Oh well...here goes nothin'.
Before I share my weirdness, I'll as YOU the question: Have you given thought to where your BODY will go after you die? Do you want to be buried (in the ground), buried (in a wall tomb), cremated? If cremated, do you want to be couped up in an urn to sit on top of your family's fireplace, or do you want your ashes scattered atop a mountain or into the ocean? Just some things to think about.
Well, as for ME...I want none of the above.
I don't want to be "buried" because I HATE coffins. Everytime I see one I wonder how anybody could ever breathe in one of those things. And on top of that, it's gotta go six feet into the ground with dirt thrown on top...SIX FEET! NO THANK YOU.
Being buried inside a wall is no better. You're still trapped in that airless coffin and sealed...IN A WALL. Ummm, I'll pass.
Then there's CREMATION. No way Jose! Not for this chick. I REALLY don't wanna be stuck in an oven and roasted to a crisp. Ouch, ouch, ouch...TOO hot!
So...for ME...here's what I want.
I want to be wrapped up in a biodegradable bag and then taken out to sea...7 miles, 14 miles, 21 miles...any increment of seven miles out...and then TOSS ME OVERBOARD.
Yes! Just like that. I just wanna float with the ocean for as long as I'm able. If I end up sinking, that's ok. If some sea creature comes along and eats me for lunch, that's ok. I just don't wanna be stuck in the ground and I don't wanna be roasted in an oven. NO NO NO!!!
So yeah, I get that it's weird, but then again, why should I be any normal in death than I ever was in life. I've always been a bit of a "free thinker", and these are my "free thoughts" on what I want done with my body after I die.
Oh, and for the sake of a homegoing service, I guess folks will need somewhere to put me for that, so how 'bout RENTING a casket, just for that purpose and then return if afterward. And do NOT stick me in a dress. Absolutely NO!
I wish to be buried, laid to rest, whatever you wanna call it, in BLUE JEANS and a BROWN T-shirt. If shoes are necessary, then stick me in sandals or flip-flops. But by NO MEANS do I wanna be buried in a "church lady dress". NO WAY!!! I wanna go in what I loved in LIFE. Jeans, t-shirt, sandals/flip-flops.
So there ya have it. Pretty specific, ain't it. Well, sometimes, and for matters as important as these, a person HAS to be specific.
Oh, and lastly...none of that "life saving measures" mess. If ever I need to be "plugged in" in order to keep "living", my wish is to be "unplugged" after 7 days...SEVEN...that's it. If you unplug me and I go home to be with the Lord, then so let it be. And if I'm unplugged and am able to resume life at the same quality that I had BEFORE the plugs, then so let that be too.
If I need to be fed, changed, bathed, can't communicate, etc...well, we're gonna have to work somethin' out 'cause that's not gonna work for this girl.
I hope this post wasn't too much of a downer, but let's face it...we are ALL gonna go ONE DAY. Ideally, I wanna be "caught up" when Jesus comes back to get His people, but just in case that doesn't happen before I'm called Home, then everything mentioned above is what needs to be.
Oh, and most important is this: I get that NONE of this "after-death" stuff should even matter because my soul will be in Heaven and I will have NO IDEA whether my wishes were honored. In Heaven, there is no looking back

Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's YOUR "after-death" housing plan?
Talk to me!
Til next time...