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Let the DIALOGUE Begin!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Over the Riverand Through the Woods

Well folks, here we are again. Another Sunday, and another Sunday that I have visited a church during my "Season of Visitation."

I enjoyed service where I worshipped today (which was also where I worshipped last Sunday.)

The church was quite welcoming, warm, friendly...and far. I think it's the farthest church I've visited yet. I just "Google Mapped" it and the distance was 32.8 miles from my home.

Aside from the fact that the message was good, (the theme was Transformation to Triumph with each of the past 3 weeks focusing on a different area of focus. The first week was, prayer. Last week was thinking. And this week was Holy living. All based on Philippians 4:1-9), I enjoyed the fact that the church's congregation is predominantly Black while the location of the church is in Orange County, which is far from being predominantly Black.

This church ended up in my "bowl" because "Joe's" brother goes there. Plus, I've heard the Pastor on the radio a few times so always knew that I wanted to visit even before knowing that Joe's brother attends.

I saw Joe's brother last week during the "Meet & Greet" portion of the service. He asked what I was doing, "way out there." I told him I was visiting...which I was.

I saw him again today (he actually greeted the visitors), but we didn't speak this time. Didn't want him to think I'm "stalking."

All in all I enjoyed the experience. I especially admire all of the work that they do in the urban communities. Although the church is located in Orange County, they do LOTS of service in areas outside of Orange County. I think that's highly commendable and exactly what Christ would want.

So, in case you're curious and would like to pay them a visit, the church was Christ Our Redeemer in Irvine. I urge you to stop by if you're in the neighborhood.

That's all for now. I look forward to where God will have me go in a couple weeks. I'll keep ya posted

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the farthest distance you've eve driven to church?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Penny (or more) For Your Thoughts

Last Saturday I had a book club meeting to attend but didn't want to drive my car due to issues that I'll write about on another day.

In order to get to the meeting via public transportation I needed to take two buses, a train, and then one more bus. No biggie. With my TAP card, I can get anywhere...and I do.

As I exited the last bus and began walking to the park where the meeting was being held I happened to notice something shiny in the grass.

I focused in on the shiny thing and noticed that it was a dime. A dime. Cool. I actually found a dime earlier today as well. But...we're not talking about today...we're talking about last Saturday.

I bent down to pick up the dime, thanked God for "the find" as I always do, and noticed a quarter near the dime. Then I spotted two more dimes, two nickels and a penny. SIXTY SIX CENTS all together!

I was baffled by finding this much change so close together.

I walk often so I'm used to finding a nickel here or a dime there, but never have they all been TOGETHER before.

Finding all that change Saturday gave me a sweet memory of my Grammy. She and I took evening walks everyday during the summers of my childhood, especially after her heart surgeries when she walked to regain her strength. I loved those walks! We would talk, laugh, and have contests to see who could find the most change along the way. Some days I won. Some days Grammy won. Even on the days when Grammy won, I was still a winner because we were together and I loved every moment spent with her. My Grammy was my very first best friend.

Oh how I miss her...her laugh...and the beautiful music she played on her organ. I'd watch her fingers glide across the keys while her feet gracefully pressed on the floor pedals.

Hernando's Hideaway, If I Were a Rich Man, and Blessed Assurance were my favorite songs. She would play them for me any time I asked.

With that said...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the most amount of money you've ever found while out walking? I once found a ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL in a street gutter. It was a little muddy, it spent just the same as a clean one would've.

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Snapdragons to Orchids

When I was little I spent some summers visiting family in Ohio.

All these years later I still have fond memories of "lighting bugs" that came out at night and were captured in a jar...and snapdragons.

I loved the way that the "mouth" of the snapdragon opened and I would stick my finger in.

As an adult, I still like snapdragons, but new favorite flower is the orchid.

I love orchids because they last for a quite a long time.

I love orchids because of their intricate detail.

I love orchids because the require very little maintenance.

I simply LOVE orchids.

A few days ago I spotted some orchids and decided to "treat myself" and get them. I am so glad I did. They are flourishing so nicely which brings me joy because it means that they are "happy" here in my presence.

Something this pretty should be shared so I've shared a pic here with you. Hope you like it. If you click on the pic you can really see the detail that I'm talkin' 'bout. Ga' on it!

How 'bout we Let the DIALOGUE begin: and you tell me...what's YOUR favorite flower?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

I Matter!

Last night I joined in on a Kingdom Love Letter ministry call not knowing what to expect...not really sure if I was expecting anything...but simply to support my friend Tonia in her Ruth & Boaz in the Meantime Ministries as she was the guest.

In a nutshell, the call was about relationships, being single, and what to do while you are single yet desiring to be in a relationship. Simple answer: Seek and Serve God. Make HIM the priority...NOT the search for a partner.

The call went on for over an hour and I attentively listened, soaking up as much knowledge as I could. When it comes to relationships, I have failed at them ALL. Hence the reason why I am STILL SINGLE. Not by choice, because my desire is to be in a MARRIAGE blessed by God. However God is waiting for me to be obedient to Him and get myself together.

Although the majority of the callers were female, I was grateful for the one or two men who joined in. As a woman, I always welcome a man's viewpoint because it helps me understand where they're coming from. I think that's important for relationships as well as basic day-to-day interactions. We need to be able to understand each other.

So I listened, listened, and listened some more until just before the call ended and the host asked if anyone had any questions or comments. I finally spoke up, shared what was on my ever-so-heavy-heart, and in return received a prophetic word of encouragement.

The call ended and my spirit was lifted. I spent time processing what was said to me and asking God to reveal to me what it all means.

This morning, Tonia let me know that her brother (who was one of the men on the call...maybe the only man, I'm not 100% sure), was praying for me. WOW!

I can not begin to tell you how much that warmed my heart. To know that somewhere out there, a MAN is actually praying FOR ME. Although he doesn't know me personally, just from my brief comment on the call, he determined that I am special, valuable, precious to God.

He may be the ONLY man who has ever prayed for me. If not the only one in times past...he is most assuredly the ONLY one praying for me NOW. As much as I would love to have MANY men praying for me as their way of saying, "You are special. You are needed. You Matter," and would especially want the man who loves me (whenever he shows up in my life) to pray for me even this moment in time, I am ever-so-grateful for the ONE. One man's prayers are exponentially greater than the prayers of NONE.

With that said, Let the DIALOGUE begin: For all the men out many women are YOU praying for today? And  do they know? I can assure you that it will absolutely put a smile on their faces to know that YOU are praying for THEM.

Talk to me...

Til next time!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

I Pray for You, You Pray for Me...and Watch God Change Things!

Some time last year I saw a fantastic movie called War Room about a woman's firm belief in the power of prayer. I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it yet, but I will say that I left that movie feeling inspired. My faith in prayer had been strengthened.

Unlike the woman in the movie who had an actual ROOM where she would write, and keep her prayer requests to God...I live in a teeny tiny apartment and there simply are no "extra" rooms. There's not even an "extra" closet.

Still...I wanted to do what the woman in the movie did. I wanted to WRITE my requests to God and be able to VISIBLY see them. This would serve two purposes. ONE...the requests would more easily stay at the forefront of my mind (especially for folks who I am praying on behalf's so important for me to keep them at the forefront of my mind), and allows me to easily see the prayers that God has answered. Y'all do know that He answers prayers, right?

After some thought I decided that the back of my bedroom door would be become my "War Space" where I would tape my prayers.

I did this for about a week and got oddly nervous. For some reason, I became uncomfortable about having my prayers "out there" in the open. Weird...I know. So I decided instead to write them down in a journal. So my "War Room", which had been downsized to a "War Space" was now a "War Journal." Ok. No, not ok.

Here's what happened.

I wrote prayers in my "War Journal" for a while, then stopped. Then I'd start. Then stop. There was no consistency, and I rarely looked back at the prayers I'd written down. Totally defeating the purpose!


Lately I've been having far more "talks with God" than usual. I am in an extremely difficult "season" right now and just don't feel like I hear Him, nor is He hearing me. I don't see Him "moving." THAT's gotta change!

So...last night, or should I say this morning since it was around 1:00 am...I was strongly compelled to write my petitions to God...each one on it's own piece of paper...and tape them to my bedroom WALL.

My pen was smokin'!

Prayer after prayer just started to flow. They weren't ALL requests. Some were prayers of THANKS. I even added some Scriptures as I was led to them. As a result...I now have a "War WALL." WOW!!! And since there are FOUR walls in my room, I just might fill 'em all up.

After I taped the last of last night's prayers I just sat, looked, and read them all. Again, I had another "talk with God" letting Him know that I have done my part by making my requests known. Now I wait in expectancy, KNOWING that I serve a God who can not fail, and is able to do abundantly above all that I can ask or think. In other words, God's Got This!

I woke up this morning, looked over at my wall, read my daily Word, then read each and every prayer. It felt great. I could feel a shift.

I now look forward to checking off those prayers as they are by one...not in my chronos time, but in His kairos time. His timing is always perfect.

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Is there something I can pray for on your behalf? I would be honored to add your request to my "War Wall."

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." - James 5:16

Talk to me!

Til next time...