* I cried out for help and was heard. For that, I am truly blessed.

** Had lunch with my 7th grade English teacher.
*** Found a beautiful horse along the walking trail in my neighborhood (with "Joe"). Touched the horse (my first time EVER), and fed the horse apples (also a first).
**** Got my first pair of Adidas running shoes (courtesy of "Joe")
***** A bird made a nest RIGHT OUTSIDE MY FRONT DOOR, and has been "nesting" on two beautiful little eggs. I'm so excited to see the little "hatchlings."
****** I went on an interview (I've actually been on a few) and was told that "my personality wasn't a good fit for that particular office." What exactly does THAT mean?!?
******* I went on a BEAUTIFUL hike. Thought I was gonna pass out since I'm now carrying 30+ pounds more on my frame than I did the last time I hiked.
That's about it for now. Pretty much the "Cliff's Notes" version of what's gone on with me lately. I've got some other stuff to share, but I'll get to that when I get to it.
For now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's been going on in YOUR world lately?
Talk to me!
Til next time...