Recently, someone I knew passed away. We'll call this person "Sam".
I wasn't close to Sam, but I should have been.
Even though we weren't close I was still saddened by the news of Sam's death. In all my years, I can recall being around Sam maybe 5 times. And that's a big maybe. Yet I can still say that I had love for Sam, simply because of our connection (yes, there was a connection). If you were to play a recording of Sam's voice right now among 100 others, I would know Sam's voice. Strange, isn't it?
When I inquired about the service that would be held I was told that there wouldn't be one because Sam "didn't believe in organized religion".
That made me kinda sad. At that moment I really did wish that I had been around Sam more so that I could let Sam know that it's not about "religion", it's about RELATIONSHIP.
See, God isn't looking for us to follow a "religion", He's wanting us to have a RELATIONSHIP...with Him. I understand though that for most people, "religion" (as we know it), is what leads people to RELATIONSHIP. So when used for good, and for God's purpose, "religion" can be beneficial.
Somewhere along the line, Sam must have had a bad experience with "religion" and from that point on decided to simply
not believe.
So what's the difference? I'm glad you asked. Here's my
RELIGION:I have 3 children. By law, my job as their mother is to provide food, clothing and shelter. So, as long as they are eating, even if it's the SAME menu every day of their lives, as long as that menu is nutritionally sound, I'm doing my job. As long as they have clothes to wear, they could be the same pair of pants and shirt long as those clothes are clean, and they fit...I'm doing my job. As long as they have a roof over their heads and a place to sleep each night...doesn't matter if we're crammed into a 1 bedroom apartment in the hood...I'm doing my job. And a very important key to this example is that there is
no EMOTION. There's only "goin' through the motions".
You see, "the rules" told me what to do, and I did exactly what the rules said. Didn't do any more. Didn't do any less.
If you ask me, it all sounds pretty robotic. These days, with the advances in technology, you could probably program a machine to do 2/3 of the duties. But who wants to be raised my a MACHINE? I certainly wouldn't!
RELATIONSHIP:I have 3 children. By law, my job as their mother is to provide food, clothing and shelter. I feed them nutritious foods, but I also know what their FAVORITE foods are. So on special occasions, or sometimes "just because", I make their "favorite".
I make sure that they have the clothes that they
need. But every now & I get them something that they
WANT. Maybe for a special occasion, or maybe "just because".
I provide a home for them. We're still not in the home that I would LIKE to have them in, but I've done my best to make our little humble abode "home". When they're home they know that they are safe and loved, because love is in our home. We talk to each other. We laugh. At times we've all cried together. I encourage them, and they encourage me. When there's a situation...we deal with it...together. So, just like the RELIGION example, I'm "doing my job", but in everything that I do for them I add the
L-O-V-E factor. And THAT makes a WORLD of difference.
Okay...long examples, I know. But hopefully, you get it.
See...God doesn't just want us to follow a bunch of rules, going through life like robots. He wants a
CONNECTION, to Him. Yes, He'll do His job when it comes to taking care of His children, but what He really wants is to show you His LOVE in the things that He does for you. And when you LOVE Him in return, EVERYTHING that He does for you is exponentially better.
Even in your lowest moment, when you have a
RELATIONSHIP with Him, that's enough. Because His love will carry you through.
How do I know? Because I have a RELATIONSHIP with Him,
through His Son. I've had low moments. Very low. I've been put out of my home. I've lost jobs. I've had 10 cents in the bank. Only 10 cents! With days to go before more money was coming in. But I was never "broke", never empty. Because my RELATIONSHIP with God kept me FULL.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! If you've simply been following a "Religion", just "goin' through the motions", what's keeping you from having a "RELATIONSHIP" with God?Talk to me!
Til next time...