I finally did it!
I booked my flight to Texas!!!
Some may think that now is an awful time for me to be traveling (considering that I don't have a job), but to the contrary, I think that now is the BEST time for me to go. Afterall, what am I going to do...wait until I HAVE a job and then have to ask for time off. Nope, that's not happenin'! So I went ahead and bit the bullet. A great travel offer came along in my email this morning and I jumped on it. It was the lowest fare that I had seen to Texas EVER...and I've been watching the fares closely.
So I'm gonna go visit my niece, her husband, my fairy-god-niece, and my godson. And I am sooo excited!
Never been to Texas and I really want to spend some time with my godson so that he'll know who I am.
This is just another example of me living my life without any "coulda", "shoulda"," would'ves". I've lived long enough and have allowed too many opportunities to pass me by. Not doin' that EVER again.
So I live my life for today. Tomorrow will worry about itself.
I'm living a life of "no regrets". Up until this point, so far I only have ONE regret...that is, that I've never had a man love me enough to make me his wife for life.
That's it! There's just that one. And hey...I'm still breathing, so there's still hope that I can cross that one off my list one day. Sure would be nice.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! What irrational thing have you done lately that most people would say wasn't a wise decision, yet you did it anyway?
Talk to me!!!
Til next time...
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