So I'm reading this book, and in it two of the characters correspond with each other via email. Now these two characters aren't just random people who happen to pass by each other on the street one day and are sending casual correspondence. No...these two are ENGAGED! She just happens to be in India at the time, while he is home in The States.
So there've been a number of emails so far and the one that I just read left me screaming at the page. The male character ended his email with "Take care."
Take care?!?
These two are together...and all he can say is "Take care"???
That is a relationship pet peeve of mine. When I am in a relationship with someone and we end a conversation, or get ready to part from one another...there's got to be an "I love you" or a kiss, or a hug. Kinda like a "til we meet again" sorta thing.
But "take care"?!?
Nope. Sorry. That wouldn't cut it for this girl.
Who knows...maybe that's just ME being too "mushy" as "Joe" puts it. But the words of Popeye, "I yam what I yam."
How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: Would YOU be okay with "take care" from your Honey, Boo, Significant Other, Spouse?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Ooh, Ahh, OUCH!!!
So after the stressful, sleepless, knots-in-the-stomach week from HELL that I've had at work, I decided to get some of this tension professionally relieved.
As much as I would LOVE a membership to Massage Envy, I just don't have that kind of money (yet), so I settled for the "Relaxation Spa" in my nearby mall.
Because I was so knotted up, I decided to splurge a little and got the 40 minute chair/massage bed combo.
For the first 20 minutes, the tiny little masseuse massaged my temples, neck, feet and legs.
For the next 20 minutes, she massaged me from head to toe...and my arms.
I gotta tell ya...this woman was tiny, but it felt like a GORILLA was massaging me.
I tried not to wince too much because I know she was just working on all the knots that she felt. But MAN!!!
At one point I had to remind myself that childbirth is painful too, but to just keep breathing and it would all be over soon.
So I breathed, and breathed, and breathed some more.
Finally, she was done...and I must say...that little woman massaged me so well that when I got off that bed, I was dizzy. Like so relaxed I felt like I was standing on legs of spaghetti. It actually took me a minute to get my bearings. Boy do I feel better now.
After today's massage, I told myself that I am going to get them more often...because I'm worth it. If it means that maybe I won't buy lunch for a week, or have to give up something else...I'll do it if it means that I get to have regular massages.
How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you had a massage, and how regularly do you get them?

Talk to me!
Til next time...
As much as I would LOVE a membership to Massage Envy, I just don't have that kind of money (yet), so I settled for the "Relaxation Spa" in my nearby mall.
Because I was so knotted up, I decided to splurge a little and got the 40 minute chair/massage bed combo.
For the first 20 minutes, the tiny little masseuse massaged my temples, neck, feet and legs.
For the next 20 minutes, she massaged me from head to toe...and my arms.
I gotta tell ya...this woman was tiny, but it felt like a GORILLA was massaging me.
I tried not to wince too much because I know she was just working on all the knots that she felt. But MAN!!!
At one point I had to remind myself that childbirth is painful too, but to just keep breathing and it would all be over soon.
So I breathed, and breathed, and breathed some more.
Finally, she was done...and I must say...that little woman massaged me so well that when I got off that bed, I was dizzy. Like so relaxed I felt like I was standing on legs of spaghetti. It actually took me a minute to get my bearings. Boy do I feel better now.
After today's massage, I told myself that I am going to get them more often...because I'm worth it. If it means that maybe I won't buy lunch for a week, or have to give up something else...I'll do it if it means that I get to have regular massages.
How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you had a massage, and how regularly do you get them?

Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Wo-Man Down!
So I'm a couple days late with this one but as my knee continues to pain me, I thought I'd write about how my week began.
Monday morning, I'm getting ready for work and realize that my phone isn't charged.
I go into my daughter's room to get our "shared" charger.
As I'm heading out of her room, my feet begin to slide and I realize that I'M ABOUT TO GO DOWN.
It all happened so quickly and before I knew it, my ankle was all twisted up and my knee was THROBBING.
I must've laid there on the floor for FIFTEEN MINUTES. Not really sure if I could move. Not sure if I was ready to move. At one point I just wanted to lay there and go back to sleep.
Eventually I got back on my feet, but knee, ankle and BACK have not been the same since.
All I could do was scowl at my daughter. Demanded that she clean her room (which STILL hasn't been done and today is Wednesday), and told her to keep the crap off of her floor.
So...I'm now "on the mend". Moving a bit more slowly than usual, but moving nonetheless. Seems like my knee is snap, crackling, and popping a bit more than I'm used to, but maybe that's to be expected.
Anyhoo...Let the DIALOUGE begin: When was the last time you fell? Was it in front of other folks, or were you by yourself?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday morning, I'm getting ready for work and realize that my phone isn't charged.
I go into my daughter's room to get our "shared" charger.
As I'm heading out of her room, my feet begin to slide and I realize that I'M ABOUT TO GO DOWN.
It all happened so quickly and before I knew it, my ankle was all twisted up and my knee was THROBBING.
I must've laid there on the floor for FIFTEEN MINUTES. Not really sure if I could move. Not sure if I was ready to move. At one point I just wanted to lay there and go back to sleep.
Eventually I got back on my feet, but knee, ankle and BACK have not been the same since.
All I could do was scowl at my daughter. Demanded that she clean her room (which STILL hasn't been done and today is Wednesday), and told her to keep the crap off of her floor.
So...I'm now "on the mend". Moving a bit more slowly than usual, but moving nonetheless. Seems like my knee is snap, crackling, and popping a bit more than I'm used to, but maybe that's to be expected.
Anyhoo...Let the DIALOUGE begin: When was the last time you fell? Was it in front of other folks, or were you by yourself?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, August 24, 2015
Messages of Love
Yesterday as I was clearing out some of my old text messages I came across the last ones that I had sent to my Mom on October 22, 2014...just 18 days before she left this life on Earth and began her eternal life in Heaven.
She was in the hospital at the time and was missing her dogs; rambunctious Sammy and sweet little lazy Lazarus. To help her feel better, I took pics of her fur-babies and texted them to her. That way she'd always have them with her. She loved those little pooches, and neither she, nor they had any idea that September 17th would be the last day that they'd ever see each other.
A month later, when she was moved to hospice, the staff informed us that we could bring the dogs to visit her as long as their shots were up to date. My Mom beamed when she heard this news. Before I could take them to visit, they needed their nails clipped, and a flea dip. Before I could get that done though, she was gone.
Anyhoo...I said all that to say that it's been really difficult for me to delete those messages. It's as though keeping them allows me to have a little bit of her here still. To see that text addressed to "Mom's Cell" just gives me teeny bit of comfort.
I wish I had kept her last voicemail message to me.
I wish I had kept her last text TO me, instead of mine TO her.
So for just a little longer, I will hang on to this one.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have any special text messages that you're holding on to? If so, from who?

Talk to me!
Til next time...
She was in the hospital at the time and was missing her dogs; rambunctious Sammy and sweet little lazy Lazarus. To help her feel better, I took pics of her fur-babies and texted them to her. That way she'd always have them with her. She loved those little pooches, and neither she, nor they had any idea that September 17th would be the last day that they'd ever see each other.
A month later, when she was moved to hospice, the staff informed us that we could bring the dogs to visit her as long as their shots were up to date. My Mom beamed when she heard this news. Before I could take them to visit, they needed their nails clipped, and a flea dip. Before I could get that done though, she was gone.
Anyhoo...I said all that to say that it's been really difficult for me to delete those messages. It's as though keeping them allows me to have a little bit of her here still. To see that text addressed to "Mom's Cell" just gives me teeny bit of comfort.
I wish I had kept her last voicemail message to me.
I wish I had kept her last text TO me, instead of mine TO her.
So for just a little longer, I will hang on to this one.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have any special text messages that you're holding on to? If so, from who?

Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Take Two!!!
Lately I've been re-thinking some decisions that I've made, wondering how things would've been had I done them differently. I tend to have these thoughts most often on a Sunday evening like tonight, where I am thankful to have a job, yet not too thrilled about the one I have to go to tomorrow.
Many times I ask myself, "How did I end up HERE?" Or, "Where did I go wrong?"
In the words of Erykah Badu, "I think I made a wrong turn back there somewhere."
Looking back, I can pretty much pinpoint just where things took a wrong turn. It was when I stopped attending college.
Had I stayed in college, I would've continued studying my field of choice (which at that time was TEACHING) and I would have had DECADES of teaching under my belt by now. At the very least, I would've had a degree. Well...I do have an AA, but that's not much better than a high school diploma these days.
Instead, I stopped going...and it has been one cubicle job after another ever since.
Again I say...YES, I am THANKFUL to have a job. And at the same time...probably in the same breath...I know that there is MORE for me. I am supposed to be doing something else. How do I know? Because my spirit is so unsettled, and I don't think that THIS is how I am supposed to be feeling.
Even with my blog, I feel like there is MORE for it than me writing to a handful of readers (for that handful, I am VERY thankful). This is supposed to be BIG. This is supposed to open doors for me. This is supposed to get me out of a cubicle and into the creative world of writing, and stage plays, and televisions series', and movies. THIS is supposed to be THAT.
I don't know. I guess I'm in a "holding pattern" of sorts.
Kinda wondering, what's the difference between regret, and wishing I had done something differently? Or is there a difference?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's one thing you wish you could do differently that may have changed the course of your life?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Many times I ask myself, "How did I end up HERE?" Or, "Where did I go wrong?"
In the words of Erykah Badu, "I think I made a wrong turn back there somewhere."
Looking back, I can pretty much pinpoint just where things took a wrong turn. It was when I stopped attending college.
Had I stayed in college, I would've continued studying my field of choice (which at that time was TEACHING) and I would have had DECADES of teaching under my belt by now. At the very least, I would've had a degree. Well...I do have an AA, but that's not much better than a high school diploma these days.
Instead, I stopped going...and it has been one cubicle job after another ever since.
Again I say...YES, I am THANKFUL to have a job. And at the same time...probably in the same breath...I know that there is MORE for me. I am supposed to be doing something else. How do I know? Because my spirit is so unsettled, and I don't think that THIS is how I am supposed to be feeling.
Even with my blog, I feel like there is MORE for it than me writing to a handful of readers (for that handful, I am VERY thankful). This is supposed to be BIG. This is supposed to open doors for me. This is supposed to get me out of a cubicle and into the creative world of writing, and stage plays, and televisions series', and movies. THIS is supposed to be THAT.
I don't know. I guess I'm in a "holding pattern" of sorts.
Kinda wondering, what's the difference between regret, and wishing I had done something differently? Or is there a difference?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's one thing you wish you could do differently that may have changed the course of your life?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Salt and Pepper
Today as I was combing my hair, I kept seeing hairs that seemed "out of place". I'd slick them down, but something still wasn't quite right.
I slicked. I brushed. And then I got right up on the mirror to figure out, "What the heck is this in my hair?"
Turns out that what's "in my hair" isn't really "in my hair" at actually IS my hair, and my hair has almost overnight become increasingly grey.
Now...I knew that I had a patch of about maybe 10 strands on the right side of my head, midway between the front and back. Those have been here for YEARS and those 10 little strands seemed to be just fine where they were.
Then, maybe a year ago, I noticed 2 little strands right at my forehead. No biggie. Most times I'd let them be, and occasionally, I'd just pluck them out. Of course, they grew back.
But today...
Today I found about 7 new strands right at my temple. WHEN DID THOSE GET HERE?!?
I mean seriously, it seems like they just sprouted overnight.
So it lead me to wonder: Am I becoming grey-er because my body knows its chronological age (even though I don't FEEL anywhere CLOSE to my age)? Or is it happening because I am under an unusual amount of STRESS at work. I'm talking crazy, "I've never been under this much stress" stress.
Once I was under stress at another job and instead of going grey, my hair just decided to bail altogether and I ended up with 5 quarter-sized bald spots in my head where the hair just fell clean out. Thankfully, it grew back.
Now I'm wondering what I'll do with all this new grey-ness.
How much more will there be?
If it stays at the current amount, then I'm dye needed.
But if I start seeing PATCHES of it throughout my head...we may need to figure something out.
I guess only time will tell.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have YOU started greying, and if so...are you just letting nature takes its course, or do you keep those roots colored?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I slicked. I brushed. And then I got right up on the mirror to figure out, "What the heck is this in my hair?"
Turns out that what's "in my hair" isn't really "in my hair" at actually IS my hair, and my hair has almost overnight become increasingly grey.
Now...I knew that I had a patch of about maybe 10 strands on the right side of my head, midway between the front and back. Those have been here for YEARS and those 10 little strands seemed to be just fine where they were.
Then, maybe a year ago, I noticed 2 little strands right at my forehead. No biggie. Most times I'd let them be, and occasionally, I'd just pluck them out. Of course, they grew back.
But today...
Today I found about 7 new strands right at my temple. WHEN DID THOSE GET HERE?!?
I mean seriously, it seems like they just sprouted overnight.
So it lead me to wonder: Am I becoming grey-er because my body knows its chronological age (even though I don't FEEL anywhere CLOSE to my age)? Or is it happening because I am under an unusual amount of STRESS at work. I'm talking crazy, "I've never been under this much stress" stress.
Once I was under stress at another job and instead of going grey, my hair just decided to bail altogether and I ended up with 5 quarter-sized bald spots in my head where the hair just fell clean out. Thankfully, it grew back.
Now I'm wondering what I'll do with all this new grey-ness.
How much more will there be?
If it stays at the current amount, then I'm dye needed.
But if I start seeing PATCHES of it throughout my head...we may need to figure something out.
I guess only time will tell.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have YOU started greying, and if so...are you just letting nature takes its course, or do you keep those roots colored?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Earlier today I posted the following on Facebook:
"Listening to talk radio and the subject is this:
Would you give up 20% of your pay to only have to work 4 days a week?
I'll answer first: YES!!!"
I must say...I wasn't surprised by the number of people who said NO.
I knew when I posed the question that I would be the "odd man out".
Here's the deal:
I understand that we need money in order to survive.
I also understand that one must WORK for that money.
Where I differ from most is in the fact that I value my TIME more than most value MONEY.
Maybe it's because I've never HAD a lot of money, so giving up a little in order to gain more TIME is a trade-off that I would sign up for all day, any day.
I am happiest when my time is my own. Always.
I've been through 2 "layoffs" and those times were some of the best in my life...because my time was my own. I was able to be FREE and do what *I* wanted to do *when* I wanted to do it. Most look at being laid off as a negative. I have NEVER looked at it that way.
Now don't get me wrong...there's a difference between being laid off, receiving a severance vs. being unemployed with NO money coming in. I have experienced both. And yes...things were extremely difficult during that latter I got my butt back to work. Didn't mean that I wasn't happy though while I was unemployed...I just knew that I needed to get back to work because bills needed to be paid.
So...hopefully everyone is clear on the fact that YES...I understand that one MUST work in order to survive. Got it.
I, however...don't see the need, nor have the desire to work 5 days a week...40 hours a week.
In my "ideal work world", I would only work 4 days each week for 32 hours...Tuesday through Thursday. And I would be utterly, totally, COMPLETELY satisfied with the 20% pay cut. Like seriously...WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!?
Who knows...maybe I feel this way because I don't have any time vested into a company, so I have nothing to lose by only working 32 hours a week. I don't have an abundance of vacation time racked up, so maybe those things are what make my decision so easy.
But for's all about the money...and I get that. To each his own...that's just not me. 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Would YOU work 4 days a week (4/32) with a 20% reduction in pay?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
"Listening to talk radio and the subject is this:
Would you give up 20% of your pay to only have to work 4 days a week?
I'll answer first: YES!!!"
I must say...I wasn't surprised by the number of people who said NO.
I knew when I posed the question that I would be the "odd man out".
Here's the deal:
I understand that we need money in order to survive.
I also understand that one must WORK for that money.
Where I differ from most is in the fact that I value my TIME more than most value MONEY.
Maybe it's because I've never HAD a lot of money, so giving up a little in order to gain more TIME is a trade-off that I would sign up for all day, any day.
I am happiest when my time is my own. Always.
I've been through 2 "layoffs" and those times were some of the best in my life...because my time was my own. I was able to be FREE and do what *I* wanted to do *when* I wanted to do it. Most look at being laid off as a negative. I have NEVER looked at it that way.
Now don't get me wrong...there's a difference between being laid off, receiving a severance vs. being unemployed with NO money coming in. I have experienced both. And yes...things were extremely difficult during that latter I got my butt back to work. Didn't mean that I wasn't happy though while I was unemployed...I just knew that I needed to get back to work because bills needed to be paid.
So...hopefully everyone is clear on the fact that YES...I understand that one MUST work in order to survive. Got it.
I, however...don't see the need, nor have the desire to work 5 days a week...40 hours a week.
In my "ideal work world", I would only work 4 days each week for 32 hours...Tuesday through Thursday. And I would be utterly, totally, COMPLETELY satisfied with the 20% pay cut. Like seriously...WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!?
Who knows...maybe I feel this way because I don't have any time vested into a company, so I have nothing to lose by only working 32 hours a week. I don't have an abundance of vacation time racked up, so maybe those things are what make my decision so easy.
But for's all about the money...and I get that. To each his own...that's just not me. 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Would YOU work 4 days a week (4/32) with a 20% reduction in pay?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, August 16, 2015
My Weekend
Lots to write about and today I'm gonna cram it all into ONE post. goes:
- I have internet at home again. Not through a portable "jetpack" but REAL internet. Yay me! I may have to sell stuff on eBay to make sure that I can keep up with the monthly payments, but dag-gonnit...I'm keepin' this internet!
- I had a good weekend. Did a lot and got a little rest. Just a little.
- Yesterday was my youngest daughter's birthday and she actually led a back-to-school prayer service at church for all of the students returning to school. On her 22nd birthday...she could have been ANYWHERE...yet she chose to be at church, doing something to benefit others. God was smiling, I'm sure.
- I got to see some old high school classmates today. That was cool.
- best friend FINALLY got to meet "Joe". After all these years of he and I being friends, and this past year of us being "a couple", today was the very first time they met. I'd say the meeting went well. Yay!
Now those were all positives and I only have ONE "not-so-positive" to add...I'm back to dreading Mondays. Remember when I used to stay up all night Sunday night to delay Monday morning coming. Well...we're back to that. I have a major issue to tackle tomorrow and I have no idea how things are gonna turn out. All I know is this: "All I can do is all I can do, and all I can do is enough."
That's all folks.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: How was YOUR day?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
- I have internet at home again. Not through a portable "jetpack" but REAL internet. Yay me! I may have to sell stuff on eBay to make sure that I can keep up with the monthly payments, but dag-gonnit...I'm keepin' this internet!
- I had a good weekend. Did a lot and got a little rest. Just a little.
- Yesterday was my youngest daughter's birthday and she actually led a back-to-school prayer service at church for all of the students returning to school. On her 22nd birthday...she could have been ANYWHERE...yet she chose to be at church, doing something to benefit others. God was smiling, I'm sure.
- I got to see some old high school classmates today. That was cool.
- best friend FINALLY got to meet "Joe". After all these years of he and I being friends, and this past year of us being "a couple", today was the very first time they met. I'd say the meeting went well. Yay!
Now those were all positives and I only have ONE "not-so-positive" to add...I'm back to dreading Mondays. Remember when I used to stay up all night Sunday night to delay Monday morning coming. Well...we're back to that. I have a major issue to tackle tomorrow and I have no idea how things are gonna turn out. All I know is this: "All I can do is all I can do, and all I can do is enough."
That's all folks.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: How was YOUR day?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, August 10, 2015
This Way? That Way?? Which Way???
Tonight's post will be short and sweet...mainly because I'm at the library and they'll be closing in 45 minutes.
Yes folks, I'm back at the library using their internet because I don't have internet at home right now. Gotta tell's really made me scratch my head and wonder WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING WRONG? And/or, WHERE DID I GO WRONG?
I go to work EVERYDAY, make a "decent" wage...and yet STILL can't get everything paid for when it needs to be.
I get TWO paychecks each month. The first goes ENTIRELY to rent with NOTHING left over. The second goes to all the other stuff: food, gas, bills...AND a little bit of THAT ONE has to be saved for the rent too because that first check doesn't COVER simply goes TOWARD the rent.
I'm tired.
Tired of not having enough.
So today I realized that I've gotta do something DIFFERENT in order to get DIFFERENT results.
What that is...I don't know exactly...but I'm pretty sure that it will not come in the form of "working for others". I MUST find a way to "do my own thing" and "be my own boss".
Now don't get me wrong, I am thankful to be employed...especially after my recent stint of unemployment (as in ZERO money coming in. Zero, Zilch...NADA). Yet, I'm still not HAPPY. I'm not SATISFIED. I'm just functioning..."goin' through the motions" but not TRULY enjoying what I do.
And contrary to what on of my former bosses once told me...Yes, I CAN enjoy what I do for a living. It IS possible!
I'm fairly certain that whatever I do will come in the form of writing, but who knows...I may explore other opportunities as well. I just know that the longer I work in a cubicle, the less I belong in one.
For those who are wondering...nooo, I won't be making any hasty decisions to leave my current job, but I will be diligently seeking and pursuing that which will make me TRULY happy...that which I was put on this earth to do.
I may have taken a wrong turn somewhere, maybe even MANY wrong turns...but I'll find my way. I WILL!
How 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you operating in YOUR true purpose, or are you just "goin' through the motions" too?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Yes folks, I'm back at the library using their internet because I don't have internet at home right now. Gotta tell's really made me scratch my head and wonder WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING WRONG? And/or, WHERE DID I GO WRONG?
I go to work EVERYDAY, make a "decent" wage...and yet STILL can't get everything paid for when it needs to be.
I get TWO paychecks each month. The first goes ENTIRELY to rent with NOTHING left over. The second goes to all the other stuff: food, gas, bills...AND a little bit of THAT ONE has to be saved for the rent too because that first check doesn't COVER simply goes TOWARD the rent.
I'm tired.
Tired of not having enough.
So today I realized that I've gotta do something DIFFERENT in order to get DIFFERENT results.
What that is...I don't know exactly...but I'm pretty sure that it will not come in the form of "working for others". I MUST find a way to "do my own thing" and "be my own boss".
Now don't get me wrong, I am thankful to be employed...especially after my recent stint of unemployment (as in ZERO money coming in. Zero, Zilch...NADA). Yet, I'm still not HAPPY. I'm not SATISFIED. I'm just functioning..."goin' through the motions" but not TRULY enjoying what I do.
And contrary to what on of my former bosses once told me...Yes, I CAN enjoy what I do for a living. It IS possible!
I'm fairly certain that whatever I do will come in the form of writing, but who knows...I may explore other opportunities as well. I just know that the longer I work in a cubicle, the less I belong in one.
For those who are wondering...nooo, I won't be making any hasty decisions to leave my current job, but I will be diligently seeking and pursuing that which will make me TRULY happy...that which I was put on this earth to do.
I may have taken a wrong turn somewhere, maybe even MANY wrong turns...but I'll find my way. I WILL!
How 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you operating in YOUR true purpose, or are you just "goin' through the motions" too?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Because I'm HAPPY!!!
With all the bad news that's reported each day, I thought I'd write about something HAPPY. I don't have anything specific to write about except the fact that I am incredibly happy.
What I have come to realize in my happiness is that happiness is "relative". For example, some folks would need a WHOLE LOT more than what I have right now in order to be happy.
I have very little money in the bank...hanging on til I get paid again. Although more money (and no financial struggles) would make life much easier...I have learned to have MUCH joy even in times like this (of VERY LITTLE MONEY). It will get better though...this I believe. This I know.
My internet is currently off at home (again) until I can pay the bill (so I have once again found myself at Starbucks).
My little Kia is almost 9 yrs old (but I'm THANKFUL that it still works).
I live in a very small 2 bedroom apartment (but I'm THANKFUL for a roof over my call my own)
And I've been working crazy long hours at work...without getting paid overtime, because I am a salaried employee (yet I am THANKFUL to be working).
Even without all the monetary stuff, I am BLESSED by all the things I have which money can not buy.
I have three amazingly incredible children who are intelligent, well-mannered, healthy, and simply good people.
I have great friends, great family, and "Joe" who absolutely LOVES me.
I have my health, and can take care of myself physically. My mind works, and so do ALL of my senses.
If I could bottle up how I feel, the bottle would glow like the sunniest day, 'cause that's how I feel SUNSHINE. If a picture could describe how I feel, it would be the one I've posted here (which by the way, I took myself). Can you see how peaceful it is. That's where I am right peace...content.
I am happier that I have been in a very LONG time...maybe happier than I've EVER been...and I love it. I feel like I am FINALLY becoming who I was meant to be...FINALLY.
I pray that this feeling lasts FOREVER and that I am able to spread my joy to others, 'cause a feeling like this is just too good to keep to one's self.
Now it's YOUR turn: Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you were happy...TRULY happy?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
What I have come to realize in my happiness is that happiness is "relative". For example, some folks would need a WHOLE LOT more than what I have right now in order to be happy.
I have very little money in the bank...hanging on til I get paid again. Although more money (and no financial struggles) would make life much easier...I have learned to have MUCH joy even in times like this (of VERY LITTLE MONEY). It will get better though...this I believe. This I know.
My internet is currently off at home (again) until I can pay the bill (so I have once again found myself at Starbucks).
My little Kia is almost 9 yrs old (but I'm THANKFUL that it still works).
I live in a very small 2 bedroom apartment (but I'm THANKFUL for a roof over my call my own)
And I've been working crazy long hours at work...without getting paid overtime, because I am a salaried employee (yet I am THANKFUL to be working).
Even without all the monetary stuff, I am BLESSED by all the things I have which money can not buy.
I have three amazingly incredible children who are intelligent, well-mannered, healthy, and simply good people.
I have great friends, great family, and "Joe" who absolutely LOVES me.
I have my health, and can take care of myself physically. My mind works, and so do ALL of my senses.
If I could bottle up how I feel, the bottle would glow like the sunniest day, 'cause that's how I feel SUNSHINE. If a picture could describe how I feel, it would be the one I've posted here (which by the way, I took myself). Can you see how peaceful it is. That's where I am right peace...content.
I am happier that I have been in a very LONG time...maybe happier than I've EVER been...and I love it. I feel like I am FINALLY becoming who I was meant to be...FINALLY.
I pray that this feeling lasts FOREVER and that I am able to spread my joy to others, 'cause a feeling like this is just too good to keep to one's self.
Now it's YOUR turn: Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you were happy...TRULY happy?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Zip It!!!
Most folks who know me would say that I'm easy-going, soft-spoken, and very patient. ALL of that is true.
Unfortunately...those qualities can sometimes be mistaken for weakness...which they are NOT.
Interestingly though...because I exude such qualities 99.9 percent of the time...the .1 percent that I have to display "other" qualities sends folks into a bit of a spin, not quite understanding "what just happened".
Such an experience took place today.
For weeks I have tolerated a certain person's "bossiness" and just figured, "that's the way she is". Today though, I had had ENOUGH.
She asked me a question and as I was answering, she was talking over me as though she already knew the answer. THIS by the way is a MAJOR pet-peeve of mine. Do NOT...I repeat...DO NOT ever ask me a question and then talk over my answer, because talking over my answer tells me that you already know everything and at that point...I'm just gonna stop answering, and let you be WRONG to figure it out yourself.
Today though, I was so disturbed by the way that this question and answer session was going, I was determined to get MY answer...the CORRECT answer out.
So I'm talking. She's talking.
I'm talking louder. She's talking louder.
I'm talking the LOUDEST and say, "Let me answer the question!" At which point, she INSTANTLY "zips it" and LISTENS. As a result, she realized that she had been WAY OFF TRACK in her thinking and thanked me for clarifying. To which I responded,"You're welcome".
I go back to what I was doing BEFORE the question, and she asks, "Are you a little uptight today?"
"No. But if you are referring to what just happened, I needed you to hear what I was saying and in order to do that I needed to get you to stop talking over me."
Shortly after that I noticed a complete change in the way that she interacted with me. It was as though during our little Q&A session she FINALLY gained some respect for me. FINALLY.
Was it in the fact that I had to be firm and raise my voice a tad?
Was it in the fact that I actually KNEW what I was talking about while she was waaay off base?
Could it have been both? Possibly.
Whatever it was, I think that things will be better for us going forward and if it took what I did today to get us to that point, then we will both be all the better for it. I put up with a lot more than most, but I do have a breaking point, and when I break...folks notice.
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: How do YOU get YOUR point across?
Talk to me (but don't talk over me)
Til next time...
Unfortunately...those qualities can sometimes be mistaken for weakness...which they are NOT.
Interestingly though...because I exude such qualities 99.9 percent of the time...the .1 percent that I have to display "other" qualities sends folks into a bit of a spin, not quite understanding "what just happened".
Such an experience took place today.
For weeks I have tolerated a certain person's "bossiness" and just figured, "that's the way she is". Today though, I had had ENOUGH.
She asked me a question and as I was answering, she was talking over me as though she already knew the answer. THIS by the way is a MAJOR pet-peeve of mine. Do NOT...I repeat...DO NOT ever ask me a question and then talk over my answer, because talking over my answer tells me that you already know everything and at that point...I'm just gonna stop answering, and let you be WRONG to figure it out yourself.
Today though, I was so disturbed by the way that this question and answer session was going, I was determined to get MY answer...the CORRECT answer out.
So I'm talking. She's talking.
I'm talking louder. She's talking louder.
I'm talking the LOUDEST and say, "Let me answer the question!" At which point, she INSTANTLY "zips it" and LISTENS. As a result, she realized that she had been WAY OFF TRACK in her thinking and thanked me for clarifying. To which I responded,"You're welcome".
I go back to what I was doing BEFORE the question, and she asks, "Are you a little uptight today?"
"No. But if you are referring to what just happened, I needed you to hear what I was saying and in order to do that I needed to get you to stop talking over me."
Shortly after that I noticed a complete change in the way that she interacted with me. It was as though during our little Q&A session she FINALLY gained some respect for me. FINALLY.
Was it in the fact that I had to be firm and raise my voice a tad?
Was it in the fact that I actually KNEW what I was talking about while she was waaay off base?
Could it have been both? Possibly.
Whatever it was, I think that things will be better for us going forward and if it took what I did today to get us to that point, then we will both be all the better for it. I put up with a lot more than most, but I do have a breaking point, and when I break...folks notice.
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: How do YOU get YOUR point across?
Talk to me (but don't talk over me)

Til next time...
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Friends...How Many of Us Have Them?
Facebook is such an interesting place...really, it is.
What I find most interesting are the folks who ignore my friend requests.
Who knows...maybe I'm too liberal in my "friend acceptance". My criteria isn't all that high, and oddly enough, I have an AMAZING bunch of FB friends.
My guidelines are pretty much this:
If we went to school together at any time...I accept.
If we worked together at any time...I accept.
If we dated at any time...I accept.
If we've met before and hit it off (even if it was only ONE time)...I accept.
If we have at least 7 mutual friends (y'all know how I am about the number SEVEN)...I accept.
If we are family...I accept.
If we've attended the same church at any time...I accept.
So you see...I'm really not all that choosey.
But SOME goodness!
Now what brought this post on was the fact that I went to "like" another friend's post and took a look at the other folks who had also "liked" it (if you didn't know this about me...I am a MAJOR Facebook looky-loo. I love looking at other folk's pages...seeing "who's who" and "what's what". It's quite fascinating). Well lo and behold, there was a person whom I had sent a request to MONTHS ago. We went to elementary school together and have MANY mutual friends. Well...she's been sitting on my lil ol' request. And I have no idea why.
I wasn't mean to her in elementary school (I wasn't mean to anybody...although MANY were mean to me, but that's a different post for another day).
You would think that with so many mutual friends, if she didn't remember me, she would've asked somebody.
And then again, who knows...maybe she just didn't want to accept my request and it's as simple as that.
Mind you...I sent the request to her so long ago, I had forgotten all about it. Seeing her profile again tonight with "friend request sent" under her name was all I needed to "cancel request". After all...I'm not desperate for friends, in "real life" or on FB, so cancelling the request was no sweat off my nose.
Funny...I sent another individual a request years ago, and he sat on my request too. We went to middle school AND high school together. I though I was cool with him. Guess not. With him though, I know that it was because I don't meet his "attractiveness" standard that he sets for folks in his circle. If you don't "look" a certain way, or have the "right" body type, he wants nothing to do with you. I am friends with one of his brothers (who's VERY "down to earth" and not nearly as saditty (sp?), so, it's all good.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's YOUR criteria for accepting friends on Facebook? Or do you not have one?
Talk to me...(and send me a request if we're not friends already
Til next time...
What I find most interesting are the folks who ignore my friend requests.
Who knows...maybe I'm too liberal in my "friend acceptance". My criteria isn't all that high, and oddly enough, I have an AMAZING bunch of FB friends.
My guidelines are pretty much this:
If we went to school together at any time...I accept.
If we worked together at any time...I accept.
If we dated at any time...I accept.
If we've met before and hit it off (even if it was only ONE time)...I accept.
If we have at least 7 mutual friends (y'all know how I am about the number SEVEN)...I accept.
If we are family...I accept.
If we've attended the same church at any time...I accept.
So you see...I'm really not all that choosey.
But SOME goodness!
Now what brought this post on was the fact that I went to "like" another friend's post and took a look at the other folks who had also "liked" it (if you didn't know this about me...I am a MAJOR Facebook looky-loo. I love looking at other folk's pages...seeing "who's who" and "what's what". It's quite fascinating). Well lo and behold, there was a person whom I had sent a request to MONTHS ago. We went to elementary school together and have MANY mutual friends. Well...she's been sitting on my lil ol' request. And I have no idea why.
I wasn't mean to her in elementary school (I wasn't mean to anybody...although MANY were mean to me, but that's a different post for another day).
You would think that with so many mutual friends, if she didn't remember me, she would've asked somebody.
And then again, who knows...maybe she just didn't want to accept my request and it's as simple as that.
Mind you...I sent the request to her so long ago, I had forgotten all about it. Seeing her profile again tonight with "friend request sent" under her name was all I needed to "cancel request". After all...I'm not desperate for friends, in "real life" or on FB, so cancelling the request was no sweat off my nose.
Funny...I sent another individual a request years ago, and he sat on my request too. We went to middle school AND high school together. I though I was cool with him. Guess not. With him though, I know that it was because I don't meet his "attractiveness" standard that he sets for folks in his circle. If you don't "look" a certain way, or have the "right" body type, he wants nothing to do with you. I am friends with one of his brothers (who's VERY "down to earth" and not nearly as saditty (sp?), so, it's all good.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's YOUR criteria for accepting friends on Facebook? Or do you not have one?
Talk to me...(and send me a request if we're not friends already

Til next time...
Monday, August 3, 2015
Rewinding the Clock
Ever had one of those days that you wish you could re-live over and over and over again?
Yesterday was one of those days for me. As you can guess, the day involved "Joe". I just LOVE that dude!
He invited me over early yesterday morning. I got there and we just loafed around. At about 10:30 we realized that it was time to get the day started so we headed to the kitchen. He wanted to make breakfast but had a sink full of dishes, so I decided to wash them. While I washed the dishes he cranked up the tunes. I love the way that he loves music as much as I do. As I continued to wash the dishes, he rustled through the cupboards and fridge for what he was going to make, and peppered me with random kisses, which I loved.
After I finished the dishes I headed to the table and whipped out my computer so that I could finish up on some work. I worked, he sang and cooked. Before I knew it, he was moving my computer and laid a delicious turkey-veggie omelet in front of me with a glass of tea. Awww. He takes such good care of me.
After breakfast, we loafed around some more and then I told him that I had to leave for a 2:00 meeting.
Oh, the look on his face.
"You didn't tell me you had to leave."
"I know. But I'll be back right after."
"I won't be here. I've got some runs to make."
So...we said our farewells for the day, and I left with a big smile on my face, as I always do whenever I'm with him.
He just makes me happy. And even when we do absolutely long as we're doing nothing's the BEST nothing EVER.
All day today, all I wanted was to go back to yesterday.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the best day that you've ever spent with YOUR "Boo"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Yesterday was one of those days for me. As you can guess, the day involved "Joe". I just LOVE that dude!
He invited me over early yesterday morning. I got there and we just loafed around. At about 10:30 we realized that it was time to get the day started so we headed to the kitchen. He wanted to make breakfast but had a sink full of dishes, so I decided to wash them. While I washed the dishes he cranked up the tunes. I love the way that he loves music as much as I do. As I continued to wash the dishes, he rustled through the cupboards and fridge for what he was going to make, and peppered me with random kisses, which I loved.
After I finished the dishes I headed to the table and whipped out my computer so that I could finish up on some work. I worked, he sang and cooked. Before I knew it, he was moving my computer and laid a delicious turkey-veggie omelet in front of me with a glass of tea. Awww. He takes such good care of me.
After breakfast, we loafed around some more and then I told him that I had to leave for a 2:00 meeting.
Oh, the look on his face.
"You didn't tell me you had to leave."
"I know. But I'll be back right after."
"I won't be here. I've got some runs to make."
So...we said our farewells for the day, and I left with a big smile on my face, as I always do whenever I'm with him.
He just makes me happy. And even when we do absolutely long as we're doing nothing's the BEST nothing EVER.
All day today, all I wanted was to go back to yesterday.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the best day that you've ever spent with YOUR "Boo"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Bit By the Bacon Bug
Here's a question for ya...
What's better than the SMELL of bacon???
{insert Jeopardy Theme Song Here}
Answer: EATING Bacon!!!
This evening after work, I stopped by Costco to pick up one thing...just ONE thing. I was there to get more salmon.
On the way to the salmon I was hit by this AMAZING smell...the smell of bacon cooking. As I got closer to the salmon, the bacon scent grew stronger. Wouldn't you know it...there was a woman giving out samples of applewood smoked bacon right there at the end of the aisle where the salmon is.
I watched folks line up for the sample, and thought, "Ah...I don't need a sample. Just get the salmon and go."
But that smell though!!!
Seconds later I too was in line waiting for my sample. It was DELICIOUS, and wasn't enough. So I briefly considered getting in line for another one...but that's against the rules, right?
So I get my salmon and have to pass by the bacon to head toward the register. Well I didn't HAVE to...I could've gone the long way around, but...
As I'm passing "The Bacon Lady" I notice the price of the bacon, and began my rationalization process as to WHY this would be a good purchase, and how much I was saving, yadda yadda yadda.
Well folks...who wants to take a guess at how much bacon I now have in my fridge (and freezer).
The funny thing is...I can't even remember the last time I bought bacon. Yeah...we buy that turkey stuff, but that's just not the same. More than likely I won't buy more for an even longer time. But as long as THIS bacon is here...I am gonna enjoy EVERY SINGLE SLICE.
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever gone a long period of time without something, but then once you had a taste of it, you just HAD to have more?
Talk to me (while I go make some bacon)!
Til next time...
What's better than the SMELL of bacon???
{insert Jeopardy Theme Song Here}
Answer: EATING Bacon!!!
This evening after work, I stopped by Costco to pick up one thing...just ONE thing. I was there to get more salmon.
On the way to the salmon I was hit by this AMAZING smell...the smell of bacon cooking. As I got closer to the salmon, the bacon scent grew stronger. Wouldn't you know it...there was a woman giving out samples of applewood smoked bacon right there at the end of the aisle where the salmon is.
I watched folks line up for the sample, and thought, "Ah...I don't need a sample. Just get the salmon and go."
But that smell though!!!
Seconds later I too was in line waiting for my sample. It was DELICIOUS, and wasn't enough. So I briefly considered getting in line for another one...but that's against the rules, right?
So I get my salmon and have to pass by the bacon to head toward the register. Well I didn't HAVE to...I could've gone the long way around, but...
As I'm passing "The Bacon Lady" I notice the price of the bacon, and began my rationalization process as to WHY this would be a good purchase, and how much I was saving, yadda yadda yadda.
Well folks...who wants to take a guess at how much bacon I now have in my fridge (and freezer).
The funny thing is...I can't even remember the last time I bought bacon. Yeah...we buy that turkey stuff, but that's just not the same. More than likely I won't buy more for an even longer time. But as long as THIS bacon is here...I am gonna enjoy EVERY SINGLE SLICE.
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever gone a long period of time without something, but then once you had a taste of it, you just HAD to have more?
Talk to me (while I go make some bacon)!
Til next time...
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Have you ever made a meal, and as you were cooking it, you could tell that somethin' just wasn't right?
Unfortunately, that was my dining experience this evening.
In an effort to try to eat healthier, I bought a pre-seasoned swai fillet at the grocery store.
Looked good enough, and it was priced at only $1.36 ("special"), so I figured, "What the hay." I was cooking it, the house began to SMELL. That wasn't good. I know that fish have a smell...AT THE OCEAN, but I don't think that the house is supposed to wreak of fish as the fish is cooking.
Once the fish was done, I served it over some brown rice. Healthy enough, right? I was too lazy to make veggies, so fish and rice it was gonna be. Which, but the way was exactly what I had for breakfast, although breakfast was DELICIOUS because the fish was salmon.
Anywhoo...I sit down and dig into my dinner. After the first bite I realized why this was only my 2nd time having swai. I DON'T LIKE SWAI!
I don't like the taste.
I don't like the texture.
I just don't like it.
I forced myself through a few more bites because I didn't want to waste food, but finally I had to give up and toss it. Now anyone who knows me and how much I LOVE food, knows that it MUST'VE been bad for me to throw it out.
So yeah...that was my 2nd and LAST time having swai.
Tonight's dinner will simply be hummus and pita chips. Can't go wrong with that combination.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever had swai? If so, how did you like it?
Talk to me!!!
Til next time...
Unfortunately, that was my dining experience this evening.
In an effort to try to eat healthier, I bought a pre-seasoned swai fillet at the grocery store.
Looked good enough, and it was priced at only $1.36 ("special"), so I figured, "What the hay." I was cooking it, the house began to SMELL. That wasn't good. I know that fish have a smell...AT THE OCEAN, but I don't think that the house is supposed to wreak of fish as the fish is cooking.
Once the fish was done, I served it over some brown rice. Healthy enough, right? I was too lazy to make veggies, so fish and rice it was gonna be. Which, but the way was exactly what I had for breakfast, although breakfast was DELICIOUS because the fish was salmon.
Anywhoo...I sit down and dig into my dinner. After the first bite I realized why this was only my 2nd time having swai. I DON'T LIKE SWAI!
I don't like the taste.
I don't like the texture.
I just don't like it.
I forced myself through a few more bites because I didn't want to waste food, but finally I had to give up and toss it. Now anyone who knows me and how much I LOVE food, knows that it MUST'VE been bad for me to throw it out.
So yeah...that was my 2nd and LAST time having swai.
Tonight's dinner will simply be hummus and pita chips. Can't go wrong with that combination.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever had swai? If so, how did you like it?
Talk to me!!!
Til next time...
Wingin' It
The time is almost 12:10 pm and here's what I've done today:
*Woke up at 8:47
*Scrounged around for something to make for breakfast. Settled on fish and rice.
*Started rice in the rice cooker.
*Decided to deep condition my hair (which I've never done before) so hopped in the shower and got that process going.
*Put the deep conditioning "potion" in my hair, threw on a shower cap and cooked my fish.
*Ate breakfast.
*Watched one of the 13 episodes of Nightline that I have recorded.
*Checked on hair.
*Thought it could use a little more time being conditioned so I through a bit more "potion" in it, put the shower cap back on, and here I am.
So far, these have all been the makings of a much needed and long overdue Lazy Saturday, which is something that I have not enjoyed in a very VERY long time.
Today, I am on my own schedule.
No where to be unless, and until I want to be there.
I am LOVING this!!!
So...that's about it. Not sure what the rest of the day holds.
Need to swing by the beauty supply store for some bobby-pins and more shower caps (10 for a dollar thankfully because somehow, they tend to grow legs and walk away from my home).
Stop by my church to get some work done, and maybe pick up a movie from Redbox.
Wanted to go to a free comedy function tonight but it looks like the tickets are all gone, so I may have to cross that off the list.
No matter what though, WHATEVER I do today will be what I WANT to do and WHEN I want to do it. I am going to relish in every moment of this day, because days like this are few and far between.
Ok...gotta go check on the hair again. But before I go...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's YOUR Saturday looking like?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
*Woke up at 8:47
*Scrounged around for something to make for breakfast. Settled on fish and rice.
*Started rice in the rice cooker.
*Decided to deep condition my hair (which I've never done before) so hopped in the shower and got that process going.
*Put the deep conditioning "potion" in my hair, threw on a shower cap and cooked my fish.
*Ate breakfast.
*Watched one of the 13 episodes of Nightline that I have recorded.
*Checked on hair.
*Thought it could use a little more time being conditioned so I through a bit more "potion" in it, put the shower cap back on, and here I am.
So far, these have all been the makings of a much needed and long overdue Lazy Saturday, which is something that I have not enjoyed in a very VERY long time.
Today, I am on my own schedule.
No where to be unless, and until I want to be there.
I am LOVING this!!!
So...that's about it. Not sure what the rest of the day holds.
Need to swing by the beauty supply store for some bobby-pins and more shower caps (10 for a dollar thankfully because somehow, they tend to grow legs and walk away from my home).
Stop by my church to get some work done, and maybe pick up a movie from Redbox.
Wanted to go to a free comedy function tonight but it looks like the tickets are all gone, so I may have to cross that off the list.
No matter what though, WHATEVER I do today will be what I WANT to do and WHEN I want to do it. I am going to relish in every moment of this day, because days like this are few and far between.
Ok...gotta go check on the hair again. But before I go...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's YOUR Saturday looking like?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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