Sometimes God speaks in whispers.
Sometimes God speaks in shouts.
Sometimes He takes what seems like forever to answer a prayer.
Sometimes He answers as soon as the prayer is said.
Today God answered a prayer that I prayed long ago, and He answered in shout.
For the past few years my church has been "going through some things" if you will. As a result, many members have left the church. As I've watched people leave I've asked God, "Is it time for me to go. If so, tell me. Otherwise, I'm gonna stay put until you tell me otherwise".
Today, He told me that it's time to go.
I was coming off of a rough 3 days and walked into the church "broken". It's a wonder that I went at all, but I know that if there's anyway to pull myself out of this slump I needed to hear God's word. So off to church I went.
As soon as I walked in (hadn't even taken my seat yet), I was told about something that I had done wrong and how I had gotten someone else in trouble for MY mistake. As if I didn't feel bad enough walking in, I felt even worse at that moment.
I finally took my seat and did all that I could to keep from crying during the entire service. Tears fell, but I stopped as many as I could. Then, right then and there I had wrote my membership letter of resignation. Just like that. After 18+ years of membership, this was going to be my last church service at the place where I had called my "church home". Wow!
When service ended I gave my letter to the chairman of the Deacon Board, gave him a hug, he told me "to always keep my hand in God's hand", and off I went.
I got in my car and drove away realizing that I am now "church home-less". I no longer have a "church home".
What will I do now?
Visit other churches until God leads me to where He wants me to be. Although I will greatly miss my Pastor, his preaching and his teaching, I can honestly say that I will not miss some of the church members. Some of them were mean, just downright mean.
Mind you, there are probably mean church members wherever I go. But for now, I've had enough of the meanness from this particular group of folks. Nevertheless, I wish them well.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever left a church where you had been a member? If so, why?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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