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Let the DIALOGUE Begin!

Friday, January 20, 2017

My Fond Farewell to Our 44th

And we are.

I have waited 8 years to write this post. Wasn't sure exactly what I'd say. Just knew that I'd wanna say something. Can't begin to tell you how many times I have teared up in the past week knowing that this day was coming. Although I did not watch the inauguration today, I've seen clips. I watched the footage of President Obama taking one last look around his office, and then heading out. *Tears.*
I watched footage of First Lady Michelle Obama tearing up as her husband said his final farewell as President. **More tears.**
In all my years of watching Presidents come and go...this one has hit home the most and these two fine folks will have a special place in my heart for years to come.

So...with that being said...(deep breath exhale...)

I remember back to the days long before Barack Obama became our 44th President. I'd heard him speak and was simply in awe. Words flowed out of that man's mouth like water. There was so much power and conviction behind what he had to say, and he made me feel as though he were speaking directly to me...about issues that mattered to me. Wow!

Then he ran for the office of the President of the United States. His campaign united folks and brought us together for a common good. We NEEDED this man to win. When HE won, WE won.

His WIN meant much to many, but meant MOST to the Black community. In this United States of America where Black folks have been oppressed, discriminated against, made to feel "less than," and at one time were not even able to VOTE...his WIN gave us a sweet taste in our mouths that overpowered the bitter that had long been there.

His inauguration on January 20, 2009 is still so vivid in my memory. I was at work and took a break to go into the conference room and watch him be sworn in. The room was full and I was the only Black person in there at the time. I cried as I watched, and felt the eyes of others in the room turn in my direction as if to say, "What the heck are you crying for?"

Tears flowed as I thought about my grandparents and ancestors before them who didn't live to see the day that they'd always dreamt about, but never really thought possible. I was watching their dream realized on that television screen and my heart simply couldn't contain itself.

Even though my grandparents and those before them didn't get to see the day...I did...and my children did. We got to see someone who LOOKS LIKE US, hold the highest office in the land. That's HUGE!

I remember praying for him on that day...asking most of all for God to PROTECT him from any hurt, harm or danger. Along with granting him the WISDOM to most effectively do the job, PROTECTION was the highest on my list of requests for him. Eight years later we can thankfully see that God indeed answered those prayers.

My son Terence, even at a young age, has always been an eloquent speaker. He's been asked many times to write and give speeches at various events. He was ten years old when Barack Obama became President and there were times when I'd hear him speak and felt as though I was listening to the President himself. I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom...I'm saying it because the dude is an AMAZING orator. Folks would jokingly call my son "Mr. President," because he sounded like a young Obama.

One of my favorite photos of President Obama is the one where the little boy touched the President's hair to see if it felt like his. IT DOES! That little boy could have been MY son whose hair ALSO feels like the President's. I don't know if folks truly understand how POWERFUL that gesture was, but I'm here to tell was MAJOR and sent a message of HOPE to little Black children all over this country that they too, can be the President if they so choose. Skin color, and hair texture are no longer factors thanks to Barack Obama.

Yes...I understand that he is half-White, so folks may wonder why that's not mentioned here. Well there...I just mentioned it. But what you have to understand is this...his "Whiteness" would never have been an obstacle to becoming President. His "Blackness" was. Thankfully though, that didn't deter him, and he overcame the obstacle by great leaps.

Now there is NO WAY that I can write about Barack Obama without acknowledging his incredible wife, Michelle Obama. She was the BEST part of his presidency for me. I loved seeing this Black woman with outstanding credentials of her own, loving and supporting her husband, her children, and simply "doin' her thang." She never gave off the impression of being "stand-offish," and instead made me feel that if I'd known her in a normal everyday setting, we'd probably be friends. She's just cool like that. And that fact that she was JUST LIKE ME...a Black woman born of TWO Black parents made me connect with her even moreso. I know that most folks don't understand what the big deal is about that, and only a Black woman (born of two Black parents) would understand. But it's HUGE...really, it is.

I love that Barack saw the beauty, intelligence, and every other positive attribute in Michelle. The same attributes that a multitude of Black women possess and wish for men (especially Black men) to recognize. I love the Obama's example of love that was displayed for the world to see. A strong depiction of "Black love" that is simply not seen enough. And before folks go barkin' at me about "love sees no color" and all that... Yes, I get it, and I agree. Love is love. Love is beautiful. Love who you love...and all that jazz. I'm just saying that Black women (who are so often overlooked) need, and want love too. That's all.

I love that their children look like my children. Before Obama's presidency, that had never been seen in The White House...or "The People's House" as Michelle called it.

As I write these words (and YOU read them), I am sure that there are those who have negative things to say about President Obama. I've not said I have agreed with EVERY decision he made while in office. There are many that I did not agree with. MANY.

However, in light of all the opposition he faced FROM DAY ONE, I'd say that he did a heckuva job with what (and WHO he had to work with.) EVERY DAY of these last 8 years have been an upward battle for him because that was "the plan" of those who were against him and wanted to see him fail. So unfortunate that it had to be that way. But he endured. He pressed forward, and he completed the task at hand. That's far more than many would have done if given the same circumstances.

I will miss hearing him speak, especially the way he always says , "Look..." when he gets annoyed.
I will miss seeing his corny style of dance (his moves are pretty much like mine).
I will miss that walk (should've had a 70s soundtrack to go with it).
I will miss that beaming smile and the genuinely "cool" way that he carried himself.
Bottom line...President Barack H. Obama was "smooth like butta." Professional and Presidential at all times...yet still, "smooth like butta."

I don't know what the plans are for our former First Family, all I know is that I will continue to keep them in my prayers (as I've done since the day he took office), and ask God to continue to BLESS them. At the same time, I will ask that God bless this country of ours. We need it now, more than ever.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Talk to me if you want to!

Til next time...

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