Last Wednesday, 9/17, my mom was hospitalized after suffering a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and a clot that stopped circulation in her right leg. Since then, my days have been spent at the hospital 20 miles away from my home (one way).
Little by little she went from being completely sedated, to mildly sedated, to knowing who we were, to realizing and understanding that her leg needed to be amputated. Yes...AMPUTATED.
So...with the improvement of her health, yesterday was "the day". The amputation was on schedule.
Because of my faith in Christ, I wasn't as scared as most probably would be. I had a peace and calm that truly comes only from Him. And I also had a good friend by my side, which provided more comfort that I could have imagined possible.
I've been friends with "Joe" (that's what we'll call him) for years, and after his actions yesterday, I am realizing that there is so much more to him than I ever knew.
Wednesday evening he told me that he would go to the hospital with me and spend time with my mom. Okay.
We weren't able to ride to the hospital together so he told me he'd meet me up there. Okay.
I got to the hospital sometime yesterday morning and a couple hours later, Joe called to see how things were going. I told him.
Shortly after that, in walks Joe, with lunch FOR ME. Okay. I wasn't expecting that AT ALL. It was just a simple little lunch, but felt like a king's feast.
Then he went in with me to see my mom.
He could see that she was uncomfortable, so he wet a cloth and wiped her forehead. I watched in awe.
Soon after, she was rolled into the O.R. and we (me, Joe, my dad, and my cousin) headed to the waiting room.
This is where I thought Joe would make exit, but nooo...he stayed...for the entire duration of the surgery. WHOA!!!
Again, I was in awe.
He made the 2 hour wait feel like 5 minutes. Had he not been there, 2 hours would have felt like 12. I was so thankful to have him there.
And at one point when my dad got a bit overwhelmed, Joe walked outside with my dad...just the two of them, to help calm his nerves.
All I can say is...WHAT A BLESSING my friend Joe is!!!
And yesterday, after all these years of wondering if Joe loves me...I realized yesterday, that he actually DOES. He may not be the type to take me to fancy places, or shower me with flowers, but the little things that he does (like moving the hair out of my face), or big things like staying with me yesterday, are HIS WAY of displaying love.
And although it doesn't come in the packaging that *I* expect it to...doesn't mean that love is not "in the box". No, it's in there, and I receive it. Whether it's packaged in a pretty blue Tiffany box, or's in there, and I receive it.
In case you're, Joe and I are not in a relationship with each other. At this point we are simply two good friends who enjoy each other's company when we get a chance to spend time together (which isn't very often). If it be in God's will to change our "status" then so be it, but for now, I am simply BLESSED to have Joe in my life.
Oh and as for my mom...her surgery went well. The road to recovery will be long, but she has plenty of love and support to be with her every step of the way.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: What does love look like to you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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