Many years ago I was a member of a book club and over time that group disbanded. Thankfully, two years ago I came across another book club and have been thoroughly blessed as a result. Not only do we read great books, but the three hours that we spend together each month absolutely FLIES by because we enjoy each other's company that much.
One of the many things that I love about the group is that we read EVERYTHING. All genres, all authors. This allows our minds to be open, allowing new ideas and points of view to flow through. I love it!
There have been some books that I simply didn't' want to end because I'd gotten so wrapped up in the characters and their stories.
And then again...there have been books like the one I just finished yesterday that leave me saying, "I think I heard my brain cells falling to the floor while reading that!"
I try to find something positive to say about everything I read...really, I do. And most times that's pretty easy. However...the ONLY positive thing I can say about this particular book is that the author got it published...which is more than I have done (so far.) But really...the subject matter was waaay out there, and after page 100, the author just got sloppy. There were typos and sentences that just didn't make sense. She'd either leave a word (or two) out, or have too many words.
Once I finished the book I was curious to find out more about this author. She actuall wrote in her bio that she is an "editor and proof-reader." SERIOUSLY?!? If that's the case then she should have edited and proof-read her own work.
If I had to give a two word critique on this book I would say this: HOT MESS!!!
I gave it a ONE star rating on Goodreads and that was only because ONE star was the lowest option to choose from.
You're probably wondering the name of the book, and I simply will not share it. I can't. I value YOU, my fellow Dialogue Denners too much to subject you to such foolishness. Your time, and intelligence are far too valuable.
One thing this book showed me is that it's not always about QUALITY. Sometimes it's simply about getting your work out there and being able to say that you are a "published author." I get it, but that's not my philosophy. Once my books are published I want folks to be better for having read them, rather than wishing they hadn't.
With that said...
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the WORST book you've ever read?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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