Last Tuesday I wrote about the horrible experience of finding that my car had been towed. So as not to leave you all on a cliff-hanger, I'll let ya know how that whole thing turned out.
After walking home from the library, and then to the Sheriff's station, I was advised where my car was and that they were closed for the day so I'd have to begin the process of reclaiming my car on the following day.
I wake up on Wednesday morning, and walk to the tow company. They advise me what needs to be done and I realize that I am in for a VERY Long day. My next stop was to walk to the "top secret" location so that I could get my registration (although expired) out of my car so that I could then take it to the DMV.
I arrive at the "top secret" location where I am greeted my a gentleman who ONLY SPEAKS SPANISH. GREAT!!! Thankfully, I know a bit of Spanish but have never had a full-on conversation with anyone. Getting my paperwork was important though, so I made it work. After about 20 minutes, I was inside my vehicle and was able to get the registration.
On my walk to the DMV all I "had a little talk with God", and thanked Him for giving me the words to say IN SPANISH that I didn't even know I knew.
I arrived at the DMV minutes before they opened. I stood in the line that wrapped AROUND THE BUILDING in the hot morning sun. As I stood there, DMV employees came out to advise is that the computers were down STATEWIDE and there was NO ETA as to when they would be back up. GREAT AGAIN!!!
My whole reason for even being at the DMV was to get a "One Day Permit to Move the Vehicle" or something to that effect. Every 20 minutes or so, a worker would come out to update us, with the SAME information. Computers were STILL down, with NO ETA. I was determined to stay, no matter how long it took because I HAD to have my car THAT DAY in order to get done what needed to be done.
Thankfully, after about an hour and a half the computers came up and we were IN.
I got my permit and shortly thereafter, my niece very kindly picked me up to take me to my next spot...the Sheriff's station.
We arrive at the station, I show them my "One Day Permit" and they give me "the clear" to go get my car. So...back to the tow company we go.
There, I paid the RIDICULOUSLY OVERPRICED FEE to get my car back and we headed to the "top secret" spot once again, this time to retrieve and drive off with my car. Phew!!! Thank God!
Next stop was to get my smog check.
I arrived at the place, the guy looks at my paperwork and says, "I can't do the test here. You have to take your car to a 'Star Certified' station."
What??? What's that?? And WHERE is it?
He told me where the nearest one was and I headed that way, only to get THERE and be told that the gentleman would not do my smog check there because my "check engine" light was on.
Are you kidding me?!?
He told me to take my car to a mechanic, get it fixed and come back. I was about to crumble. I had no money to get ANYTHING fixed on my car...and everything needed to be completed THAT DAY. *TEARS*
So I hop in my car and head home, not knowing what to do next, but knowing that it was HOT and I needed to change clothes.
I get home, changed into something cooler and decided that after all my poor little car had been through, she deserved a bath. So I took her to the drive-thru car wash.
When the wash was over I drove forward and happened to glance at the dashboard. Would you believe...the "check engine" light was OFF! What?!? YES!!!
So I hopped on the freeway, making my way BACK to the smog check station and praying the entire way for the light to STAY off.
I pulled into his shop and said, "Look. The light is off now. You can do the test."
He looked at me and asked, "What did you do to the car?"
"I didn't do anything."
"Who touched it?"
"I didn't touch it. The light went off by itself. Now please, do the test."
"If I do the test and it fails, I'm still charging you."
"Fine. Just do the test. It won't fail."
He did the test, and it PASSED! Thank You LORD!!!
I was so happy! After all that had gone wrong, SOMETHING finally went right.
I drove my clean little, newly smog-checked car home and as I pulled into the driveway I heard an odd noise. I parked the car, got out, walked around the car and found...A FLAT TIRE.
Yep. Flat as a pancake.
At that point I was spent. Didn't even bother to deal with it at that moment. I went inside the house, thanked God for making the "check engine" light go out (HE was the one who 'touched' the car), for getting me home safely, and called it a day. Oh but that's not the end of it...I'll tell you the REST next time.
Now it's your turn. Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do YOU know how to change a flat tire?
Talk to me!
Til next time...