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Let the DIALOGUE Begin!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tender Headed

So I've been in a bit of a "hair rut" lately and needed to do something drastically different.

The choices were:

A. Cut it ALL off (as I have done several times before), and start over.
B. Get it braided (which I've only done TWICE in my entire life. Once when I was a teenager, my mom very tightly French braided it. And again when I was thirty-something, a co-worker braided it. The hair was so heavy though, I ended up taking the braids out after only one week. I know...I know...WHO DOES THAT?!?)

I went with option B.

Although it came out cute, my head hurts like the dickens. These braids are sooo tight!

I dunno. Maybe it's because I'm not used to braids that they feel tight to me, but MY GOODNESS!!!

I actually feel like my head has swollen up as a result of trauma.

It's 6:30pm and I have absolutely NO IDEA how I am ever going to go to sleep tonight. The entire surface of my scalp hurts so there is no "good side" for me to sleep on.  UGH!!!

My daughter Lauren told me that it should loosen up in about three days, or at least not hurt as much. I sure hope so!

It's funny how I have given birth three times, NATURALLY, no C-Section, no drugs...and was able to tolerate THAT pain.

THIS on the other hand...Good LAWD! Even my baby hair got braided. My BABY HAIR (non-Black folks might wanna look that up)!!!

I'm not sure if I was "tender headed" as a child (non-black folks might wanna look that up too), but as a forty-something woman, I most assuredly am.

I'd post a pic, but I don't like posting pics of myself, sooo...I can tell you that it's in about 15 French braids going back and in a right-side bun at my neck. Other than that, we'll just have to run into each other in the street somewhere so you can see it in person.

Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever had you hair in braids (individual or French braids)? If so...did they hurt? And if so, for how long?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Imperfectly Beautiful

Yesterday on Facebook I posted a picture of a candleholder that I painted some years back and mentioned how candles are one of the best things about Fall.

I lit another candle earlier this evening and happened to notice that the wax was burning quite messily.

As I went to clean up the mess and dripping wax I stopped and admired the beauty of the candle...even in its messy state. That immediately reminded me of myself.

Even in the "messy state" that I am currently in, my beauty has not diminished. Even though things are caving in around me (as the candle was melting in on itself), my light is still shining.

Just like the candle, I am "imperfectly beautiful," yet for some odd reason, folks expect me to be perfect...or darn near close to it. With that being the expectation, I can tell you now that I am sure to disappoint a whole lot more folks than I already have.

Can I strive to do better? Sure.
Should I strive to do better? Sure.
Will I strive to do better? Sure.

Will I ever be perfect? No.
Should folks love me even in my "imperfectness?" Yes.
Do they? Not enough.

Nevertheless, I will keep shining just as this little candle...and even when everything around me has "melted," I'm gonna shine until the wick burns out. That's all I can do.

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you like candles? If so, so you light them often? Is there a favorite scent that you enjoy?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Paper, No Plastic.

In all my years of voting I've never directly felt the effect of propositions I'd voted on...until yesterday.

I was at the grocery store (that I had just gone to last week) and as the cashier rang up my goods, she asked if I would need any bags. I told her yes. She then proceeded to tell me that they would be ten cents each. I furrowed my brow a bit and said, "Hmmm...I was here last week and was able to bag my items in plastic bags...for free."

She then pointed out that with the recent passing of Proposition 67, plastic bags are no longer offered and that paper bags now are, at a cost of ten cents each.


I went ahead and shelled out forty cents so that I could bag my items.

Turned out I only needed three.

Wasn't gonna be "cheap" and ask for a ten cent refund, but as I pondered over what to do with the extra bag, a woman across the lane from me was one bag short. Perfect. I gave her my extra and she attempted to hand me ten cents.

I proceeded to give her the bag and told her that she didn't need to pay me for it. She thanked me and I went on my merry way.

As I walked to my car I wondered if I had voted YES or NO for that particular proposition. I'm pretty sure that I voted yes due to the environmental benefit but I didn't realize that I would feel the affect so soon. Thankfully I've got about twenty reusable bags (like the one pictured) which I have rarely remembered to use in times past. Looks like that's about to change unless I wanna shell out ten cents per paper bag (which I do NOT.)

Gotta admit...I will miss plastic bags just a wee bit. Without them, I'm not sure what I will line my bathroom trash can with. That was the only thing I ever used them for. Oh well.

How 'bout you...

Let the DIALOGUE begin: What uses do you have for the grocery story plastic bags? And if you lined your bathroom trash can with them, what would you now use instead?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Over The River and Through The Woods

If  you've followed The Dialogue Den for the past few months, you know that I have been visiting various churches (and enjoying the experience.)

My last church visit was on October 9th when I visited the church that "Joe's" brother attended. That's how it ended up in my "bowl."

To date, that church had been the furthest that I had visited as it was all the way in Irvine. On my first visit, I attended the 8:00 service, and on my second visit, I attended the 10:30.

I gotta tell ya...a WHOLE LOT has happened since that last visit. That afternoon I took a nap and when I woke up, my life changed in a way that I wasn't expecting. Wish I could share what happened, and I a book one day.

Anywoo...things changed.

One really big change from then to now is that Joe's brother is now the pastor of a church other than the one I visited in Irvine. I had no idea that that was coming. I'm happy for him though and know that he will do well in leading God's people. I haven't yet added his new church to my bowl yet, but one day maybe I will.

For the following three Sundays, I attended service at my own church. Again...for reasons that I can't get into right here and now, but will explain one day in a book.

After those three weeks, it was time for me to visit again. So I prayed, reached into my bowl and pulled out what has now become the furthest church. This one was in Moreno Valley. Until my visit I don't think I had ever even been to Moreno Valley.

That church made it into my bowl though because my cousin Kevin (whom I haven't seen since I was about seven years old) attends.

I arrived and as he was singing with the Praise Team, he noticed me. Once they were done singing, he came over and gave me a great big "cousin hug." It was great! I mean really...I haven't seen him in DECADES, but thanks to good ol' Facebook we were able to connect a few years ago.

I enjoyed the service I always do...I went back today for my 2nd visit. I really enjoy the love that this church has for the community. They don't just "do church" inside the walls of the building, but they take church outside by serving. That's what Christ wants His followers to do.

If the church weren't so far I would definitely visit again. For now though, I can say that I'm glad I went and my soul was blessed.

If anyone is in the Moreno Valley area looking for a loving, Bible-based church to visit or join, I would recommend Renewed Life Fellowship.

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: How are you feeling after last Tuesday's presidential election?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Friday, November 11, 2016


Wow! It's been a while since I last posted.

Gotta tell has been a bit overwhelming, causing me to crawl under the proverbial "rock."

Can't say that things have gotten any better, but I know how important writing is to me, and it's one of the very few things that I can actually control, so...I'M BACK.

Yeah...the results of Tuesday's presidential election have me a bit "concerned" as I had absolutely NO IDEA that "that man" would actually pull it off and win. 

Even before the election though there were many other "concerns" on my plate. The greatest being my unemployment situation.

My goal was to be re-employed before the election as I knew that there would probably be some financial uncertainty with the economy afterward. Well...sometimes we set goals and simply don't reach them. And I am...still unemployed, and seeking.

My question to YOU today is this: Will you help me? PLEASE??

Here's the deal.

I have been diligently seeking employment, have registered with more employment agencies and job recruiting sites than I can count. I have even been on a number of interviews. None of those efforts have resulted in a job offer yet.

I once heard that 80 percent of available jobs aren't even posted. That just reaffirms for me how important it is to "network." These days, the real key to getting a job is "knowing somebody." Otherwise, my resume is sitting in an electronic pile with a host of others. Unfortunately, my "network" is fairly small, all know folks I don't, so I am asking you to reach out to YOUR networks (PLEASE) and SHARE this post so that perhaps someone, somewhere, who's looking for someone like me will contact me regarding a job...SOON.

Please. Don't just read this and then scroll to the next thing. Share this, PLEASE. It won't cost you a thing, yet would help me greatly.

Ideally, I'd love to work for an organization that provides services and assistance to homeless youth and their families. Unfortunately, I've never worked in that field, it's simply what my heart has a passion to do, so I've been unable to get through that particular door.

As a result, I am more than ready to get back to what I've always done (so that I can get back to paying the bills).

For those who are are the "Cliffs Notes" version of what that is:
  • Inside Sales (no cold-calling, telemarketing, "hunting") / Sales Support / Account Management (Supporting Field Reps who work outside, while I manage the accounts and assist customers on the Inside. This is what I've done well, and do best.)
  • FULL TIME Permanent or FULL TIME Temp to Hire
  • Within 20 miles of 90706 zip code

If you, or someone you know, are aware of any immediate opportunities that fit that criteria, PLEASE let me know. I would be happy to forward my resume to you, and/or them, for a more detailed view of my experience.

I am an excellent employee who works "smart" while bringing light and positivity to the environment. Just ask any of my former co-workers and they will gladly attest to that fact.

Ok...enough about me. It's now YOUR turn. What cha got?

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Who's hiring?

Talk to me (SOON)!

Til next time...