I thought it was a joke. I mean really...what's the point? Why would anybody want that?
Well...today ANOTHER friend posted in more detail about the subject and apparently it's REALLY an option. It's called a "Legacy Contact" and so that you can see what it's all about for yourself, I will include the link to the info at the bottom of this post.
But it really made me think. Personally, I find it a bit creepy. When I die, that's it...I don't want ANYBODY posting on my behalf. I mean...who can say what I say better than me? NOBODY. I have my own voice and wouldn't want anyone else trying to mimic it.
And let's be honest...folks don't "get me" as it is while I'm alive...I can only imagine someone trying to "get me" after my earthly life is over. NO THANKS, I'LL PASS.
Now, I understand that even without this whole "Legacy Contact" thing, folks would still be able to post on my page, and I have no problem with that. My only issue is having folks post AS ME.
From what I understand, sometimes families will want a deceased person's page removed (for whatever reason), and I understand that too. But I think it's also kinda nice to just leave the page "as is".
When I think about my own page, I think of it as the "legacy" that I will leave behind for others to remember who I was and what I was about in this life. This is the primary reason why I keep 99% of my posts positive and upbeat. A)Because that really IS how I am in life, and B)Who wants to look back on a bunch of angry, bitter, negative, sad posts? That's NOT how I EVER want to be remembered. So you will find VEERRRYYYY little of that on MY page.
Interestingly, I've often wondered if folks WILL post anything on my page after I'm gone, and if so, how much of it will even get through. After having one too many hideous photos of myself posted, I quickly learned how to set my page to where I have to review most stuff in order for it to show up on my timeline. So...if I'm not here to review it...hmmm...
Enough about me though.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Would you want someone posting on YOUR behalf after you're gone?

Talk to me (while I'm alive)!
Til next time...
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