Anyhoo, let's see...what shall I write about today? Perhaps some of the weird stories in the the 12 year old who's been missing in Detroit for 2 weeks and was finally found (alive thankfully)in the basement OF HIS OWN HOME!!! Or perhaps about the creep who left his baby in the car, got to work, went into the office, came out for lunch, DROVE THE CAR to wherever he went for lunch, then BACK to work...only to realize as he was driving home that evening that he LEFT THE BABY IN THE CAR!!! UNBELIEVABLE! Now...I know that accidents do, and have happened. But those were accidents. Based on this guy's recent Google searches...I'm not buying that it was an accident. And I don't know HOW he's going to live with himself after this. Once again...this is one of those instances where we give it up to God, knowing that He knows that TRUTH and will handle it as He sees fit.
Maybe I could write about being misunderstood (again)and for a reason that I can't even expect people to get. There are some things in life that people either "get" or they don't. So trying to explain is simply pointless.

Nevertheless, no matter what I go through, or how alone I am in EVERY SINGLE THING that I go through...I know that God is ALWAYS with me, even when all others forsake me. And He will be until my very last breath. But wait! Even after THAT, He'll still be with me. And therein lies my peace. I thank God for the peace that comes only through Christ Jesus.
So yeah...there's a lot that I COULD right about today. I just don't have the emotional energy for it. God willing, I'll be back tomorrow for Day 2 of my "21 Day Writing Challenge". I'll try to be more upbeat, but can't make any promises. All that I can promise is that I will always (and have always) write from a place of authenticity. Some may love what I write, others may hate it. Such is life. Right?
Let the Dialogue Begin: What's more important...being RIGHT, or UNDERSTANDING another person's point of view?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
(Day 1/21)
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