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Let the DIALOGUE Begin!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Til We Meet Again... we are. The 700th Dialogue Den blog post and...THE LAST.

I've had a good run here at my sweet lil blog. I've sometimes thought of it as my 4th child. Never really giving it the attention it deserved. Often hearing it call out to me if I'd gone too long without writing.

My first post back on June 20, 2010 took a lot of courage for me to not only WRITE, but POST for all the world to see.

Unfortunately, things never quite took off the way I had anticipated. I envisioned oodles of comments with each post with DIALOGUE flowing like water. Most times my posts were simply MONOLOGUES and ever so often one...maybe two people would "talk to me." For those reasons I feel that it is now simply time for me to pursue other avenues of writing. But don't you fret. If I'm not going to be writing HERE, I will definitely be writing SOMEWHERE. Writing for me is as important as air. It's a part of me. It's who I am. So there's no way that I would ever simply STOP.

Does the fact that my blog never reached the heights that I had expected mean that I failed? Certainly not! The only failure would have been in never creating the blog. Not only did I create it, but I stuck with it for over 6 years and 700 posts. Not too shabby if I must say so myself.

To the 212 folks on Facebook who 'like' The Dialogue Den's page, I extend to you the very warmest of heartfelt THANKS and GRATITUDE. Each one of you made me feel that my writing actually mattered. That's all that any artist wants. That's all that any individual wants. To know that what they are doing MATTERS.

So what will I do now?

I'm glad you asked.

I feel a strong pull to truly focus on the BOOKS I've been wanting to write for YEARS.

Quite interestingly...God has allowed me to go through some MAJOR experiences over the past few years (things I never would have imagined), and I truly believe that He allowed them so that I could WRITE about them. I'm afraid that if I don't, He may take my gift away. I certainly don't want that. So I'd better get to writing!

To each and every one of you reading this, whether it be today, tomorrow or months and years down the line...know that I LOVE YOU, and Jesus loves you more. Always remember that. May God bless us ALL!


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Temporarily Temporary

Some time ago I heard the story of "The Drowning Man." It went like this:

"A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.
Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, 'Jump in, I can save you.'
The stranded fellow shouted back, 'No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me.'
So the rowboat went on.
Then a motorboat came by. The fellow in the motorboat shouted, 'Jump in, I can save you.'
To this the stranded man said, 'No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.'
So the motorboat went on.
Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, 'Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety.'
To this the stranded man again replied, 'No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.'
So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.
Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, 'I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!'
To this God replied, 'I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?'"

Now I'm not one to say that I am the "perfect" Christian (especially since I never WILL be), or even the most "mature" Christian (because I'm not). I have many flaws and am a continual "work in progress." However...I will say that I am a wee bit smarter than "The Drowning Man." 

Many who know me aware of my unemployment situation and my diligent search to find new employment. I have applied for more jobs than I can count and have met with several of the local staffing agencies. I've been on numerous interviews only to hear," Well...we still have more candidates to interview so...we'll let you know." That's code for, "Thanks for coming in. This concludes our interview process with you."

I've gotta tell's been extremely discouraging and I was really beginning to believe that there must be something wrong with me.

Sunday before I left for church I posted the following on my Facebook page:

As you head to church this morning, please add me to your prayers and/or your church prayer list. Pray (in the name of Jesus) that I am offered a job THIS WEEK. Not just an interview, but an actual Full-Time JOB OFFER. I need to hear the words, "Can you start tomorrow?"
Even ask your fellow members if they know of any IMMEDIATE job opportunities if you will.
Please and Thank you!

Well...praise be to God...I heard those words TODAY!!! And I start working TOMORROW!

Now here's the thing. It's only a temporary assignment for now, lasting 3-4 weeks. And the pay isn't nearly what I was making at my previous job.'s SOMETHING...which is 100% MORE than what's been coming in for the past few months, which has been ZERO. My goal is to get in there and "WOW" them with my awesomeness so that they'll want to keep me on for longer, or just outright offer me the opportunity to stay permanently, and at a higher pay rate. That is the hope and the prayer.

Of course, I know that there are no guarantees, so my search for Full-Time Permanent employment will still continue, because ultimately THAT is what I need.

I said all that to say this though. Some folks may have passed up this opportunity because it's short term, and the money's not what it should be. But I believe that this job was God's way of sending a "rowboat".'s not a luxury liner...but it's enough to keep me safe until something bigger and better comes along. Without this "rowboat" that God has sent my way, I would've surely drowned.

The money that I will make from this temporary assignment will probably be just enough for me to pay March's rent. Of course, being able to pay for more would be WONDERFUL, but as long as I can keep a roof over my head, I am thankful. The phone, lights, food, and everything else are secondary. Keeping my humble lil apartment is first and foremost.

So right now I simply pause to thank God again. I thank Him for what He's already done, and I thank Him in advance for what He WILL do.

For all who have prayed for me, and with me...THANK  YOU! I appreciate you ALL!!

That's it for tonight. No DIALOGUE needed. Just wanted to share my good news, and the goodness of God.

Til next time...

Monday, February 6, 2017

From MY Lips to GOD's Ears

Not too long ago one of my fellow church members posted this prayer. It resonated with me strongly then, and still does now. It's simply too good not to share, it is:

"Prayer: LORD, when it seems that You are slow to act or that You
will not come to my rescue in time, help
me have patience and faith,
trusting in Your unfailing love and the certainty of Your promises.
Circumstances may feel hopeless or be
overwhelming today, however, I
am grateful for Your assurance that they
will not remain that way. I
will rely upon Your promises because You
never fail to fulfill Your
word. In Jesus' name, Amen."

That's all I've got today. I think that's enough.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you believe in the power of prayer?

Talk to me (and especially talk to God. He hears, and He His own time)!

Til next time...

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Sadness of Super Bowl Sunday

Today is "Super Bowl Sunday" and it's been a bit of a bummer for me.

First off...MY team, the Pittsburgh Steelers weren't in it. They got close, but not close enough. Nevertheless...I still love my STEELERS.

Adding to that...I've heard over the years that Super Bowl Sunday is the day of the year with the highest number of domestic violence instances.

And then...just recently, the issue of human sex trafficking was brought to my attention, and the fact that many young girls (some boys too, but primarily girls), have been "groomed" for weeks so that they could provide "services" to those who traveled to Houston this weekend for the game.

Yes...while many were tuned in to the television, cheering for one team or another to win...some young girl was being sexually abused by a pervert. Harsh words? Yes. But there's absolutely NO WAY to sugar-coat the sexual abuse of CHILDREN (or anyone for that matter, but especially CHILDREN).

So yeah...what was a celebratory day for most actually weighed quite heavy on this heart of mine. Throughout the day I found myself uttering prayers for those who are with abusers (note that I did not specifically say WOMEN because I know that men are often abused as well...although I doubt that the numbers are as high for men as they are for women), and for the youth in Houston, the United States, and around the globe. Human sex trafficking is a WORLDWIDE issue and should be EVERYONE'S concern.

Now if you're anything like me when I first found out about this despicable travesty, then you're either saying, "Well what can I do to help?" or "How can I help?"

Here's how.

Support organizations such as Forgotten Children. Contact them to find out what YOU can do to make a difference. Or, support them FINANCIALLY. Everything counts. Everything helps.

Ok. So enough of me being "Debbie Downer."

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Were you rooting for anyone in today's game?

Talk to me (only if you were rooting for the Falcons)!

Til next time...

Friday, February 3, 2017


Today has been another tough one. Really tough.

If I were a person who believed in curses I would say that one has been cast upon me.

Thankfully though, I do not believe in curses, yet I understand that life is full of trials. In that regard I feel as though I have my share along with many extras.

This morning as I was preparing to go to an interview I made a call in an effort to lessen my financial burden as I have NO income and simply can not handle things as I should at this time. Unfortunately, instead of the call working in my favor, it worked completely against me and I am now in a worse spot than before I made the call. Talk about a sucker-punch!

Although things seem to be going from bad to worse for me, I still praise God...EVERYDAY, and throughout the day. I don't know why all of these negative things are happening to me as they are but I do know that none of them are happening without God's knowledge, so I have to hold on to my faith and know that He is working things out. I don't see how yet, but I TRUST that He is.

I wonder though about those curses. I mean...I believe wholeheartedly in BLESSINGS, so how is it that I can believe in one and not the other. Is that even possible? I dunno. My spirit feels better in knowing that there are (and will be) trials...and on the flip-side are blessings. That just works better for me.

Anyway...continue to pray for me (in the name of Jesus) if you will, that I receive a BREAKTHROUGH soon. I need one (or more) in a mighty might way. Y'all just don't know!

Well...back I go to my job search, although I pray that this afternoon's interview turns into a job offer. Gosh, I sound like a broken record because I have said that about EVERY interview I've gone on. I'm trying hard not to believe that there is something "wrong with me." Yet the thought keeps coming up as I interview for position after position with no offers being made yet.

Is it my hair?
I wear it natural, but very neatly styled.

Is it my size?
I'm a "big girl."

Is it my age?
I'm older than the folks who've interviewed me, by at least 10 years. I can tell.

Is it my race?
I'm Black.

I wonder.

I mean, it can't be my lack of experience because I have decades worth of corporate sales/customer service experience under my belt.

I am articulate, professional, and personable.

So what can the problem be? It's not like I'm applying and not getting calls. No...I get called in for interviews and then the process just falls into the toilet from there. I  just don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Maybe y'all can help me out.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you know of any companies who are right now, as in IMMEDIATE need?

 My experience is in:
  • Inside Sales
  • Account Management
  • Sales Support (as accounts with field reps. They handle things on the outside and I handle everything on the inside.)
  • Customer Service
Talk to me (and everyone you know) PLEASE!

Til next time...

Thursday, February 2, 2017

I Got "Got!"

Yesterday evening I was walking home minding my own business, out of nowhere, like magic, appeared a little girl and her mom. The little girls asked if I would like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies. Now I don't know what it is about these innocent lil Girl Scouts, but they have this power that keeps one from saying no.

I knew good and well that I did not need any of those addicting cookies, yet before I could say what I wanted to say, the following words were heard flowing from my mouth, " you have Tagalongs?" You know she did!

I handed over my five bucks and proceeded to head home with my Tagalongs (which are almost gone now.) At this point, the plan is for that to be the ONLY box I purchase for the year. But...we all know that it's still early in "the season," so one can't be too sure about how many more boxes will actually be purchased. With my budget the way that it currently is though...I'm 99.99% certain that that will be the only box

Enough about me though, and my weakness for Tagalongs.

How 'bout you?

Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's YOUR favorite Girl Scout cookie?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Change of Scenery

This morning we turned our calendars to yet another new month: FEBRUARY.

For most, a new month is no big deal. For soon as that calendar changes I start wondering about NEXT MONTH'S RENT and PRAYING that THIS will be the WEEK when I am offered a NEW JOB.

Instead of being overwhelmed by situations that I am diligently trying to change, yet have had no success with as of yet...I decided to "step away from the vehicle" and do something that would take my mind off of ME, and allow me to focus on SOMEONE ELSE, if only for a few hours.

So...I hoped on a bus just before 7 a.m. and headed to the local Meals On Wheels where I helped package meals for those who are unable to prepare their own. WHAT A BLESSING!

Those couple of hours did me sooo much good!

I've always said that if I could be a "professional volunteer," (as in...volunteer DAILY while still being able to pay my bills), THAT'S what I would be. I get so much gratification from helping others. I mean is medicine for my soul. And it gives me a much-needed sense of purpose.

Sitting at home everyday, applying for countless jobs...praying for a positive response yet often receiving just the opposite has truly begun to wear on me. As a result, I could feel myself slipping into that dark place that will only keep me where I've been for the past few months.

Because I am so familiar with that feeling, I now know how to "head it off at the pass." And so...I found myself at the nearest place that would allow me to "make a difference."

Not sure at this point how many times per week I'll be able to volunteer, as the ideal goal is to have my days filled with INTERVIEWS and ultimately A NEW JOB. We shall see.

For now...I'm back home and the search continues. Pray for me please, if you will (in the name of Jesus) that THIS WEEK a job offer will come through. PLEASE!!!

Now before we part, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Which organizations do you like to volunteer with?

Talk to me!

Til next time...