This was my Facebook post yesterday:
" tired. tired of our young black men being murdered. whether it's by the hands of an overzealous neighborhood watchman, or an officer responding to a call that was based on false information, or by the hands of each other...i am simply tired. we need you Lord, we need you Lord right now."
No sooner than I posted that, I saw my "friend" count go down. Happens all the time. When I post about Jesus, the count goes down. When I post about issues that trouble me, the count goes down. Do I care? I most certainly do NOT.
I look at it this way...if someone UN-friends me because of my relationship with Christ, or because of my concern over matters that affect the community...then that person really didn't know me well at all. Because those who REALLY know me, know that I am all about Christ, and community issues. the "friend" who UNfriended me...I don't even know who you are...I used to check, but it happens so often now that I simply don't bother. you, whoever you were...I wish you well, and pray that my Lord and Savior JESUS, will bless you richly.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Is there anything that you post about that causes you to lose "friends"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
To and Through

So...I'm still on the job search. Or should I say...CAREER search. And it's starting to become a wee bit disheartening. Nevertheless, I press forward.
This career switch thingy-ma-bob has really become more than I bargained for, yet I feel like I've come too far to turn back. Because the minute I turn back is when my dream will tap me on the shoulder and say, "Pssst...look behind you. If you had just taken two more steps...or waited two more days...or...", you get the idea. My dream will be RIGHT there, and I will have missed it because I turned back.
So I'm waiting patiently and have learned to think very creatively outside the box. In my world, I don't even think that the box exists any more.
My letters to potential employers have become quite unorthodox, but in this economy and with my goal set on getting the career that matches my passion, I've really had to start doing what I've never done before.
Haven't gotten any responses yet, but that's the nature of the game, right?
So in case you haven't read any of my past posts, the bottom line is this: I've worked in corporate sales for the majority of my professional career. I'm currently unemployed (have been since July) and I now want to move into the career that matches my intended purpose...a career that will allow me to serve others and make a positive impact on this society in which we live.
It's been a tough sell because I don't have experience nor education in that field aside from my volunteer efforts. Should be good enough, right? I wish!
Most of the positions that I am seeking (and even applying for), require a Bachelors in Human Services. can probably guess what I'm about to say next...I don't HAVE a Human Services or ANY field.
So...I had to crawl out of my non-existent box and get myself back into school. And now, the hurdles have come.
I enrolled without having any idea as to how I'm going to pay for this much needed education. And my college isn't certain about how much aid I'll be approved for, if any. And oh, did I mention that I'm currently unemployed?
So yeah, the odds don't seem to be stacked in my favor, but thankfully, I don't believe in odds, I believe in GOD.
He's given me this vision of what I can become. He's laid out the path by which I will achieve this vision, dream, goal, what have you. And I refuse to believe that He would allow me to envision all of that, and not let me actually achieve it. That's just NOT how the God I serve does things.
So, I stand on this: If He's brought me TO it, He'll certainly bring me THROUGH it.
I simply can NOT believe anything else. Nor will I.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you found yourself wanting to make a career switch? Has it been easy, or are there obstacles getting in your way?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, March 12, 2012
transitive verb
: to make (a sensitized or hypersensitive individual) insensitive or nonreactive to a sensitizing agent
: to make emotionally insensitive or callous; specifically : to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli that formerly induced it"
This is what people have become...DEsensitized, and I think it's a SHAME!
Why does violence have to show up at someones front door before they take a stand against it?
When did we get to the point where it's become so easy for people to say, "it wasn't my child, so it really doesn't matter to me."
No. Violence may not have affected your child YET, but if we don't take a stand and do something about it, one day, sadly, it just might.
This is why I am part of an organization that is working to end violence in our communities through community intervention and awareness. I don't want to wait for the crime to happen to a member of my family (or YOURS). I want to "head it off at the pass" if I can.
I want our young boys do be able to walk down the street and not have their heart rate increase when they hear a call rolling up behind them.
I don't want our young boys to have to plot out an "escape route" within 20 seconds of hearing that car just in case they have to run.
Unfortunately, I'm not finding too many others who want the same.
That, makes me sad. It breaks my heart actually.
People have gotten so used to the lead story on the news being about that latest "child" who's been murdered, they've become DEsensitized to the issue and have taken a "that's a shame" approach, instead of a "what can I do to change this" approach.
The more I thought about it, the more this thought came to my mind: If nobody does anything, then nothing will ever change.
I don't know if anyone has ever said that before, and if not...then I'm takin' it. THAT there quote, is MINE.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you or someone you know been a victim of violent crime in the community? Do you feel like enough is being done to stop it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
(definition by Merriam-Webster online)
transitive verb
: to make (a sensitized or hypersensitive individual) insensitive or nonreactive to a sensitizing agent
: to make emotionally insensitive or callous; specifically : to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli that formerly induced it"
This is what people have become...DEsensitized, and I think it's a SHAME!
Why does violence have to show up at someones front door before they take a stand against it?
When did we get to the point where it's become so easy for people to say, "it wasn't my child, so it really doesn't matter to me."
No. Violence may not have affected your child YET, but if we don't take a stand and do something about it, one day, sadly, it just might.
This is why I am part of an organization that is working to end violence in our communities through community intervention and awareness. I don't want to wait for the crime to happen to a member of my family (or YOURS). I want to "head it off at the pass" if I can.
I want our young boys do be able to walk down the street and not have their heart rate increase when they hear a call rolling up behind them.
I don't want our young boys to have to plot out an "escape route" within 20 seconds of hearing that car just in case they have to run.
Unfortunately, I'm not finding too many others who want the same.
That, makes me sad. It breaks my heart actually.
People have gotten so used to the lead story on the news being about that latest "child" who's been murdered, they've become DEsensitized to the issue and have taken a "that's a shame" approach, instead of a "what can I do to change this" approach.
The more I thought about it, the more this thought came to my mind: If nobody does anything, then nothing will ever change.
I don't know if anyone has ever said that before, and if not...then I'm takin' it. THAT there quote, is MINE.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you or someone you know been a victim of violent crime in the community? Do you feel like enough is being done to stop it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
(definition by Merriam-Webster online)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Playin' the Game

"Thank you for your interest..."
This is how most rejection letters start off from jobs that I've applied to. I just received another one last week.
Interestingly, I have no idea why I was not offered the position. I've successfully done the EXACT same job before at another company. The competitor to the company that I was interviewing for.
So there's no way that the reason was due to lack of qualifications because I surely have those.
What could the reason(s) have been?
It was a four person panel interview which I wasn't expecting, but handled well. I answered every question thoroughly that was asked of me.
The only thing I can think of as to where I may have gone wrong was when they asked, "What is your dream job?"
Well...I made the "mistake" of answering that one honestly, and my dream job had NOTHING to do with the job I was applying for.
You see, the job I was interviewing for was another "cubicle" position. And at the end of the day, not a single person's life would have been changed or positively impacted. That is NOT what I wanted, but hey...I've got bills to pay and a family to take care of, so I put my best foot forward.
I told them that my "dream job" was in the non-profit arena, helping others and positively impacting lives.
They all nodded and smiled, but I guess they put 2 and 2 together and realized that THIS was not THAT.
So...what's the lesson to be learned here? Do I lie the next time I'm asked the "dream job" question. Do I make it all pretty and flowery and have the interviewers think that the job I'm interviewing for IS my dream job???
My prayer is that my next interview IS in the non-profit arena so that when they ask me that question, I CAN answer honestly, and be confident and comfortable with my response. And I greatly look forward to the day when I can finally utter those 4 satisfying words:
Whatever the reason for not being selected for this particular job, or for any of the others that I've interviewed for, I still stand on Psalm 34:1, and will continue to "bless the Lord at ALL times". When I'm rejected for a job, and when I finally get one.
After all, God knows the desires of my heart (He gave them to me), so He knows what I want when it comes to a CAREER. He knows that these positions I've interviewed for didn't match the passion that He's placed in me to help and serve others. So...I can honestly say that it is well with my soul. Really, it is.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What would YOU do if you were interviewing for a job that ISN'T your "dream job", and they ask you the "dream job" question?
Talk to me!!!
Til next time...
Friday, March 9, 2012
Hablo Inglés solamente.
So...I'm still on the job search and I gotta tell ya...some days are better than others. Today, is one of those days where I just wanna SCREAM!
I am so tired of finding jobs for which I am 110% qualified, only to find in "fine print" that "bilingual is a must".
So you, "Mr./Ms. Future Employer" are going to discount someone with my professional background and exceptional level of service, simply because I am NOT bilingual.
Oh no you don't. Better think again.
I go right on ahead and apply for those jobs anyway. If they choose to discard me & my qualifications due to one minor detail, then shame on them. That is THEIR loss!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I understand that this country of ours is a great "melting pot." I get that. However...qualified English only speaking people should not be discounted for a position simply because of a language requirement. Do our non-English speaking persons need to be served when they call a business? Of course they do. And I say to that company...create a division that solely caters to those customers. I mean really, we've all heard this when we call into a business:
"Para Español, oprima numero dos."
How difficult is that?!? Not difficult at all. job search continues, but I'll be dag-gone if I keep coming across positions for which I am qualified, yet get discounted due to the language issue.
Something's gotta give.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Have you been qualified for a job yet didn't get it because of a language requirement?
Hablar conmigo!
Til next time...
I am so tired of finding jobs for which I am 110% qualified, only to find in "fine print" that "bilingual is a must".
So you, "Mr./Ms. Future Employer" are going to discount someone with my professional background and exceptional level of service, simply because I am NOT bilingual.
Oh no you don't. Better think again.
I go right on ahead and apply for those jobs anyway. If they choose to discard me & my qualifications due to one minor detail, then shame on them. That is THEIR loss!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I understand that this country of ours is a great "melting pot." I get that. However...qualified English only speaking people should not be discounted for a position simply because of a language requirement. Do our non-English speaking persons need to be served when they call a business? Of course they do. And I say to that company...create a division that solely caters to those customers. I mean really, we've all heard this when we call into a business:
"Para Español, oprima numero dos."
How difficult is that?!? Not difficult at all. job search continues, but I'll be dag-gone if I keep coming across positions for which I am qualified, yet get discounted due to the language issue.
Something's gotta give.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Have you been qualified for a job yet didn't get it because of a language requirement?
Hablar conmigo!
Til next time...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Please remove your shoes
If I've ever been to your home, or you've ever been to mine, then there's one thing that you've noticed about me...I take my shoes off at the door.
I just can NOT walk through a home with shoes on.
Do you know how much GARBAGE is on the bottom of your shoes?
Think about it.
How many public bathrooms to you walk through each day? Do you want to track THAT through your home?
How many parking lots and/or parking garages do you walk through? Do you want to track THAT through your home?
It's just GROSS. So I choose to simply leave all that at the door. If I had my druthers, I'd actually leave my shoes OUTSIDE.
So, if you're ever at my place, I'd appreciate it if you'd kindly remove your shoes at the door. I'm not gonna force you though. I'll probably just look at your feet during your entire visit. JUST KIDDING!
Oh, and aside from the grossness factor...I just think that people are more comfortable with their shoes off...I know I am.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Do you remove your shoes when you enter a home?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I just can NOT walk through a home with shoes on.
Do you know how much GARBAGE is on the bottom of your shoes?
Think about it.
How many public bathrooms to you walk through each day? Do you want to track THAT through your home?
How many parking lots and/or parking garages do you walk through? Do you want to track THAT through your home?
It's just GROSS. So I choose to simply leave all that at the door. If I had my druthers, I'd actually leave my shoes OUTSIDE.
So, if you're ever at my place, I'd appreciate it if you'd kindly remove your shoes at the door. I'm not gonna force you though. I'll probably just look at your feet during your entire visit. JUST KIDDING!
Oh, and aside from the grossness factor...I just think that people are more comfortable with their shoes off...I know I am.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Do you remove your shoes when you enter a home?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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