I say that she was with me today because I have felt awful for most of it. My throat hurts (I can feel the nodes starting to swell), my head hurts, and I'm achy. All I could think about was coming home after work and getting right in bed. Well...it's almost 9:30 and I'm still up. Go figure.
In my sickness though, I remembered what my Mom always did for me when I was little. She'd make me chicken noodle soup, and give me 7-Up and sherbert. That was her remedy, and it always worked.
So tonight on my way home I stopped at the store and got some chicken noodle soup and sherbert. Didn't think I needed the 7-up since I have bottles of orange juice here. But if that doesn't work, I'm gonna head right back to the store for that 7-Up.
As I recall, she would give that to me to settle my stomach so that I wouldn't throw up (as much).
As an adult, I can't remember the last time I threw up, so I'm thinkin' I'll be ok without the fizzy drink.
I also went to a Homegoing Service today and my Mother was present with me there too. Every now and then I'd feel myself about to "go there", and then I'd pull myself together and let the moment pass.
Like I said, I miss my Mom like crazy. I wish I could say, "I love you" just one more time. No...MANY more times. I wish I could see her face light up again the way it would when I'd walk into her room. And as I would sit by her side she would introduce me to anybody who walked in, with a smile that went from ear-to-ear.
I was never really sure about whether or not my Mom was proud of me. I'd let her down a LOT growing up, and even as an adult...but the way she beamed over me in those last weeks and days...I realized that she was. I was her "baby girl", and she loved me.
By the way...the picture for tonight's post is of my "Nurse Mom". It was taken in 1972 when she graduated from Nursing School. Ain't she purrrdy?

So...I'm gonna go have a few spoonfuls of sherbert before I head off to bed, but before I do...
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What remedies did your Mom use to make you feel better when you were sick?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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