Today's post is inspired by Judy, one of my two very best friends in the whole wide world.
She's created a social psychology collage and I think it is absolutely bee-yoo-tee-ful.
So much so, I want to create one myself. Hopefully she'll show me how one day (hint hint, wink wink).
The background for her collage really captures who she is. Without her even having to say or write a word, you "get it".
Then she added meaningful photos which also reflect who she is. I love her choice of photos ;-)
And then, she chose each letter of the alphabet to describe herself. That's the part that I will attempt for myself here. I'm just gonna type the first thing that comes to mind. Here goes:
A - Affectionate
B - Bubbly
C - Chatty
D - Determined
E - Ebullient
F - Friendly
G - Genuine
H - Hospitable
I - Inspiring
J - Jolly
K - Kind
L - Lovable
M - Momma
N - Nervous
O - Optimistic
P - Patient
Q - Quiet
R - Resilient
S - Studious
T - Talkative
U - Understanding
V - Vigilant
W - Writer
X - Xtra special
Y - Youthful
Z - Zaftig
There ya have it folks. I think that those who know me best would agree with the descriptions. There may be a couple that would tilt a few heads. And for the life of me, I couldn't think of ANYTHING for the letter X, so I got a little "creative" on that one. But these are pretty much me in a nutshell...The ABCs of Me.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin! Using each letter of the alphabet, which words best describe you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
So...this afternoon, my dear friend Judy, actually made a collage FOR me. I absolutely LOVE it!!! The clipart image of the girl with letters floating around is the original image that I had for this post. I've now added my BEAUTIFUL collage for all the world to see. Judy, my friend...I love you!
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