Sunday, April 29, 2012
Facebook...the new Kindgergarten
I gotta tell ya...the longer I'm on Facebook the more I realize just how childish "grown folks" can be. It leaves me SMH (shakin' my head) at times.
Here are the latest antics:
I have a friend (a real life friend, not just an FB friend) and this friend and I recently had a falling out. Mind you, I hold nothing against this person (who we'll call "Pat") and wish them the best, I really really do. Pat, however, would say much differently about me if you were to ask. Pat seems to think that I have wronged them in some way or another and has chosen to end our friendship.
Now I could understand ending the friendship if I had done something wrong, but Pat has ended our friendship based on suppositions and assumptions. Sad, just sad.
Oh, I failed to mention that just 2 months ago Pat really did do something to me that was worthy of ending our friendship, yet I forgave and chose to move on. Pat meant too much for me to just throw out with the bathwater.
Fast forward.
I am friends with one of Pat's family members. Me and Pat's family member are friends (in real life) and on Facebook. Recently, my Pat posted a picture of Pat and the family member. I thought it was a GREAT photo, so I "liked" it. Well guess what...I can't see the photo anymore. "Someone" has blocked me from seeing the photo. Ain't that about a blip!?!
I think that is sooo Kindergarten. Na-na...I'm not your friend anymore so you can't see my pictures. Really?!?
Well, if that makes Pat
happy then so be it. I just don't get it. Can't we just forgive and move on? Apparently not.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you had any "kindergarten type" experiences on Facebook?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, April 26, 2012
T minus 5
So. There 5 days left until rent is due. A letter has not arrived from EDD, nor have they called. And as I stated yesterday, getting through to THEM via phone is impossible. They NEVER answer.
What am I going to do? I have no idea. And it's not like rent is the ONLY issue. Nope, there're are car payment(s) to be made, phone bills to be paid, and on and on and on.
People have "called it quits" for less than this. I can't. I must hold on. And if all that I have to hold onto is God's hand and my trust in Him, then I'm gonna cling for dear life. I WILL NOT LET GO!
Today's post is pretty short and simple. I heard a verse of scripture last night that resonated in my heart. When I woke up this morning, it was still there:
Psalm 9:9-10
New International Version (NIV)
"9 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
10 Those who know Your name trust in You,
for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You."
There ya have it. I trust Him and I KNOW that He will not forsake me.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What gives YOU hope?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Today's post can be considered as Part 2 of yesterday's.
After calling EDD ALL DAY yesterday and first thing this morning, I decided to go to my local "One Stop Career Center" and actually speak to someone IN PERSON. They actually have EDD personnel in house.
So I check-in and tell the woman at the desk what my issue is.
I tell her that I've recently gone back to school and answered "yes" to the question on the claim form where it asks about school. She gasped as if I had just told her that I had 3 arms.
She shook her head and said to me in a whisper, "You shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't tell them that you're in school. They cut you right off when you do that."
Are you FRICKIN' kidding me?!?
So I should've LIED is what she's telling me. Shut the front door!!!
I proceed to fill out the forms that they require and wait my turn to meet with the EDD rep. I tell her my situation and although she didn't tell me that I should have lied, she did confirm that the benefits STOP when one goes back to school until EDD can schedule a phone interview and determine my continued eligibility. That should happen in 10 days. Rent is due in 6.
It's just so frustrating!
I do the RIGHT thing and I'm penalized for it.
Had I done the WRONG thing, none would be the wiser (except for my conscience).
What has happened to society. When did right become wrong and wrong become right? When did we begin living in a "backwards society?"
I don't have the answers to any of those questions. What I do know is that I can't change who I am. I have to go with what I know and what I know is that I have to be honest. Unfortunately, honesty tends to come at a high cost.
C'est la vie
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever been penalized for being honest?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Honesty. Is it REALLY the best policy?
I know, I know...that's a rhetorical question. It just happens to be the way that I'm feeling right about now.
So I've been receiving unemployment benefits while I diligently search for my next career opportunity. Every two weeks I fill out the form that I receive and I state that I am looking for employment (which I am).
Well...because I've been running into so many brick walls, finding that most positions require a Bachelor's degree (even if the position is just for data entry), I decided to take the next step and go back to school.
One of the questions on the form asks if I've enrolled in school or any type of training. Guess who answered HONESTLY...yep, I did. Now...EDD is holding my money. I can't believe this is happening!
Why am I penalized for going back to school in an effort to IMPROVE my chances of getting hired. This makes no sense!
If they would CALL me and ask ME about it, I would gladly tell them that I only have class ONE night a week and it's AFTER working it does NOT interfere with my job search or being able to hold a job.
Since I haven't heard from them, nor has my money been deposited, I decided to take a proactive approach and CALL THEM.
Well, a lot of good that has done.
I call and have to press this button and that button and I am NEVER given an option to speak to an actual PERSON. This is an important issue...I need to speak to a living, breathing PERSON!
I keep pushing buttons until I FINALLY unlock the magic "How-to-get-to-an-actual-person" door. And guess what happens...
I get the following message: "We're sorry, but due to the high volume of calls we are unable to assist you at this time." Click.
Yep, that's it. No option to hold. No option to leave a message. The call just disconnects. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET HELP?!?
So, I will keep trying because rent is due 7 days and I have NO money.
Nevertheless, I will not stress or worry about it. God knows what I need and He has never failed me...EVER. So I've given this issue to Him and I'll keep trying to get through EDD.
One thing's for sure...I need to get back to work and I need to get back to work PRONTO!!!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What has been YOUR experience with EDD? Do you know any secrets to reaching a LIVE body on the phone? If so, please share.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
(p.s.- Please forgive the formatting and the fact that the post is now one GIANT paragraph. I don't write it this way but recently made some changes and now the formatting is all messed up. Frustrating to say the least.)
Monday, April 23, 2012
Now Serving Number...
This morning I had to take advantage of the FREE local healthcare clinic in my neighborhood. I am one of the many uninsured in this country and had no choice but to go to the clinic.
What an experience!
I get there and of course...there's a huge line.
As I'm waiting in line I look around and realize that my son and I are the ONLY Non-Hispanic people in the place.
So we wait our turn and FINALLY get to the window where we are told that they don't do what we were there for. My son needed a TB test and this clinic does not administer TB tests without an accompanying test. So...they gave us a list of other clinics (none nearby) where we COULD go and get a simple TB test alone.
Not a very productive morning.
As my son and I walked back home I reflected back on the experience that we just had. Why is it that we were the ONLY non-Hispanic people in the place? That troubled me. Our Hispanic brothers and sisters have done an excellent job of finding out where the resources are, and utilizing them. My Black brothers and sisters...not so much. I am SURE that there are Black people who are suffering from health issues (like Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, High blood pressure, etc.) and they are NOT getting treated.
They are NOT utilizing the resources that are available to them and for this reason, Black people are DYING... unnecessarily. That troubles me deeply.
And this is why I had to write about the subject.
To all of my Black brothers and sisters out there, PLEASE...educate yourselves! Find out about the resources that are available in the community and GET HELP. Whether it's medical help, help staying in your home, help find safety if you're being abused...whatever it is...GET HELP. It's out there. Use it...PLEASE.
Do I sound like I'm begging? I am. I don't want anymore of you to die prematurely. It just makes no sense. Get help...and LIVE.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you uninsured? If so, have you had to visit a free clinic in your neighborhood?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Prayer Partner Preferred
Something interesting happened to me at church this morning. I hope that I handled it well yet it troubled me enough that I felt the need to write about it.
At the end of each service, members in the congregation are invited to go up for prayer and have someone pray WITH them. I am among the group of women who prays with women who come down for prayer. We pray one on one lifting up the needs of those who come down.
This morning, a woman came down for prayer and I extended my hands, offering to pray with her. She shook her head and proceeded to walk toward the other two ladies who were standing beside me, taking each of their hands in hers and they began to pray.
That's never happened to me before and it left me feeling quite awkward. Being bypassed was a way of saying to me, "Your prayers aren't good enough. I'd rather have these two pray for me because THEIR prayers actually get to God." Mind you, the woman didn't SAY those words to me specifically but the action spoke volumes.
Now I know that I am not a well known "prayer warrior" as others are in my church, but I KNOW that my prayers are heard. My life is a vivid example of the fact that MY prayers ARE heard.
No, I may not know all of the "catchy phrases" to use when praying, but I pray from my HEART, and I pray IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and I believe that those two things are enough.
So I had to catch myself when that happened, and had to make sure that my face did not show the hurt that I was feeling at the time. I love my church family and over the past 18 years I've learned that sometimes your church family...yes, EVEN your church family...will hurt you. My hope is that what the woman did was not intentionally meant to hurt me, yet even if it was, my PRAYER is that God answers whatever it is that she stands in need of.
And if something in MY prayer life is lacking, then I ask that He help me to use the power that He has placed within me to strengthen any areas that are weak.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a "prayer partner?" If so, what is it about that person that makes praying with them so effective?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Friday, April 20, 2012
Luther WHO?
The year was 1984.
I went to a concert at the Universal Amphitheatre with my best friend Vivian parents...and I should probably say my brother Donald as my mother was quite pregnant with him when we went to the concert.
Now YOU tell cool could I have been to have attended a concert PARENTS!?!
Sooo not cool!
But here was the deal...
Me & Viv were there to see DeBarge (our future husbands), and my parents were there to see some guy named Luther Vandross.
Luther WHO???
Luther Vandross.
So anyhoo...the concert begins and out comes the opening act...this Luther guy. Me & Viv huffed & puffed hoping that he'd hurry up , do his thing and get off the stage so that we could see DeBarge.
The music starts and it's the prettiest piano music I'd ever heard. Then out come these women dressed in beautiful ball gowns...really classy. And then...the Luther guy starts singing. Whoa!
We were blown away after the first song.
This guy was pretty good.
Then he sang another song, and another, and another. Wow!
Where'd this dude come from? He was amazing!
He sang his last song and I wasn't ready for him to go. He could've done the whole show for all I cared. Who was that other group that we came to see? DeBarge WHO? DeBarge WHAT?
I wanted more Luther...Luther VANDROSS. This man was a STAR, and in just a short span of time, all the world came to know that.
Luther Vandross was not only a star, but he became a LEGEND.
Luther had a style that was solely his. I find it funny when I talk to people about his music and they ask, "Who do you like better, BIG Luther or Skinny Luther?"
I'm a BIG Luther girl all the way. I loves me some BIG Luther!!!
In honor of his birthday today, I listened to my favorite CD of his: Live at Radio City Music Hall 2003
If you are a Luther fan and don't have this CD, you MUST get it. It is FAAANTASTIC. I can listen to it on repeat and never get tired.
So there you have it folks. The story of how I was introduced to the lovely sound that was (and thankfull, still is) Luther Vandross. He would have been 61 today.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you a Luther Vandross fan? If so, which do you prefer, Big Luther or Skinny?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, April 19, 2012
What I do, What I DON'T do

As the job search continues (and by the way...job searching IS a Full-Time job), I'm finding many ads calling for Salesreps (which I've been before), yet when I take a look at the job description I find that what the employer really wants is a TELEMARKETER...someone who will "hit those phones" and "dial for dollars".
Why do the employers have to be so deceptive?
Why don't they just call the job what it is?
Oh, I know why?
Because if they truly listed the position for what it is TELEMARKETING, then they'd receive far fewer responses.
I even responded to one ad that called for an "Office Assistant", only to get to the interview and find that they REALLY wanted a TELEMARKETER.
After many years of being an Inside Sales/Customer Support rep, there are two things that I know for sure...What I do, and What I DON'T do.
I liken it to gardening.
Determining WHAT to plant, WHERE to plant it, DIGGING up the ground and actually PLANTING the seed is NOT what I do.
WATERING, NURTURING, ensuring the GROWTH of the plant and determining which plants would grow nicely with the ones that I've already THAT'S what I do. I give the plants the "TLC" that they need in order to thrive & grow.
That is my approach to Inside Sales/Customer Support, and it's worked well for me.
So, the search continues and my prayer is that employers will be HONEST about the description of the job so that they can get the best candidate to fill the position, and they'll get a candidate who actually WANTS that position.
My greater prayer is that my next career is in a non-profit environment where I won't have to SELL anything, but will be able to HELP others which is truly my greatest desire and would make for a far more fulfilling work experience.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever responded to a job ad only to find out in the interview that the job is nothing like what was advertised?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So, if there's one thing that this unemployment situation has taught me, it's the fact that there is no "box" anymore.
Which box?
The box that we're supposed to "think outside" of.
No folks, with this economy, current job market (and the fact that I have chosen to switch careers), I can no longer be anywhere near a box. So I have done away with it completely.
Yesterday, I did something that I never thought I'd do. It came to me as a result of prayer and studying God's word. I can't tell you exactly what I did, but I will once I begin to see results from my bold move.
I will tell you this much's a "social experiment" at it's best, inspired (as I said before) by God's word.
I call it my "woman with the issue" experience. If you know anything about God's word and the passages of scripture that talk about the woman who had the issue of blood for 12 years, then you'll remember her boldness and how strong her faith was (Mat 9:20-22; Mar 5:25-34; Luk 8:43-47).
Yesterday, I chose to step out in that same boldness, and I believe that God is about to reward me for my faith.
So stay tuned and I promise to share the results once they begin to manifest.
The anticipation has me bursting at the seams.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is the greatest leap of faith that you've ever had to take?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, April 16, 2012
Drowning, but not DROWNED

Yes folks, I feel like I'm drowning. Having a pretty tough time keeping up with life. Don't get me wrong, I still have joy, regardless of my financial situation. I'm just looking forward to having this thing turn around soon.
The money is gone.
Not sure where I'll be living next month.
Trying to scrape up enough to pay this month's car payment so that it doesn't get re-po'd.
I've made sure that the electricity, internet and phone bills have all been paid as those are my "lifelines". Gotta keep those working so that I can continue to send out resumes and be able to answer any calls that come in regarding jobs.
It's just getting tough. That's all I'm saying.
I was in the grocery store yesterday determined to buy food for a NICE Sunday dinner. Not a frozen pizza or sandwiches, but a NICE Sunday dinner. And that's exactly what I did.
I spent more than I could afford but for the first time in a long time, my daughter and I ate like queens instead of paupers. It was so good.
Mind you, to most people, what I spent wasn't much. But when you don't HAVE anything, and you spend what I did on groceries, it's pretty much considered "breaking the bank".
Nevertheless, God woke me up to see another day, and for that, I am thankful and will make the most of it.
This is my Facebook status today: "Dionne is like an oyster...making PEARLS out of the irritants of life."
That pretty much sums it up. My life is filled with "irritants" lately, but I am going to endure, persevere, and turn those "irritants" into PEARLS, no matter how bad things get.
I may feel like I'm drowning, but as long as I haven't DROWNED, there's still hope.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: How's life goin' for you these days? Are you "keeping your head above water"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, April 2, 2012
The beach called today. I answered.
I've been so caught up with looking for a new job and most days it's just downright frustrating. I'm doing my best to stay prayerful and keep a positive outlook. Really, I am.
Some days though. Some days.
Today was one of those days.
I just needed a minute to breathe. Regroup. Figure out what my next step is going to be.
And so...I headed to the beach.
Practically had the place to myself. It was really nice. For me, there's something about the beach that helps me to feel God's presence even more-so than usual. Something about sticking my feet in the ocean, knowing how HUGE the ocean is, and what as small piece of this earth I am in the grand scheme of things. There's something about knowing that He created that huge mass of water, and me too. So to put my feet in it just does something for me.
When I headed home, I felt good. Refreshed. Like I can go on just a little longer while I work toward my breakthrough. I know it's coming. I just know it is. So I can't quit because I'm just too close.
That career that I's out there. Waiting for me. You know the the non-profit field...the one that's going to allow me to help others and will also give me the flexibility that I need to attend school.
Hey, did I tell you that I've gone back to school?
Yep. I'm going back to earn my BS in Human Services. Since those are the positions that I've been applying for, yet no one has called me for an interview, I had to think "outside the box" and find another way in. If I'm in school earning a degree in the field, maybe, just maybe, they'll look twice at me, instead of throwing my resume in "the round file" as I'm sure they've been doing this far.
So anyway. There you have it. My mind-clearing day at the beach.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Where do you go to clear your head?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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