So...I'm still on the job search. Or should I say...CAREER search. And it's starting to become a wee bit disheartening. Nevertheless, I press forward.
This career switch thingy-ma-bob has really become more than I bargained for, yet I feel like I've come too far to turn back. Because the minute I turn back is when my dream will tap me on the shoulder and say, "Pssst...look behind you. If you had just taken two more steps...or waited two more days...or...", you get the idea. My dream will be RIGHT there, and I will have missed it because I turned back.
So I'm waiting patiently and have learned to think very creatively outside the box. In my world, I don't even think that the box exists any more.
My letters to potential employers have become quite unorthodox, but in this economy and with my goal set on getting the career that matches my passion, I've really had to start doing what I've never done before.
Haven't gotten any responses yet, but that's the nature of the game, right?
So in case you haven't read any of my past posts, the bottom line is this: I've worked in corporate sales for the majority of my professional career. I'm currently unemployed (have been since July) and I now want to move into the career that matches my intended purpose...a career that will allow me to serve others and make a positive impact on this society in which we live.
It's been a tough sell because I don't have experience nor education in that field aside from my volunteer efforts. Should be good enough, right? I wish!
Most of the positions that I am seeking (and even applying for), require a Bachelors in Human Services. Well...you can probably guess what I'm about to say next...I don't HAVE a Bachelors...in Human Services or ANY field.
So...I had to crawl out of my non-existent box and get myself back into school. And now, the hurdles have come.
I enrolled without having any idea as to how I'm going to pay for this much needed education. And my college isn't certain about how much aid I'll be approved for, if any. And oh, did I mention that I'm currently unemployed?
So yeah, the odds don't seem to be stacked in my favor, but thankfully, I don't believe in odds, I believe in GOD.
He's given me this vision of what I can become. He's laid out the path by which I will achieve this vision, dream, goal, what have you. And I refuse to believe that He would allow me to envision all of that, and not let me actually achieve it. That's just NOT how the God I serve does things.
So, I stand on this: If He's brought me TO it, He'll certainly bring me THROUGH it.
I simply can NOT believe anything else. Nor will I.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you found yourself wanting to make a career switch? Has it been easy, or are there obstacles getting in your way?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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