Okay, so I'm not one to complain, especially when I'm sick, but that's because I am RARELY sick.
Even now, I still wouldn't say that I'm sick...I would just say that "something isn't workin' right".
One thing I know for sure is that I have a high tolerance for pain...EXTREMELY high.
How do I know this? Because I've had 3 babies via natural childbirth WITHOUT drugs/painkillers, and my longest labor (the first one) was only 7 hours long. Somethin' about me going "into to zone" when I'm in pain.
But there doesn't seem to be a "zone" when it comes to this ear ache that I've had for the past 4 days. Feels like something has crawled in my ear...and is STILL crawling...creating terrible pressure in my ear.
So yesterday, when I couldn't take it anymore, I decided to call the E.N.T. specialist who hooked me up the last time I had an issue with my ear. I call...tell them why I need to come in, and they schedule me for the 16th. THE 16TH!!! That's a whole 8 days from now (yesterday). What am I supposed to do for 8 more days?!?
So I came up with another idea...I called my P.C.P.
Mind you, he's the one who sent me to the E.N.T. the last time, but I figured, at the very least, he could flush my ear out (sounds gross, but it feels so good), and prescribe an antibiotic. Well, my luck wasn't much better on that call. He can't get me in until the 13th.
My only other option is urgent care, but that's $50 a pop and for this unemployed mother of 3...that's just not happenin'.
So...Extra Strength Tylenol has been my BFF for the past 2 days. Not quite sure how much is too much, but if it takes the pain away...then it's just enough.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! What's the worst pain you've ever been in?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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