That's how much I have in my bank account right now. Not even a whole dollar. 96 cents.
Deep breath.
Keep breathing.
Push forward.
With only $.96 in my bank account I STILL stand on Psalm 34:1 and proclaim:
"I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
Am I worried? Nope.
Because Worry and Prayer don't go together. Worry and Prayer are like water and oil to the faithful...they don't mix.
Am I telling you my bank account balance as a way to get you to help me financially? Nope.
Because not many would even if I did.
And that's alright. I know that Jehovah Jireh IS my Provider, and because of this fact, I will not worry. My FAITH tells me NOT to.
So there you have it. My two cents. Hey, if I give you two cents, that'll leave me with $.94
You know what...I'm STILL smiling! Life is good, and God is BETTER.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What would YOU do if you only had 96 CENTS in YOUR bank account?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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