What I find most interesting are the folks who ignore my friend requests.
Who knows...maybe I'm too liberal in my "friend acceptance". My criteria isn't all that high, and oddly enough, I have an AMAZING bunch of FB friends.
My guidelines are pretty much this:
If we went to school together at any time...I accept.
If we worked together at any time...I accept.
If we dated at any time...I accept.
If we've met before and hit it off (even if it was only ONE time)...I accept.
If we have at least 7 mutual friends (y'all know how I am about the number SEVEN)...I accept.
If we are family...I accept.
If we've attended the same church at any time...I accept.
So you see...I'm really not all that choosey.
But SOME folks...my goodness!
Now what brought this post on was the fact that I went to "like" another friend's post and took a look at the other folks who had also "liked" it (if you didn't know this about me...I am a MAJOR Facebook looky-loo. I love looking at other folk's pages...seeing "who's who" and "what's what". It's quite fascinating). Well lo and behold, there was a person whom I had sent a request to MONTHS ago. We went to elementary school together and have MANY mutual friends. Well...she's been sitting on my lil ol' request. And I have no idea why.
I wasn't mean to her in elementary school (I wasn't mean to anybody...although MANY were mean to me, but that's a different post for another day).
You would think that with so many mutual friends, if she didn't remember me, she would've asked somebody.
And then again, who knows...maybe she just didn't want to accept my request and it's as simple as that.
Mind you...I sent the request to her so long ago, I had forgotten all about it. Seeing her profile again tonight with "friend request sent" under her name was all I needed to "cancel request". After all...I'm not desperate for friends, in "real life" or on FB, so cancelling the request was no sweat off my nose.
Funny...I sent another individual a request years ago, and he sat on my request too. We went to middle school AND high school together. I though I was cool with him. Guess not. With him though, I know that it was because I don't meet his "attractiveness" standard that he sets for folks in his circle. If you don't "look" a certain way, or have the "right" body type, he wants nothing to do with you. I am friends with one of his brothers (who's VERY "down to earth" and not nearly as saditty (sp?), so, it's all good.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's YOUR criteria for accepting friends on Facebook? Or do you not have one?
Talk to me...(and send me a request if we're not friends already

Til next time...
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