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Let the DIALOGUE Begin!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reverse Want Ad

So before I begin today's post I must preface it by saying: I am THANKFUL for my job and I realize that there are THOUSANDS of unemployed folks who would jump at the chance to have my job. Ok...I get that.

Now... I wish that there was a way to post a "reverse want ad". One that will allow me to tell the world what I am looking for. Instead of meeting the need of some corporation, I want MY need to be met. My need to positively affect and change the lives of others. My need to fulfill my God-given purpose. If there were such a thing as "reverse want ad" here's how mine would read: Kindhearted, generous, nurturing individual seeks employment with an organization that positively affects and changes the lives of others. I have over 20 years of professional experience within the corporate sector, so I understand the value of importance of working within an organization where goals are set and met. Got that. I am creative, friendly, intelligent, and prefer to interact with clients face-to-face. I am NOT a "cold-caller"/telemarketer! REPEAT: I am NOT a "cold-caller"/telemarketer! I prefer to move about freely (in other words...I do NOT want to work in a CUBICLE). A job that allows some travel, or even visiting various offices within my own local area would be long as I am NOT trapped in a cubicle. I LOVE working with children. I welcome the opportunity to work in a non-profit organization (shelter, church, school)where a heart of service and care for others is the most important quality. NO COLLEGE DEGREE REQUIRED...the willingness of my heart is qualification enough. Of course, a reasonable wage would be a factor, but nothing over the top or "bank breaking". Just enough for me to live on comfortably while being able to work in the career that I meant to have.

Not too much to ask, is it? Of course not.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: What would YOUR "reverse want ad" say if you had one?

Talk to me...

Til next time!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Coming to my senses

This passed Sunday in church the visiting minister preached from Luke 15 vs 11-24. The verses that stood out most for me were verses 17-20.

They read: “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ So he got up and went to his father."

I saw myself in these verses with regard to my financial situation. To most folks, I am broke. To others, I am one of the "working poor". Yes, I have a job. No, I am not up to date on my bills. As a matter of fact, the only bills that I am able to pay each month are my rent, car insurance, phone, cable (the very very basic package...and I once had that shut off for four months to try and get a handle on things), internet service, food and gas.

Yet there are some pretty biggies that I didn't list that simply have not been paid because they can not be paid. There just isn't enough money. Well, at least that's what I thought...until Sunday's message. I now realize that I have been fooling myself.

Yesterday I sorted through all of the bills that have not been paid for MONTHS and when I was done, there was a sea of bills around me. HUNDREDS! Yes, many are from the same creditors who just keep mailing past due notices month after month after month, which have now become debt collection notices, and I have decided that it is time to reconcile those accounts. It will probably take me the rest of my life to do so, but it's what a responsible adult must do. I must pay those bills, someway, somehow. Sure, it'll probably mean that I will have to do without a WHOLE LOTTA STUFF (which is crazy because I don't have or buy much as it is), but it that's what it means, then that's what it means.

So, the first step in the process is to contact my creditors and see what/if anything can be done about reducing the amounts that I owe. Once that's done, I'll figure out what step two is. Bottom line is this...I am ready to be a LENDER and not a BORROWER.

I have come to my senses and it's time to get my act together. It won't be easy, I know, but what in life ever is.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: For those of you in deep debt (like me), what are YOU doing to get out of it? Do you see a hopeful light at the end of the tunnel or do you feel like the light is just a train coming to run you over?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Gettin' it in!

Once again, as I was about to lay my head on the pillow, I remembered my COMMITMENT and the fact that I had not blogged yet today. So, this one'll be short and sweet.

Today I participated in the "LA Big 5K" which is kind of the precursor to tomorrow's big race, the LA Marathon. No, I'm not participating in that one. At least not as a runner. I have signed up to volunteer at a water station although that's lookin' a little shaky right now because I'm not sure if all the road closures will allow me to even get there. And I hate being stressed when I drive. Driving to a place that I'm not even sure that I'll be able to get to is my idea of stress.

But I do have the runners on my mind and in my prayers tonight, and have a few friends who are actually doing the 26.2 miles. They are true inspirations for this chick who only "wogs".

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have YOU ever run, walked, jogged in a marathon, half marathon, 5K, or 10K?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Friday, March 15, 2013

On your mark, get set, GO!

URGH!!! Do you know what that is? It's the sound of me having to come an log back on to the computer after I was all ready for bed and had just knelt down to pray before I crawled into bed for the night. Then I remembered my commitment and the fact that I hadn't written a post yet for today. So, here I am. Tired as all get out and have to get up at the butt crack of dawn to go do the LA Big 5K race that I signed up for. In a nutshell, I've become somewhat addicted to this racing thing. I love being a part of the "running community" and I love getting shirts and medals. Oh, and I love the fact that I can even COMPLETE a 5k. This time last year I was sittin' on my couch doing zilch. So as the commercial goes, "I've come a long way baby." So that's about it. I love walking/wogging/jogging...whatever you wanna call it. And in just a few hours I'll be "doin' my thang." Let the DIALOGUE begin: Name something positive and/or life-changing that you are doing TODAY that you weren't doing this time LAST YEAR. Talk to me! Til next time... *Good night*

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I can see clearly now.

So it's 11:00 p.m., I'm tired, and in just 6 hours I have to get up for work. Nevertheless, I made a commitment to myself (and to YOU) that I will post for seven days in a row, without fail. And, I am. Tonight I'm writing about something supernatural that happened to me last Saturday. Yes folks, a true act of God. As some of you know, I have "special" eyes and have to take care of them and be more careful than the "average bear." If you've ever seen me outside on a sunny day with dark glasses on over my glasses...there's a "special" reason why. In a nutshell, I am doing everything in my power to preserve vision that (according to the retina specialist)I should not have. My eyes do things that most people's don't do. And those things aren't good. So don't be're not missing out on ANYTHING. Well, last Friday night as I drove up to Northridge and back, I kept noticing something on my window. No matter how many times I swiped it with the windshield wipers, they wouldn't get clean. There was this constant smudge. I just kept driving. Then, Saturday afternoon as I was coming home from my reading club I noticed the "smudges" again. Except this time, they looked like moving waves. I would call them "microwaves" but I don't know what those look like. Whatever they were, I quickly began to realize that they were not normal. I realized that I was not seeing smudges on my window but that my right eye was "going haywire." It wasn't supposed to do what it was doing. I began to panic, thinking that I should call my eye doctor RIGHT AWAY. I had a feeling though that if I did that it would mean emergency surgery...and I'm just not ready for that. So...I did the only thing I know to do. I went to God in prayer. Right there as I was driving down the street I called upon the name of the Lord and asked Him to heal my eye. In the name of Jesus, I prayed for healing. And I got it. I believe I received my healing IMMEDIATELY because I didn't notice any weirdness in my eye when I got home, nor since. I BELIEVE that I am healed. So, now it's your turn. Let the DIALOGUE begin: What has God healed you of? To the point that you know with 100% certainty that it was God and ONLY God who healed you. Talk to me! Til next time...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Finding my Inner "Naturalista"

So...what's new? I'll go first. Twelve days ago I decided to get rid of my hair. I just hopped in a barber's chair and said, "take it off." He did. So far I really like it. It's the first time in my life (at least that I can remember) that I've worn my hair short AND natural. No chemicals. No heat. Just MY hair the way God grows it. I gotta admit, I was a little nervous about how this would turn out because my natural hair sits at the intersection of "nappy" and "not so nappy." But I decided that nappy or not, this is MY hair, and I have to embrace it because it's a part of me. And here we are. With leave-in conditioner and some good oil, it leans more toward the side of "not so nappy." But when that stuff dries up...WATCH OUT! I look like a "Soul Train Flashback." So there you have it. I've posted the before and after pics so that you can get a feel for what a drastic change this was for me. I'm not stressin' though. It's just hair. It'll either grow back, or it won't. No biggie. So now it's YOUR turn. Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is the most drastic thing you've ever done to YOUR hair? Talk to me! Til next time...