The other folks in the conversation were speaking negatively about they type of car the someone (who was NOT taking part in the conversation) drove.
He drives a KIA.
So the big ta-do was over the fact that he didn't want to leave his car at the airport while he traveled, for fear that something might happen to the car.
To this, one of the other folks said, "Come on! It' a KIA, who's gonna want it?!?"
Well alrighty then. Would you like to take a guess as to which OTHER member of the conversation happens to drive a KIA? Go 'head...I'll give you a minute {insert Jeopardy theme song here}. That's right...Yours Truly!
So...I very kindly interjected and let them know that I happen to be the proud owner of a 9 and a half year old KIA. Mind you, it could use some repairs...a LOT of repairs, but the bottom line is that it still gets me from point A to B, the heater and air still work, and the radio does occasionally. Yes, the cigarette lighter died some time back which means that I can no longer listen to MyPod in the car, but aside from all that...I love my little KIA, who I affectionately named "Kenya" the day I got her.
And on top of everything else...SHE'S PAID FOR!!! And as they say, I'm gonna drive her til the wheels fall off...proudly.
So I guess the biggest lesson that I hope those other folks learned is that you must ALWAYS be mindful of what you say because you never know how it will effect and/or insult someone else.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is YOUR dream car?
Talk to me!

Til next time...
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