It seems to me lately that there are more and more people begging for money these days.
Not a day goes by (and I'm not exaggerating), not a single day goes by when I am not approached by someone asking for money. Whether I'm at the gas station, grocery story, post office, or just getting off the freeway. EVERYWHERE I go, SOMEBODY asks me for money.
The need seems to be most prevalent at the Central Avenue exit off the 105 Freeway. On any given day there are at least 2 people at that off-ramp with a cup in hand. Some days, you can find as many as 5 people. One lady even has a dog.
At the gas station, I'm now being approached not only by adults, but adults WITH CHILDREN. How am I supposed to say no to that??? I don't.
Mind you, it's not like I have a whole lot to give. Remember...I am a single UNEMPLOYED mother of 3 with 2 children in college. I am NOT the best candidate for feeding the needy, yet I do it anyway.
With every dollar (or two or three) that I give, my heart grows heavier with sadness...and disappointment.
Why aren't the celebrities and high paid executives in this country doing more to help the plight of the people???
Is it because they don't pump their own gas, or shop for their own groceries? Or is it that their tinted windows on their limousines keep them from seeing the poverty and despair that's alongside them.
Why aren't they doing more while I'm doing more that I can afford? Why???
Come on people! It's time to step up and help each other. Give up your SELFISHness and try a little SELFLESSness.
I'm tired of this crap! It's time for us to do better, treat each other better, serve one another, do something kind for each other...CHANGE!!!
Let the DIALOGUE begin! What would you propose to make this country of ours a better place for those who are so greatly in need?
Yeah, yeah...I know that other countries need help, but let's clean up our own mess before we start cleaning up the messes of others.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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