Well...that's about where I am today. Not so much "angry", but frustrated by what I've been reading...and I just couldn't take it anymore, so here I am.
Most of this country (and probably in places across the globe) are aware of the heinous act of hatred that took place last week in South Carolina. Since that horrific incident, many of the victims' families have spoken out, and expressed FORGIVENESS toward the monster who committed the crime.
When I heard those family members speak, I remember thinking to myself, "They get it. As followers of Christ, they are doing EXACTLY what they have been commanded to do. God is well pleased." Yes...that was my thought. What so many folks are not understanding is that, just because these families have extended forgiveness, doesn't make them weak, doesn't mean that they didn't love those whose lives were taken in that horrific act of violence, doesn't mean that they condone what the monster did (I REFUSE to mention his name!) It simply means that they don't just READ the Word of God, but they LIVE it. That's HUGE!!! So many Christians...in fact...TOO MANY Christians, are just flippin' through the pages. Not these people. They are more than just "hearers of the Word", they are "DOERS".
When I heard their statements, I stopped and thought, "Would I do the same? Could I do the same?" The answers to both of those questions for me, are YES. Would it be easy? OF COURSE NOT!!! But would I, could I? YES.
How? You might ask.
Why? You might ask.
My answer: Because of Christ. Plain and simple.
As His follower, I must forgive as I expect to be forgiven. That's what it says in God's Word.
Then there are those who say, "You don't know WHAT you would do, until you are in that situation." Yeah yeah...I've read that a zillion times since last week's tragedy. I pray that I will never be put in that situation, yet...if I am going to trust in God's Word...ALL OF IT, then I would HAVE to forgive. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
Am I a perfect Christian? Nope. Far from it.
Do a live my life to every letter of God's Word. Not hardly. In fact, I miss the mark DAILY.
But am I accountable for what God's Word says and how I am to apply it to my life, YES!
Here's the thing...No, I have never suffered (directly or indirectly) from such an act as what happened last week, but if I did (and again, I pray that I'll never have to), I know what I must do.
My flesh would not want to forgive, but my Spirit knows that I must. For two reasons: One, because (I know I'm about to sound like a broken record), God's Word COMMANDS me to, and Two, because holding on to such hatred, anger and bitterness will only eat ME up inside. I know a lot of folks who are holding on to negativity for far lesser reasons, and although they don't even realize it, I can see it eating away at them. They're angry all the time...belligerent all the time...want to argue all the time. Where is the JOY in that?!? Me, I have too much living to do...too much JOY to experience. There is NO WAY that I would allow that monster to rob me of my joy...absolutely NO WAY!
Now I completely understand how folks who don't believe in Christ can say that they would never, could never forgive such an act. I get that completely, because THAT is the way of the world. So it only makes sense to react as "the world" would react. Christians are "not of this world", so we are to act accordingly.
Would I be angry if someone brutally murdered (or even injured) one of my friends or family members? YES, of course. I would be angry, sad, want the same kind of harm (or worse) to come to the perpetrator, but...will harboring all of that negativity bring my friend or family member back? Will it heal their wounds? NO. It will simply lead ME to a very sad, slow, bitter death. That's just not the way that I choose to live the days that God gives me. If it's the way that YOU choose to live YOUR life, then knock yourself out. As for me...I choose FORGIVENESS and JOY.
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: For my Christian brothers and sisters, would you forgive? Could you forgive? Do you think that you could but maybe just not this soon? How long would it take? What if you die before you forgive?

Talk to me!
Til next time...