The beach called today. I answered.
I've been so caught up with looking for a new job and most days it's just downright frustrating. I'm doing my best to stay prayerful and keep a positive outlook. Really, I am.
Some days though. Some days.
Today was one of those days.
I just needed a minute to breathe. Regroup. Figure out what my next step is going to be.
And so...I headed to the beach.
Practically had the place to myself. It was really nice. For me, there's something about the beach that helps me to feel God's presence even more-so than usual. Something about sticking my feet in the ocean, knowing how HUGE the ocean is, and what as small piece of this earth I am in the grand scheme of things. There's something about knowing that He created that huge mass of water, and me too. So to put my feet in it just does something for me.
When I headed home, I felt good. Refreshed. Like I can go on just a little longer while I work toward my breakthrough. I know it's coming. I just know it is. So I can't quit because I'm just too close.
That career that I's out there. Waiting for me. You know the the non-profit field...the one that's going to allow me to help others and will also give me the flexibility that I need to attend school.
Hey, did I tell you that I've gone back to school?
Yep. I'm going back to earn my BS in Human Services. Since those are the positions that I've been applying for, yet no one has called me for an interview, I had to think "outside the box" and find another way in. If I'm in school earning a degree in the field, maybe, just maybe, they'll look twice at me, instead of throwing my resume in "the round file" as I'm sure they've been doing this far.
So anyway. There you have it. My mind-clearing day at the beach.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Where do you go to clear your head?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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