gone, there is NOTHING that can change that. Once they are gone, they are either WITH the LORD, or they are not. It's just that simple.
Many will argue against my belief and that's fine with me. BELIEF is personal. Although I'd love for yours to agree with mine I realize that any many cases, it won't be.
I believe that once a person dies, if prayer is going to continue, it should be for those who are left behind by the deceased. If there were children left behind, pray for those children. Pray that they are comforted and find peace in their loss. Pray for THEM while they are still here.
If it was a parent who lost their child...pray for that parent. Again, that they be comforted and find peace in their loss.
And for ANYONE LIVING who has not yet come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior...PRAY FOR THEM. As long as they are still breathing, it's not too late. Once that last breath is taken though...the prayers should shift.
Again...this is just MY belief.
Will they be "looking down" wondering why you're not praying for them? NO! There is no "looking down" once someone has made it to Heaven. Think about it. Heaven is the PERFECT place. What goes on down here on Earth is far from perfect. Why would anyone in Heaven ever want to look back at this mess? It just doesn't make sense.
I know...people feel comforted in thinking that their loved ones are "looking down" on them, and if that gives one comfort, then so be it.
As for me...I don't want my loved ones "looking down". I want them to experience the PERFECT Peace that comes only after one has finally "made it" to Heaven. I would not want them to shed a single tear over what they've left behind. Not a one. I said at the onset. I believe that prayers are for the living, and THOSE are who I pray for.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you pray for people who've passed away?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
It is also my belief that once a person dies, the prayers for that person should cease. Once they are gone, there is NOTHING that can change that. Once they are gone, they are either WITH the LORD, or they are not. It's just that simple.
Many will argue against my belief and that's fine with me. BELIEF is personal. Although I'd love for yours to agree with mine I realize that any many cases, it won't be.
I believe that once a person dies, if prayer is going to continue, it should be for those who are left behind by the deceased. If there were children left behind, pray for those children. Pray that they are comforted and find peace in their loss. Pray for THEM while they are still here.
If it was a parent who lost their child...pray for that parent. Again, that they be comforted and find peace in their loss.
And for ANYONE LIVING who has not yet come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior...PRAY FOR THEM. As long as they are still breathing, it's not too late. Once that last breath is taken though...the prayers should shift.
Again...this is just MY belief.
Will they be "looking down" wondering why you're not praying for them? NO! There is no "looking down" once someone has made it to Heaven. Think about it. Heaven is the PERFECT place. What goes on down here on Earth is far from perfect. Why would anyone in Heaven ever want to look back at this mess? It just doesn't make sense.
I know...people feel comforted in thinking that their loved ones are "looking down" on them, and if that gives one comfort, then so be it.
As for me...I don't want my loved ones "looking down". I want them to experience the PERFECT Peace that comes only after one has finally "made it" to Heaven. I would not want them to shed a single tear over what they've left behind. Not a one. I said at the onset. I believe that prayers are for the living, and THOSE are who I pray for.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you pray for people who've passed away?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I love you!
Today, the singing world lost one of it's finest..."the Diva"...Whitney Houston.
I don't know why her death has hit me harder than when my favorite...Teena Marie, left us way to soon, but for some did. I was just so sad.
Sad because Whitney has a young daughter who still needs her mom. Teena Marie left behind a young daughter also.
Sad because when she woke up this morning, I'm sure that she didn't know that it would be her last.
Sad because she was loved yet there were many who probably never told her so. They were waiting.
Waiting for what?
Waiting for tomorrow?
Well tomorrow will never come for Whitney.
It's just all so sad. And it's just a tragic reminder of how important it is for us to tell our loved ones how much we love them...while they're still here.
I know I will.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever regretted not telling someone that you loved them?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I don't know why her death has hit me harder than when my favorite...Teena Marie, left us way to soon, but for some did. I was just so sad.
Sad because Whitney has a young daughter who still needs her mom. Teena Marie left behind a young daughter also.
Sad because when she woke up this morning, I'm sure that she didn't know that it would be her last.
Sad because she was loved yet there were many who probably never told her so. They were waiting.
Waiting for what?
Waiting for tomorrow?
Well tomorrow will never come for Whitney.
It's just all so sad. And it's just a tragic reminder of how important it is for us to tell our loved ones how much we love them...while they're still here.
I know I will.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever regretted not telling someone that you loved them?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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