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Let the DIALOGUE Begin!

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Out With The Old

So here we are...coming to the close of yet another year. A time where many reflect and select areas that they desire to change in the coming year. I, admittedly, am no different.

I won't bore you with ALL of the things that I desire to change in the coming year, however I will share this ONE, since it pertains to my lovely blog The Dialogue Den.

Gotta tell ya...there have been sooo many times when I've wanted to just let the ink run out of the pen and say, "no more," with regard to the blog. I mean...I've been at this for 6 years now, with over 690 posts, and it just hasn't taken off quite the way I had expected it to. Clearly, somethin's gotta change.

I've wondered if perhaps I should change the name from The Dialogue Den (since very few folks actually engage in DIALOGUE with me), to The Monologue Minute. Not sure if that's already taken, but it would more accurately describe the majority of my posts.

Either way...keep the name...change the thing's for sure...I will NOT stop writing. Not here at the blog, nor elsewhere (with regard to the books I'm writing.)

I read a quote a while back that said:
"The worst thing you write is better than the best thing you did not write."

That pretty much summed it up for me. After all...I may not be the BEST writer who ever put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), but I am darned sure not the worst. And because my posts are as random as the kajillion thoughts that float around in my brain...some days I may write something that's "right on your street." And other days, I may write something that appears to be from a completely different planet. To that I simply say...keep reading...PLEASE (and thank you.)

Earlier this year I set a goal to write 366 posts in 2016. Well...goals are meant to be met, yet sometimes we miss. I missed. I wrote 169 posts this year. But...what happens when we miss a goal? We set a NEW one.'ve probably already guessed that my goal for 2017 is to write 367 posts. Can I do it? Of course!

And that brings me to the photo that's posted here today.

A few weeks ago, my youngest daughter Jordan, held a toy drive for charity. In addition to spoken word artists who performed, there were also vendors (many of them around my daughter's age...early to mid 20s), selling their goods.

As much as I wished I could have purchased something from everyone, I had to be thoughtful in my decision as I had very little money and wanted to by something that would "speak to me." When I saw this beanie from The Drew League, the four words didn't just speak to me...they SCREAMED.

Yes, 2016 hit me with some MAJOR blows that I didn't expect. Yes, I am still trying to recover from them now. No...everything won't be "rainbows and butterflies" when the clock strikes midnight tonight. I will STILL be recovering from the blows of 2016. BUT...I can't let those blows stop me...or even slow me down. I can't use LAST year's troubles as an EXCUSE for this coming year not being all that should, and WILL be. LAST year (meaning 2016) will not stop me from PRODUCING in 2017. Instead, I will let the hard lessons learned from 2016 guide me toward BETTER, and more WISE decisions in 2017. And whenever I start falling into those "woe is me moments,"  I will remember the words on this beanie:

Now it's YOUR turn. Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a motto for the coming year? If so, let's hear it.
Talk to me!
Til next time...



Friday, December 30, 2016

From Cover to Cover

2016 will soon come to a close and as I reflect on the events of this year, all I can say is:


Many things went wrong in 2016. Some by my own doing (which I am diligently working to repair) and others that were simply out of my control.

One area where I know I need to improve was that regarding the amount of time I spent with God in His Word. Yes, there were stretches where I was consistent and did alright, but I was not "365 days consistent." That is what I want in 2017.

I need to HEAR from God DAILY (through His Word), and He needs to hear from me DAILY (through PRAYER.)

Perhaps if I had done more of both, CONSISTENTLY, I wouldn't be in the situation I am in now. are two daily Bibles that I have attempted to get through for the past few years. My goal is to read one first thing each morning, and the other some time each evening.

God's Word is important to me and I need to start SHOWING Him instead of just TELLING Him. Isn't that how all SUCCESSFUL relationships SHOWING and not just TELLING?

My relationship with God (by way of His Son, Jesus) is the MOST IMPORTANT relationship I have. I need to SHOW Him that I am serious and not just giving "lip service."

So there ya have it. I am greatly looking forward to a consistent year with God and His Word.

How 'bout you?

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever read the Bible from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21? If not, I invite you to join in with me. We can grow in the Lord TOGETHER.

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Thursday, December 22, 2016


This morning during my daily Bible devotion I read 1 Peter 4:9 which reads (from the NLT translation):

"Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay."

That was a real eye-opener for me and it got me to wondering just how many folks there are in my life who would actually allow me to stay in their homes (for a brief time, of course.)

I wondered because my current situation may lead me to that come January 1st. I honestly don't know how I am going to pay my rent which means that I will have to move. Move where? I have no idea. I don't even know where all of my stuff is supposed to go. Until I get a job (which I am diligently seeking DAILY), I won't be able to get a new place.

I know that I would be an exceptional "visitor." I would be sure to be up and out EARLY (probably to the nearest library) where I could continue my job search, and would only return in the evening to shower and sleep. Repeating the same routine the next day.

I wouldn't even eat any food where I'm staying because I don't want to be any more of a burden than I already would be by showering and sleeping there. I would make my presence known as little as possible.

I pray that it doesn't come down to all that, but just in's really got me wondering. Who, if anyone, would open their doors to me?

Most folks would agree that I am a fairly decent person. Unfortunately, I just happen to be at a stage in my life where everything has unraveled. I know that eventually things will be nicely tied together's just gonna take me a little more time. I'm trying though. Lord knows I'm trying.

So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever let someone (non-relative) stay in your home until they were able to get back on their feet?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

K.S. Phone Home

Yesterday on Facebook I posted the following:
Tomorrow will be a better day. I hope. I pray.

Unfortunately, today was worse.

I have a whole lot going on in my life but the worst right now is not knowing the whereabouts and well-being of a very close friend. He has simply fallen off the radar. His phone goes straight to voicemail...not just when I call, but when anyone calls...and I haven't heard from him since Sunday evening which is HIGHLY unusual.

My prayer is that he has simply "gone off the grid" for a bit to clear his head and will resurface tonight, or tomorrow at the latest.

My worst fear is so bad that I don't even want to put it in writing. My worst fear simply can not be.

So, what am I gonna do?

I imagine that the only thing left to do is to hope and pray again that tomorrow will be a better day. I hope. I pray.

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever had someone close to you suddenly disappear? If so, how long did it take for them to re-appear?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Monday, December 12, 2016

Happy Heavenly Birthday!

Today is my Mom's 66th birthday which she is celebrating in Heaven (if birthdays are even celebrated there.)

She had 63 "Earthly birthdays," and shortly before her 64th the Lord took her home.

Every year on this day I find myself wondering just what exactly do folks do in Heaven on birthdays. Maybe birthdays are just like any other day there. And maybe, just maybe...days aren't days at all. I have no idea what TIME is even like in Heaven.

Anyhoo...pictured here are where her remains lay. I never thought they'd be here in MY home. I was fine with having them at my Dad's place...but recent circumstances called for the urn to be relocated. it is, and inside...there she is (at least the physical parts.)

Thankfully, I know that the true essence of my Mom can never be contained in a jar. Her soul now dwells in Heaven, full and in tact. Knowing that gives me great joy, and one of these good ol' days...I'll be right there along side of her.

With regard to MY physical remains...I would love to have my corpse placed on a bed of logs to be set afire and pushed out to sea. I find that to be the most beautiful way to lay one to rest. Legally I know it's not possible, but if it were...that's how I'd wanna be "sent off."

Nevertheless...I digress.

I said a little prayer today and asked God to give my Momma an extra special hug on this...her extra special day.

Happy 66th Birthday Mom! I love and miss you!!

Now (deep breath in)...Let the DIALOGUE begin: I know it's morbid to think about, would you like for your body to be disposed of once it's time?

Talk to me!

Til nex time...

Monday, December 5, 2016

What's Your Flavor?

A couple days ago I was hankerin' for a "sweet treat." Whenever that happens I tend to find myself at Rite Aid for a scoop (or two) of some good ol' Thrifty's ice cream. Tastes good and it's way cheaper than Baskin-Robbins.

As I stood at the counter waiting for someone to come assist (there's never anyone readily available), I thought about getting my usual...either Pecan Praline or Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
Seems like it was taking longer than normal for someone to arrive which gave me time to check out some of the other flavors.

Didn't take long before I spotted one that made me smile...Rainbow Sherbet, which by the way...if you are anything like me, gets pronounced Sher-bert...even though there's only ONE "r".

Anyhoo...I digress.

The sherbet made me smile because it immediately reminded me of my Mom.

Three days before she passed away, I walked into her room and found her in tears. She knew that she didn't have many days left here on earth and was wishing that God would just " hurry up already." Yes, for this, she was quite distraught.

As I tried to calm her down, the dietician came in and noticed my Mom crying. He thought that maybe having something to eat would make her feel better. though a whole list of choices, yet nothing he mentioned sounded appealing to her and she decided that she didn't want anything at all.

Then he took a different approach and asked her what she would like to have if she could have anything at all.

My Mom's eyes lit up and she said, "Rainbow Sherbet."

I heard that and thought, "Great. Like they've really got THAT here. Now she's gonna cry again."


Much to my surprise, the dietician said, "Miss Rebecca, I'll be right back."

Not five minutes later, he walked back in with a single scoop of Rainbow Sherbet in a cup. I wish I had taken a picture of my Mom's face when she saw it. Her whole countenance changed.

I sat by her side as she ate ever so slowly, savoring every bite, almost as if she knew it would be her last time tasting. We talked, she ate. We talked, she ate.

I left that evening knowing that her tears had stopped (if only momentarily), and she enjoyed that sherbet as if it were the best thing she'd ever eaten.

So after seeing Rainbow Sherbet in the ice cream case at Rite Aid, I knew immediately what my choice would be. I asked for a single scoop in a cup, and had quite the giggle when the cup was handed to me with a SMILING scoop of sherbet (pictured) staring at me. I knew right then and there that I had most definitely made the right choice.

I savored every bite remembering how my Mom did the very same.

Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's YOUR favorite flavor of ice cream?

Talk to me!

Til next time...