Today's post gives me a giggle so I thought I'd share the giggle with YOU.
I happen to be one of the very few people who actually drives the speed limit. YES folks, I said it...I DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT!
If the speed limit is 40 mph, that's how fast I go. If it's 25 mph, that's how fast I go. Ok...you get the idea.
And as you can imagine it drives people behind me nuts...absolutely NUTS. Oh well...I see it like this...I can not afford to pay for a ticket if I get one, and I don't want my driving record tarnished, sooo...I'm driving the speed limit.
Oh...and another reason is because cops lurk in nooks & crannies where you can't see them. Just when you zoom past one they come "out of nowhere".
So the other day I was on my way home, driving down a street where the speed limit is 25 mph and I know exactly where the cops like to hide on this particular street.
As I'm driving down the street, the dude in the truck behind me is right on my tail and he stays there until he decides to speed up and go around me (mind you, we're on 2 lane street so he's not supposed to pass me).
Well..."Mr. Speed Demon" zooms around me and guess who's waiting for him as soon as he does...Yep...you guessed it...a cop. YAY!!!
That's what dude gets.
I'm sure that as his ticket was being written up he was probably calling me every name in the book. Oh well...as long as MY name wasn't the one on that ticket, I really don't care.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin! Are you a "speed demon"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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