So I went to a party last night and had a great time. Danced. Sang. Laughed. The whole nine.
It was a birthday celebration so lots of pics were taken. Unfortunately, there was one too many pictures taken. THAT picture was of ME. YUK!!!
I'm dancing, making a hideous face, and with about 3 chins showing. AARGH!!!
And you know what's coming next...
I was tagged and the pic is publicly posted on Facebook. I just want to crawl under a rock!!!
Fortunately, I was able to untag the pic, but I'm hoping and praying that ultimately it will be deleted. I sent a message to the person who posted it, asking that they delete it. Haven't heard back yet and the pic is so hideous, I don't even want to look and see if it's still there.
So I'll check again tomorrow, hoping and praying that it will be gone by then.
I don't know WHAT could have made anyone possibly think that that pic was something that I'd want the world to see. It's HORRENDOUS. Really. And I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not.
Unlike the "pretty people" of the world who take fabulous photo, after fabulous photo...the camera is NOT my friend. No, I'll correct that. The camera is not really the issue...bad timing is the issue.
I mean, I took other pics last night and they turned out lovely. Are those posted? Yes, but not in the PUBLIC album like the horrific pic is.
Can you tell that I'm just a bit perturbed by the whole situation?
My best friends know the drill...do NOT post any pictures of me without me seeing them FIRST. Never, EVER.
Why is this the drill? To avoid situations like the one I'm in now. This is sooo not good.
I really hope it goes away. I really really do.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Has anyone every posted a bad picture of you? Did you ask them to delete it? Did they delete it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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