An acquaintance of mine announced today that she is resigning from her position at work, has sold her home, and has decided to travel the world with her husband for the next year.
I think that is FANTASTIC!!!
SHE, has chosen to follow her dream.
When she broke the news she thought we would tell her that she was crazy. Boy did we surprise her. We had nothing but encouraging words.
I mean many us have dreams of things we want to do but never make those dreams a reality. This lady, is throwing caution to the wind and she's goin' for it! Around the world in 365 days (or so). No shoulda, coulda, wouldas for her. She is on her way to creating memories that she will cherish for a lifetime. So so cool!
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Have you ever done anything "crazy" like packing your bags and leaving everything behind so that you could fulfill a dream?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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