A few years ago I was asked to speak at an event where the topic was UNITY.
I don't remember everything that I said but I do remember stressing the importance of how much we need each other and how everyone has their own unique and important part to play in the grand scheme of life.
Before I spoke, I handed out puzzle pieces to every one who was in attendance. At the time that they received their puzzle piece they had no idea what it was for.
As I spoke I explained to them how WE are like the puzzle pieces that they each held. Each piece needed to connect to another piece, and that piece would need to connect to another piece, etc...until...all of the pieces were connected. No one piece could stand alone.
Each piece was unique and had its own space on the puzzle. A corner piece could not fit in one of the inside spots, and vice versa. Every piece had to go in the specific spot for which it was intended otherwise the pieces would not fit properly and the puzzle simply would not be complete. This is how we should look at ourselves. We have all been created with our own purpose to be fulfilled. I can TRY to do what you do, but if it wasn't what I was created to do, then it'll never happen. The same applies to YOU trying to do what I do. Too often, we strive to be like someone else and have what they have, losing sight on our own intended purpose. And in striving to BE like others and/or HAVE what others have, we often end up frustrated because we're striving for something that wasn't meant for us, and as a result...those things are never obtained.
Instead, we are to encourage, support, and uplift EACH OTHER in our efforts so that ultimately, we all achieve our purpose. For example, if I have a talent or resource that may help YOU to get where you're trying to go in life, then I should help you. And you should do likewise. If we all use what we have, not only to help ourselves, but to help others as well...think of how much better this place would be, and how many more success stories there would be to share.
The days are over for that "crabs in the bucket" mentality. We need to STOP pulling each other down, and instead...LIFT each other up.
As I continued to speak on UNITY, I shared this with my audience: There are no ONE PIECE PUZZLES.
There just aren't. At the very minimum, a puzzle needs 2 pieces.
We are all pieces of God's great puzzle. So let's start connecting with one another, encouraging, supporting, uplifting...and make this a better place while we can.
I'm ready for more success stories...aren't you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What can YOU do to help lift someone up and help them fulfill their purpose? I can think of a good place to start. You can support ME by encouraging me in my writing efforts. It's such a small thing to do, yet it would mean so much to me. You can follow the blog and/or, "like" The Dialogue Den page on Facebook. It won't cost you a penny, yet your support would be invaluable to lil' ol' me.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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