Have you ever wanted something so badly but found that you had to wait a very long time before you could have it? I'm not talkin' minutes or hours. Not even days or weeks. I'm talking YEARS!
Well, I'm at that point. There's something I've been waiting for, even had it in my presence a few times, but it always went away.
Now, it's back and I have an opportunity to keep it this time, if I can just learn to be patient and "simma down".
Can I do this? I have to, because I don't want this to go away again.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Are you good at waiting for things? Or do you rush them only to find that they've gone away before you knew it.
Talk to me!
Till next time...
I remember learning patience in a kitchen. When you make certain sauces, soups, etc, there are many factors in achieving a great result. The ingredients are of course, essential. Cookware is another. But one all important technique is knowing WHEN to pull it off the heat. If you pull too soon, it hasn't had the chance to "transform" from the heat being applied by the oven or the stovetop. If you wait too long, then the heat kills the flavors. But if you are patient, and paying attention, you can pull right as the thing is reaching it's PERFECT moment. So, any chef knows the proper time to do this. Wine is another test of patience. If you uncork it prematurely, you'll razzle your taste buds with tannins and bitterness, and if you pop too late, it's a nice vinegar to make salad dressing with. Knowing just when to open it is key. A lot of things in life are like this, as I have observed. Water (on the celsius scale) won't boil until it reaches 100 degrees, and won't freeze until 0 degrees. You have to wait. So many times, instead of rushing or procrastinating, I try to decide when is the best time to take action. There's an art to strategizing time, and it makes a huge difference in my life, waiting for the optimal time. If you were a winemaker, you couldn't rush to vint your grapes. You would ruin it. What works for me is deciding ultimately that I want to interact with something at the best possible intersection of time. Neither rushing or waiting too long, but letting the potential peak and stepping in at that juncture.
ReplyDeleteSuch wonderful words of wisdom. Thank you! I just love your comment "...if you are patient, and paying attention, you can pull right as the thing is reaching it's PERFECT moment." This one is profound also, "What works for me is deciding ultimately that I want to interact with something at the best possible intersection of time." Maybe I've been "jumping the gun" and haven't been waiting for "the best possible intersection of time". I will work toward taking these things to heart and will hopefully end up with the lovely result that I am so greatly expecting.
ReplyDeleteIt's often hard to figure out, and we all struggle to get it right, but I find that it apples to everything. Sports is built on it. If you hit a golf ball right, you know it almost as soon as the swing begins. It's so easy to hit a shot right, when the timing is right. It feels correct. You can feel when you let the ball go in bowling, if it has potential to strike. You can just feel it. Free throws, tennis shots, pool, it all has that feel to it. You mention here about the timing of this thing you want. Balance the urgency with the caution, and somewhere in between will be the time to jump in for it. I have read this blog, and I think it takes courage to display your thoughts and feelings. Writers have to be unafraid of putting snapshots of their life into words. You're doing great. You love to write and that is more important than anything that happens afterward. And I hope to read a blog where you have intersected with what you want!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I could just hug ya! Don't know why I'm so "sappy" today, but your comment has brought me to tears. Good tears though. It's interesting...most who know me would agree that I am a VERY patient person. I actually have a calming quality that many are drawn toward. Yet when it comes to wanting certain situations to come to pass, I FAIL in the patience category. Never too late to learn though. There's always room for improvement and I WILL improve. I'm so glad to know that you enjoy this little blog of mine. It's like my 4th child. I'm trying to show it as much love as do my other 3. And you're right, it's not easy to put myself "out there" in the blogosphere, but each time I do I'm pleased with the decision, knowing that I'm doing one of the many things I was created to do.