Today is Christmas...the day that Christians celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
Now before I go any further, I want to make it perfectly clear that I am well aware of the fact that Jesus was more than likely NOT actually born on December 25th. I get that! And you know what...it really doesn't matter to me WHAT day He was born. All that I know is that He WAS born. Pick a day...any day. Ok...now you go ahead and celebrate His birth on THAT day. Because at the end of the day, the actual DATE of His birth, just doesn't matter. It just doesn't. People get so caught up on an actual DATE that they miss out on the importance OF the day...His birth.
Every Christmas I find myself asking the same question: Why do we give gifts to EACH OTHER when it's the birth of JESUS we're celebrating?
I mean really...when July 14th rolls around each year, my friends and family don't give gifts to EACH other, they give gifts to ME as July 14th is MY birthday.
Jesus' birthday is the only one that I know of where gifts are given to everyone EXCEPT the person who is being celebrated.
So how 'bout this...how 'bout on this day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus...how 'bout we give HIM something. Now you're probably thinking, "What can I possibly give to Jesus?"
Well, I'm glad you asked.
You can give him your LIFE. After all, He gave HIS for YOU. So it only seems fitting that you would give Him yours in return.
You can do that, can't you? Just nod, and say yes.
Here's all you need to do...talk to God. How? The best way that you know how. Just come from your heart. Speak to Him as you would to a close friend. He's not going to judge you on your words, and there are no wrong words. Just talk to Him...for as little time as you want, or as much time. He has all the time in the world...after all, He created time. He'll never rush you, and when you talk to Him, be assured that you have His attention. Buildings can be crashing down in some other part of the world, natural disasters can be occurring, and while you pray to Him, He is able to give attention to your prayer without distraction. He's just God like that!
So go. Talk to Him. He's waiting.
If you'd like, I can start you off...
"Father God, THANK YOU. Thank you for the ultimate gift that was ever given. Thank you for the gift of Your Son Jesus. Forgive me of my sins. I want Jesus to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior"
You can take it from there.
Whoever you are, wherever you are...may God bless you richly. May the love of Christ dwell in you always. And may you always be thankful for the greatest gift ever given...Jesus...our Lord and our Savior. Through Him, His death, and His resurrection, we now have the promise of dwelling in the house of the LORD forever.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you received Jesus as Lord and Savior? If not, what are you waiting for? He's made it so easy. Don't wait. I BEG you...PLEASE don't wait. Of all the posts I've ever written, this is probably the MOST important. Tomorrow is not promised. Heck the next 5 minutes are not promised. Receive Him now. He's waiting.
God bless you, and Merry Christmas!
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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