I tell ya...the world sure has become a different animal since Fb came along. I actually enjoy Fb and of all the social media sites out there, Facebook is the one that I use most...daily, actually. Over time though, I've given it a little pet-name. I call it "Technological Eavesdropping". I mean really...think about it...that's what it is.
You scroll through your feed and there they are...all of the conversations that your friends are having. You have a few choices. You can either "like" and keep it movin'..."comment" and keep it movin'..."like AND comment", OR...not do any of the above, and keep it movin'. Depending on the post, I do all of the above.
Now...here's what I don't like about Fb...the "stalking function". No...that's not an "official" function, but it's definitely there. Here's what I mean. There's that "ticker" thing that allows you to see what EVERYBODY'S liking and commenting on...even if someone is commenting on posts of people who they're not friends with. For example: If I'm friends with "X", "Y", and "Z", yet "X" and "Z" are NOT friends...if I comment on something that "X" posts and "Z" is watching the ticker, then "Z" can see my comment to "X's" post. Got it? I DON'T LIKE THAT!
Not that I have anything to hide (because I don't) but because it just feels too "stalkerish" to me. Personally, I keep the ticker off. Turned it off on the very day that it became a feature. I find it to be too distracting, AND...I don't need to know what everybody's commenting on. Some folks however, LOVE the ticker feature because they like to be all up in everything. Those folks are called, "busybodies".
So, in addition to stalking a person via the ticker, I have also found Fb to be a place where many narcissists are found. By that I mean this...(as the photo states), "Just because I post it doesn't mean it's about YOU". Unfortunately, people spend waaay too much time trying to read into a post to figure out what it means and if it's speaking directly to them. Hear ye, hear ye! Posting stuff on Facebook that's directed toward other people is CHILDISH. Maybe teenagers go that route, but grown folks...c'mon!
I don't post anything (negative) about anybody on FB, and I don't do that cryptic posting garbage either, where people have to fish and try to figure out what's wrong. In the words of Sweet Brown, "Ain't nobody got time fa that!" If I have an issue with you, I'll call you, maybe write a letter or send an email...but I WILL NOT send you a text. Too much gets lost in a text. Too much can be misconstrued in a text. There is no "tone" in a text. And if I sense tone, (which I can pretty much do with the first two words)...it gets DELETED. Unread and Deleted. Why? Because I don't have time, nor the emotional energy to spend on trying to figure out someone's "tone". I've got way too much unraveling in more world for that...way too much. So ideally, IF I HAVE AN ISSUE WITH SOMEONE, I CALL THEM.
I guess one can say that I have a "love/hate" relationship with Fb. I love connecting with friends, new and old...but I hate all of the childishness that goes on. Ah...but there is a remedy. It's called "unfollow". Yes sir! I will (and have) click the "unfollow" button IN A HEARTBEAT. Sure, I may check in on a page occasionally just to see what's going on in "So and So's" world, but if they're still spewing anger and negativity...no thanks, I pass.
As I said a little while back...my world has no room for negativity...especially not right now at this place and time in my life. So, I choose not to even see it, and life is so much sweeter that way.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: If you use Facebook, to you keep the ticker on or off. If you keep it on, please tell us why.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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