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Let the DIALOGUE Begin!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dear God, I'm Listening.

Today was my second visit to the latest church pulled from my bowl. 

Once again I was reassured in knowing that God's Word is going forth in FULL FORCE, and there are MANY great pastors delivering His message. 

Today's church was the smallest of all that I've visited, but the Praise and Worship was just as mighty as you'd find at any "Megachurch."

Before service begins, the pastor greets and shakes hands with the congregation. After service, he stands outside and again greets folks as they are leaving. That's such a nice personal touch. 

Today's message was one that I needed to hear. It was titled, "Knowing the Voice of God," and although I haven't shared many notes before, I wanted to share a few that I jotted down today. 

"My obedience to God is predicated on being able to hear His voice."

"In order to KNOW His voice, I must BELONG to Him."

That's makes total sense! For kids know MY voice because they belong to me and have heard it all their lives. On the flip side, I know my children's voices because THEY are mine. 

When they were small we could be at a park, or any place with lots of children, yet when MINE called out, I knew exactly whose voice I was hearing and knew to go to them. Same with God. Because I am His, and BELONG to Him by way of His Son, He KNOWS my voice.

This next one is HUGE...

"Knowing the voice of God comes by knowing the Word of God."

Yes, yes and YES!

Because God speaks to us through His Word, I must stay IN His Word (studying/reading/meditating) in order to hear from Him. 

"Observe ALL of what Jesus Himself spoke and taught."

That simply means, pay attention to all of the "red letter" wording which represents Jesus speaking, and do all that He has commanded and instructed. 

"When I am unsure about whether I'm hearing from God, or myself, or the enemy...PRAY."

Yes...PRAY and ask for WISDOM as stated in James 1:5-6

That passage of Scripture hit me like a ton of bricks. It reads like this: 

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."

The key is, " must believe and not doubt..."

God knows when I am doubting Him, so why would he grant me what I am asking if He knows that in my heart I don't believe He will do it. 

Instead, I must ask in FAITH and NOT doubt. 

So yeah.

That was my visitation experience at Arise Christian Center. I hope to go back one day. 

Oh, and now that I have recently learned how to add links to my posts, I'm going to go ahead and add the links to the other churches that I have visited thus far. I may not have them in the right order, but they're all here.

That's all for now. 

I am greatly looking forward to the next church that God will lead me to visit (by way of my bowl.)

It's late, so Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time YOU heard from God...and how did you KNOW it was Him?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Time Flies

At this very moment, many of my fellow high school classmates from the graduating Class of 1986 are enjoying our 30 YEAR REUNION

I'm at home writing this post, can probably guess that I didn't go. 

I like a lot of the folks, and thanks to Facebook I'm pretty much in touch. Sure, there are some it would be nice to reconnect with, but quite honestly...most folks have long since forgotten me after THIRTY years. After all...I wasn't the most memorable even back then. 

And I gotta admit...I'm just not in a place in life that anyone would find very exciting or interesting. 

  • I'm still single (never been married). 
  • I'm still fat. 
  • I'm not a homeowner. 
  • And my job situation is just that...a "situation."

So...I chose not to go. 

Facebook is tough enough on its own...seeing how successful so many folks have become...knowing that I'm no where NEAR their levels of success (yet anyway). But to actually have to see folks in person and hear of their successes...whether it be a great marriage, or job, or residence...that's all WAAAY too much for me right now. 

I'm sure that those who went are having a GRAND time, as I hope they do. 

I pray that by the time the NEXT reunion rolls by, (if God allows me to live that long), I will have more accomplishments than just my 3 amazing kids (which may be more than what others have). That's all I've got. Who can't spit out a baby though, right?

So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Did you go to YOUR last high school reunion? If so, how was it?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Road Rage

On my way home this evening (just minutes ago), I had the not so pleasurable experience of being tailgated, followed, and the six foot something, Caucasian male driver of this vehicle. 

I was driving down Bellflower Blvd and he was right on my tail...for BLOCKS. At a stop light I finally threw my hands up (not the middle finger...but my HANDS) in a gesture to say, "Dude..back up OFF me!"

He CONTINUED anyway. 

As I approached an intersection where I was about to make a right turn into a parking lot, I motioned that I was about to turn right. I did this in an effort to get him to SLOW DOWN so that I could make my turn without him RAMMING INTO ME. 

Well, I make my right turn and he does the same. 

I park my car...he parks his...RIGHT NEXT TO MINE. 

I get out and he's yelling, "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!?"


Like did he REALLY think I was about to get into a verbal altercation with his "six foot, three hundred pound something" self?

I shook my head and walked into the restaurant where I was intending to go...and guessed it...HE FOLLOWED ME IN!

I was prepared to tell the staff  to call the police if "Mr. Road Rage" got CRAZIER than he already was.

Thankfully, he didn't say a stinkin' word to me. Smart move. Because had ONE word come out of his mouth...911 would surely have been called. 

So...I post this pic because if he is CRAZY enough to follow me into the restaurant, there's no telling how much CRAZIER he is, and what he will do. As a precautionary measure, this is my way of documenting the situation in case anything "suspicious" should happen to me. Might sound like I'm being paranoid, but in this day in age, folks SNAP at the drop of a I can not be "too cautious."

With that...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is the CRAZIEST "road rage" incident YOU'VE ever experienced?

Talk to me!

Til next time... 

Super Saturday!

This morning I began my day doing what I love...reading to children, promoting LITERACY and a love for READING.

Today I was with one of the two groups I volunteer with. This particular group, United Voices of Literacy, has been hosting events at a local library during the summer months. I was the guest reader on the July 30th line-up.

My audience ranged in age from about one year old to ten years old. If you think it's tough keeping an audience that diverse is! Thankfully I pulled it off and can say that a good time was had by all!

The other group that I volunteer with is Reading to Kids. Although the audience with this group also ranges in age from five to eleven, I only have ONE specific age per that helps. If I am assigned to kindergartners, then that's all I have in my group. If I am assigned to fourth grade, then that's all that I have in my group, etc. So yeah...that makes things a wee bit easier.

As much as I love volunteering with these two groups, my ultimate goal is to one day have a literacy organization of my own. I already know how I want it to look and operate, I just need to figure out the FUNDING and how to get it up and running. It will happen though...THIS I believe.

When my children were little I always read to them. They're all adults now but my love for reading to children and instilling in them a desire to read continues. It always will.

Enough about me...Let the DIALOGUE begin: How did YOU spend YOUR Saturday morning?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Sunday, July 24, 2016

And I Shall Recover It ALL...

Today was my day to visit another church. I gotta tell ya...I am truly enjoying the

In the process, God has let me know that HE is in control of this...not I. 

The reason I say that is because there a THREE churches that I am anxious to visit...THREE. Wouldn't you know...those THREE have not been pulled from my bowl yet. It's as if God is saying, "Nope...not yet."

Even when I pulled today's church yesterday, I almost cheated and was going to pull another to see if one of the THREE might come out. Can you believe that?!? Hey, if I'm nothing else, I'm honest.

I quickly remembered though that this is a "team effort." Where I pull, is where HE wants me to go, even if I'm not 100% sure of the reason. 

The only thing that I am certain of is that every church in my bowl is in there because someone I know has worshiped there. Whether they're a member or were just visiting on a particular day is unknown to me, and most of the time I can't even remember which friend it was who went where.  Not that it really matters because I don't go to see friends (although I've said before that if I do...GREAT. But if I don't...that's OK too.)

Well...I didn't cheat yesterday and this morning I went to the church that I pulled. The one that God wanted me to visit today. 

I gotta tell ya. As I sat there in service I realized that I was right where I needed to be. The songs during Praise and Worship spoke directly to my heart, and the message was one that I truly needed to hear. The key point was RESTORATION -- getting back what was once mine...and then some. THAT was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. 

It didn't stop there though. 

This afternoon I attended my own church's 3 Year Anniversary service. Now here's how I know that God is REAL and that NOTHING is by coincidence

Our theme for this afternoon's service was "Growing Stronger, Growing Deeper, Reaching Higher," and the message was to come from Isaiah 40:31

Well...the pastor who was selected to deliver the message had agreed to delivering one, but said that he wanted to speak on something else. My pastor agreed, and although we kept our theme, the message came from 2 Samuel 9:1-7, and was titled, "Welcome to The Table of Grace." Wouldn't you know...THAT message was all about (you guessed it) RESTORATION

I almost cried. 

Sometimes God speaks so softly to me, I can barely hear Him. Sometimes He's completely SILENT. At other times, like today, He SHOUTS. And I heard just what He's trying to tell me. In this "season" that I am about to go through, He wants me to TRUST Him and know that no matter what I've lost (and may potentially lose), He will RESTORE it ALL...and then some. 

With confirmation like that, how can I worry? I can't, and I won't. 

Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you believe in God, or coincidence? 

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Saturday, July 23, 2016


So I took a lil break, celebrated my birthday, went on a quick trip, and now I'm back. 

About that trip...

If you've followed The Dialogue Den for a while, then you're aware of my past "run ins" with airport security. 

If you're new here, I'll catch ya up real quick. 

On my way home from Atlanta a couple years back, I was in the security checkpoint line, all ready to take of my shoes and whatnot, only to be advised that shoes stay on, and instead, my hands would be swabbed. 

Ok. That was new. 

So my hands got swabbed and the agent told me that it would be a few seconds so, "just relax." 

Well...a few seconds later her screen lit UP!

She looked at me and quite sternly said, "You shouldn't relax anymore."


Another quick peek at her screen allowed me to see the words, "Explosive Substance Detected." Or somethin' like that. I know for SURE that I saw the word "EXPLOSIVE."

This resulted in me being taken to a tiny lil room where I was given the "extra special" search. AWKWARD!

I kept insisting that I hadn't been in contact with explosives and that WHATEVER was on my hands HAD to have come from the death-grip I had while riding MARTA. There's no telling WHAT was on that pole I was holding onto during that trip to the airport. 

Eventually, the search was over, and of course...I was cleared. I'd be lying if I said that incident didn't have my nerves on edge. It did!

The next incident happened on the way back from Washington D.C. 

My bag went through the scanner, I went through, and proceeded to get my bag. Instead of getting my bag, I was greeted with, "Ma'am is this your bag?"

"Yes, I was looking for that."

"Ma'am, we need you to step this way please."

{Insert Scooby Doo's voice here} "Huh?"

"Ma'am, is there anything in your bag that you'd like to tell us about?"

"No. What's in there?"

"That's what we're trying to find out."

"I dunno. It's a brand new bag. I can't imagine what could be causing alarm."

I'm saying all of this as he's swabbing my bag...goin' through all my "unmentionables," looking for who-knows-what.

FINALLY...he pulls out a can of Sprite.

Oopsie! I'd forgotten all about that. My bad.

He tossed the Sprite in the trash and I was cleared to go. PHEW!!!

No we fast forward to last Saturday. 

I was on my way to Las Vegas, flying out of Long Beach. 

Went through security as usual, calm, cool, collected. 

Nope. Not so fast. 

I go thorough the body scan machine and was about to head toward the conveyor belt to get my bag. 


The agent on the other side stopped me and said, "Ma'am. Can you take a look at the screen please?"

I looked. Didn't see what the issue was. 

There was a square yellow spot on the screen, but that didn't register anything with me either. 

He could tell that I wasn't understanding, so he pointed to the female agent and said, "She'll talk to you."

So I go see the female and she says, "Ma'am you have a 'warm crotch'. I'm going to need you to go through again."

Warm crotch? What?!?

Then the light bulb went on. The yellow square on the screen was right over my crotch. HOW EMBARRASSING!

I go through the machine again, with feet spread farther apart, and this time my crotch was cooler, but my shoulders were "warm." *sigh*

I said, "Look, I'm a big girl, it's hot yeah, I've got some "warm spots."

She patted my shoulders to make sure I didn't have anything "suspicious" going on and cleared me to go. As I began to walk away she said, "Aren't you glad that I only had to pat you there?"  Uh, yeah!

I dunno. One more experience like that and I'm gonna start thinking about taking the train or bus to my destinations. In the grand scheme of things, I gotta admit...I'd much rather have a "warm crotch" than a cold one. *giggles*

Now that I'm back, Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the oddest thing that's ever happened to YOU while going through airport security?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

P.S.. - The spelling of this post's title is correct. I meant to spell it with the extra "r."

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

My Cup Runneth Over we are folks!

Thirty days ago I was feelin' kinda glum. Knew that if I continued to focus on the things that were bringing me down, I would only sink deeper. How deep? Who knows?

I was plummeting at a rate that became frightening. Needed to turn things around quick, fast, and in a hurry.

So...I re-shifted my focus.

Instead of fixating on all that seemed to be falling apart, I decided to hone in on all that was still in tact. I chose to do that by way of a "30 Days of THANKFULNESS" campaign. I typically do this every November, but hey...there's plenty more for me to be THANKFUL for than just that which falls during those 30 days in November, so I figured, what's the harm in doing it again during some other random time of the year.

As a result, everyday for the past 30 days, I have posted about SOMETHING...ANYTHING I am THANKFUL for.

Some things may have been really small and silly (to some.) Others, were of grand significance. Either way, they all helped me to remember what's most important...the fact that I am for more BLESSED, than not. 

So on this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 30" - I am THANKFUL for ALL of my BLESSINGS...too numerous to count. Some of those blessings are in the form of PEOPLE. Others are in the form of THINGS. And more in the way of CIRCUMSTANCES. All of the above have come in Good and Bad. Nevertheless...I am THANKFUL for it all.

Those who know me well know how much I love MUSIC, and have a song for EVERYTHING.

Here's the perfect song for tonight's post. Take a listen, then...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Name one thing...just ONE that YOU are THANKFUL for today. 

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Just LOOK Around.

Today is a tough one. It's this kind of day that was the reason for me to do another "30 Days of THANKFULNESS" campaign 29 days ago. I needed something to refocus my mind on the POSITIVE when it seemed that the negative wanted to prevail.

This'll be a short one, but I'm going to go with sustained eyesight

Heck I may have already been THANKFUL for that over the past 29 days, but because I am THANKFUL for it EVERYDAY, there's no harm in it being a repeat...if it is. Y'all know how I am about these special eyes of mine. 

So on this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 29" - I am THANKFUL that my eyes still work. I've been getting a lot of headaches lately which have caused them to be fatigued. Waaay too much staring at a computer screen all day. 

Yet they are hangin' in, and for THAT, I am forever THANKFUL

How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: How was YOUR day? 

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Who Has TIME to Play GAMES?!?

Facebook games. I don't play them!!!

Just when I think I've got them ALL comes a new request. I mean seriously people...where are y'all finding the TIME to play these things?!?

I don't have that kind of time.

To date, these are the games that I have been requested to play. As SOON as a request comes in...I IMMEDIATELY block the game. 

Somethin' tells me...the list isn't done. 

  • ChefVille 
  • Birthday Calendar by Davia 
  • Birthday Calendar 
  • schoolFeed
  • Birthdays 
  • I want to add your birthday 
  • Solitaire Blitz 
  • FarmVille 
  • FarmVille 2 
  • Diamond Dash
  • Top Friends50 
  • BranchOut 
  • Photo Passion 
  • Words With Friends 
  • Sweepstakes 
  • Family Feud 
  • Slotomania Slot Machines 
  • Goodreads
  • Family Tree 
  • Bubble Island 
  • Solitaire Arena 
  • Candy Crush Saga 
  • Birthdays 
  • Mahjong Trails 
  • Ancestry 
  • Ruby Blast Adventures 
  • Lost Bubble 
  • Criminal Case 
  • Words of Wonder 
  • Texas HoldEm Poker 
  • Tribesports 
  • DoubleDown Casino - Free Slots 
  • Pengle 
  • Bejeweled Blitz 
  • Pet Rescue Saga 
  • Birthdays 
  • BINGO Blitz 
  • Causes 
  • myVEGAS Slots - Free Casino 
  • Jelly Splash 
  • Lucky Slots 
  • Juice Cubes 
  • My Christmas Tree 2013 
  • Jackpot Party Casino Slots 
  • CoasterVille 
  • Farm Heroes Saga 
  • Pepper Panic Saga 
  • Monster Busters 
  • Daily Horoscope 
  • Zuma Blitz 
  • Alisa Bingo 
  • Birthday Cards 
  • House of Fun - Slots 
  • Bubble Witch 2 Saga 
  • Diamond Digger Saga 
  • Ghost Tales 
  • Candy Crush Soda Saga 
  • Dragon City 
  • CallApp Contacts 
  • 8 Ball Pool 
  • Cookie Jam 
  • Toy Blast 
  • Mystery Match 
  • Slots - Wizard of Oz 
  • Solitaire Tripeaks 

Le's cut to the chase ('cause there's simply no time for anything else), and Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do YOU play Facebook games? If so...which one(s), and WHY? No...seriously...I'd like to know why. 

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Monday, July 11, 2016

Learn Somethin' New EVERYDAY!

I am sooo excited right now! I mean really...y'all have absolutely NO IDEA how excited I am! If I could LEAP...I would!!!

Why am I so excited?

I'm glad you asked.

So I came to The Dialogue Den to write today's post.

I was going to write about my trip to Bed Bath & Beyond. But I wanted to include the link to their website. Now in ALL the years I've been writing The Dialogue Den, I have NEVER added a link to ANY post...because I didn't know how.

Occasionally I will "embed" a song (took me YEARS to figure that one out), but NEVER a link to an actual WEBSITE.

I refused to be defeated this evening and decided to "explore." So off to YouTube I went.

I watched a tutorial on how to add a link to your blog, but I still wasn't "gettin' it." The woman's screen on the video looked COMPLETELY different from mine.

At first I thought, "Hmmm...maybe she's using an older version of Blogger." But something quickly told me that that wasn't it. There had to be something else.

So I started fiddlin' around the page...clicked on the HTML button and ALL OF A entire DASHBOARD appeared. There is SO MUCH STUFF for me to now choose from.

For example...I can change the font from this... to this... to this

And...I can change the COLOR of the font, like this...RED, BLUE,GREEN. Yeah baby!!!

Oh...and I figured out how to add a link, which was my main objective. 

I could stay up ALL NIGHT just playing around and seeing what the options are. I truly feel like a kid in a candy store right now! WOW!!!

So I'll probably write in a different post about why I was buying a bridal shower gift, and what prompted me to write about it. 

But for now...on this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 28" - I am THANKFUL for YouTube. It has helped me figure out how to do sooo many things. And what I've realized, is that there's STILL lots to learn. 

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time YOU used YouTube to figure out how to do something? 

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Moving Forward

Today I attended service for the 2nd time at the church that I visited last week.

I must say...with every church I visit, God reveals something new to me. And I really feel that He's saying, "You're doing the right thing. Don't stop. Keep visiting."

For those who've followed The Dialogue Den for a while, you know that I was reluctant to embark upon my "Season of Visitation" because my pastor has always warned against "eating from too many spiritual tables." He says that the result can lead to "spiritual diarrhea." So for that reason, I waited at LEAST two years before I began my journey. What I realize now though, is that I'm not actually "eating from too many spiritual tables." I am still "eating" what is being served by Christ, by way of The Bible.

Now maybe if I were visiting places of worship of other faiths, then perhaps I would get "sick" and confused. But I have been attending CHRISTIAN, Bible-believing, Bible-teaching it is well with my soul.

Interestingly, I believe that I am actually growing SPIRITUALLY in ways that I would not have been had I not decided to do this.

So...back to today's visit.

This one actually has a story behind it. That story centers around "Joe."

As you may recall..."Joe" and I had a bit of a "falling out" and I hadn't seen nor heard from him since May 24th. Something happened that I was having an EXTREMELY difficult time forgiving him for.

There have even been times when I wanted to write a SCATHING letter to him...telling him how I felt, and a whole lotta other stuff that wasn't very "Christ-like." I never wrote it though.

Oh, I wrote, and re-wrote it HUNDREDS of times IN MY HEAD...but I never put the words to paper. Didn't mean that I didn't WANT to...just meant that I hadn't gotten around to it.

So we fast forward to the Friday before last which was the day that I selected the next church to visit from my bowl.

Wouldn't you know it. The church I selected was the one that "Joe" pretty much grew up in. Attended service, sang in the choir, etc.

I went last Sunday on what I think was the new Pastor's very first day of delivering the message. The church is 66 years old and he is only the 3rd Pastor they've had there. That's pretty good as churches go.

I enjoyed the message, and looked forward to returning this Sunday.

Days passed and I went on about my merry way. Still no word from "Joe"...and I still hadn't written the letter.

On Thursday night though..."something" happened. I actually posted about this a couple days ago, but I'll briefly recount it here as well.

Before our "falling out", I prayed for "Joe" DAILY. Asking nothing less than for God to BLESS him. Since the "falling out", those prayers became less and less frequent until I finally just stopped praying for him altogether. I didn't pray for any harm to come to him...I just stopped praying PERIOD.

Until...last Thursday night.

I was tired, but couldn't sleep. Found myself up waaay later than I should have been for a work night.

I eventually headed to bed and before I got in, I knelt down beside it and prayed...for "Joe." Even though I didn't know where he was or how he was doing...God knew. Interestingly, I found myself once again praying for him to be BLESSED.

Now if you knew what he had done to me, (and only THREE people do), you would say, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? You really want God to BLESS him?!?"

I doesn't make sense in a "worldly" sense, but from the Christian standpoint, I had to forgive him, and...ask that he be BLESSED, not CURSED. "The world" doesn't understand that, and never will. "The world" is all about hurting them as badly or worse than they hurt you. "The world" is all about VENGEANCE.

Christ however, understands it fully, and since He is the ONLY one I need to answer to, it behooves me to do things as He would do, and not "the world."

So, I said my prayer and went to sleep.

Hours later, the phone rang. I didn't get to it in time. I looked to see who it was, and rolled back over.

It rang again. It was "Joe" and I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say, nor did I want to hear what HE had to say (at least I didn't think so.)

It rang again. This time I answered.

I didn't say much. I may have only said "Hello."

He did most of the talking. As he spoke I realized that the call was as much for him as it was for me. Maybe even moreso for him. As I listened to the words flow from his mouth to my ears, I realized then why I hadn't written the letters. I realized then, why I had forgiven him even when I didn't know if I'd ever hear from him again. I needed to release the anger, bitterness and hurt, so that there could be room for love, kindness and understanding.

I wish I could share all the things he said, but some things are only meant for the two parties involved (and God.) All I know is that it changed things...positively.

I don't know where he and I will go from here. I just know that wherever we go, either separate or together...we can go with forgiveness and love leading the way.

Was it an accident that "Joe's" church was the one that was pulled from my bowl? If you know me, then you already know my answer.

Maybe God needed me to sit in the place where "Joe" once did, so that I could feel a connection...ANY kind of connection that would soften my heart toward him. What better place to be re-connected than in the same place where he once praised and worshiped God. With God, there are no mistakes, or accidents. Everything happens for a reason.

As I do each time I visit, I'll have you to know that today (and last Sunday), I attended Greater Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles. Who knows. Maybe today wasn't my last time. Perhaps one day I'll go again...with "Joe."

On this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 27" - I am THANKFUL Christ being the PERFECT example of FORGIVENESS.
Without His example, I'd be holding on to a WHOLE LOTTA stuff that would slowly be eating me up inside. That my friends, is simply no way to live.

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Is there anyone you need to forgive. Or are you harboring unforgiveness because in YOUR mind...what that person did to you is simply UNFORGIVEABLE? Think about that before you answer. Then think about ALL that Christ has forgiven YOU for. Then answer.

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Saturday, July 9, 2016

It's the Most Wonderful Time...of the Week

Ah FAVORITE day of the week.

Not a whole lot to say on this day. It's been lovely. And that's all I'll say about that.

So on this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 25" - I am THANKFUL for Saturdays. My time is my own from START to FINISH.

Sunday would be my next favorite, but it's hampered by the fact that's it's followed by Monday. And I have absolutely NO LOVE for Monday (through Friday.) One day I will though. When I am working in a CAREER that matches my passion and purpose of helping those less fortunate, on a DAILY basis.

That's all I've got.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: What day of the week were you born on? Me. I was born on a Sunday.

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Friday, July 8, 2016

Hello God? It's Me...

A funny thing happened on my way to sleep last night.

Yesterday was a rough day. TERRIBLY rough. The world seemed to being going mad and it was all a bit too much.

As a result of the unrest going on around the country, I found myself staying up much later than usual for a work night.

Finally, I decided to turn everything off and head to bed.

Before I got into bed, I knelt down next to it and PRAYED. My prayer was considerably longer than usual because I just had so much on my heart and mind.

In the midst of my prayer I found myself praying for "Joe." Remember him?

I hadn't heard from, nor seen him since May 24th. At this point, I'd finally resigned myself to the fact that he was simply GONE.

Since he's been gone I've experienced a gamut of emotions. I've been sad, angry, name it.

I guess lately I've been more in the angry phase and I stopped praying for him and his well-being. I had removed him from my prayers altogether. That was...until last night.

For some reason, last night I was compelled to pray for him heavily. And so I did. Then crawled into bed and went to sleep.

Now remember...I haven't head from, nor seen "Joe" since May 24th. That's been over a month ago.

Well...last night, as I was deep into my REM sleep...the phone rang.

The ringtone was familiar, yet unfamiliar and since I wasn't quite awake, I didn't answer.

It rang again.

This time I looked and the phone and saw that it was (you guessed it!) "Joe."

I didn't answer because I wasn't sure what I wanted to say, of if I had anything to say AT ALL. "Missed Call."

It rang again...I answered.

We spoke for a while. Actually, "Joe" did most of the talking. I quietly listened...while thanking God for yet another prayer answered. As I said a couple posts ago...sometimes He answers RIGHT AWAY, and then there are other things that I am STILL waiting to manifest.

So what does Joe's call mean? Who knows. I'm not trying to dissect it. I'm simply glad that it occurred. I was relieved to hear his voice. Things still aren't what or where he needs them to be. I pray, for his sake, that one day soon they will.

But on this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 25" - I am ever so THANKFUL for God's prompt answer to my prayer.

I know that He's REAL. I know that He HEARS. And I know that He ANSWERS.

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Is there anyone in your life whom you've lost touch with and would love to reconnect?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the POSITIVE

Twenty four days ago when I began my "30 Days of THANKFULNESS," I did it because I was feeling a bit low.

I had recently been betrayed by someone I trusted and I could feel myself sinking into depression. I needed to pull myself out, so I decided to focus not on the negatives in my life, but to keep the POSITIVES in the forefront.

I gotta admit, I'm feeling kinda low again tonight (for a number of reasons) and almost didn't want to write a "thankful post." But I made a commitment 24 days ago and I'm gonna stick with it.

So on this day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 24 - I am thankful that ALL of my children, and especially my SON, are all SAFE and WELL tonight.
God has them covered. He is with them wherever they go, at ALL times. Knowing that allows me to have peace at a time when the country of ours isn't so peaceful.

How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: How are YOU coping with all that's gone on in the news these past two days?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

MY Son

What an emotional whirlwind these past two days have been with the recent SENSELESS killings of yet two more Black men. As a mother of an 18 year old Black male I don't know what to feel, and then again, I seem to be feeling EVERYTHING.

What I do know is that I LOVE MY SON and want him to have the BEST that life has to offer. I want him to have an EQUAL opportunity to HAVE and DO things that "other" males his age have to opportunity to HAVE and DO.

As I was scrolling through Facebook this evening I came across an INCREDIBLY moving post from a friend who wanted to "tell her son's story" in its truth so that the media wouldn't have an opportunity to twist it in the event that any harm ever befalls him.

As a result, I too have been compelled to tell MY son's story.

Even BEFORE he was born, my son was special.

Four months into my pregnancy a series of tests were run and it was determined that he would be born with some "issues." After being told the news, I asked my doctor what could be done. His response was, "Nothing." He then gave me the option to terminate my pregnancy as the only "option." Well...THAT wasn't an option. PRAYER was. And for the remainder of my pregnancy I prayed for my baby boy, and prayed for God to give ME whatever I would need in order to care for a child with the "issues" my baby was going to have (according to the doctor.)

Five months later, I gave birth to a blessed baby boy who was just as healthy as his two sisters who came before him. He was born without a SINGLE issue that the prenatal tests "predicted" he'd have. That alone was enough to prove how GREAT this baby boy would grow to become.

So, where do I begin?

He is a voracious reader...always has been. As a result, he has become an EXCELLENT writer.
He is an AMAZING artist. I mean should see some of the stuff he's drawn.
He is kind, intelligent, and doesn't fit into any anyone's "box." That's just one of the many things I love about him.
He is a law-abiding citizen and has NEVER been in any criminal trouble...EVER.
He is an INCREDIBLY TALENTED robotics engineer who loves building "gizmos and gadgets."
He is an OUTSTANDING orator.
Most importantly, He loves the Lord, attends church regularly, and knows God's Word.
He's simply an all-around "cool dude." And I don't just say this because I am his mother. I say this because it's who he is. Anyone who knows him will tell you the same, and would surely ADD to this list.

There is no alternative narrative. This is Terence's story...

I purposefully ended with the ellipses because he's got a whole lotta living to do, so his story still has more to be added...much much MORE.

My prayer is that no one EVER has to read this in order to find out who he "was", because I don't ever want him to be a "was."

I have written this because I want the world to know who he "IS."

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Got My Wheels Spinnin'

When I was young, my friends and I liked to hang out at the roller skating rink...especially during our teenage years. The skating rink was the SPOT.

We had two that we'd frequent. World On Wheels in L.A., and Skate Depot in Cerritos. Both are now closed.

But the past time of roller skating is alive and well. My 22 year old daughter goes weekly. Unfortunately, the closet spot is in Orange County. So...that's where EVERYBODY goes now.

Last night I sent her a text to see what she was up to and she told me that she was out skating with friends. I told her to be safe (as I always do...just 'cause that's what us Moms do) and went to sleep.

Well I woke up this morning to find out that there was a shooting at the skating rink where she was. Everyone was searched over a three hour period as the police looked for the shooter (which they never found.)

Thankfully, my daughter and her friend were safe. But it made me wonder about a few things.

When did we come such a VIOLENT society?

When I was younger, my friends and I hung out "without incident." The worst that would EVER happen was a possible FIST fight. But all this gun violence??? When did that start?

I sometimes wonder if the best years for being young ENDED when I was young.

I think about my 18 year old son now and how UNSAFE it is for him to even walk down the street as a young male Black.

To the police, he's a threat.
To other young men his age, he's a threat.
As his MOTHER, I know that he's not a threat to EITHER.

He is a law-abiding citizen with a good head on his shoulders...but you'd have to actually KNOW him to KNOW that. The Police and random young men my son's age, DON'T know him. So for that reason, I must keep him CONSTANTLY covered in PRAYER.

Texting my daughter, instinctively telling her to be safe, and then seeing how close she was to danger also made me even more aware of the fact that we just never know when our communication with someone will be the last.

Thankfully, that wasn't the LAST communication for us. But for those friends and families of the victims in Orlando last was. Or for the friends and family who've been victims of mass shootings...for them, it was. And for those who've texted loved ones as they're leaving work at the end of the day, "On my way home. Love you."...yet ended up in a fatal car accident. For those folks, that was their LAST communication. There are so many other examples that I could list.

Bottom line is this, we just never know. And that's all the more reason to LOVE each other while we can...because we simply don't know how long we will have them, or they us.

So on this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 23" - I am THANKFUL that God has allowed me another day to tell my kiddos that I love them.

Now it's YOUR turn. Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you went roller skating?

While you think about that, here's a song for ya!

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Bon Appétit!

Today for the first time in TWO months, I enjoyed my 45 minute lunch break in the comfort of my very own car. Oh how I've missed that. I love taking my lunch to the car, turning the radio on to a "talk-radio" station, and relishing 45 minutes of "ME time."

Before heading out to my car today, I "prepared" my lunch. That consisted of adding HOT water to my shrimp flavored "Instant Lunch"...known by another brand as "Cup Noodles." Do you know -- at this VERY moment, as I am writing this post, I just learned something new. I always thought these noodles in a cup were called "Cup O' Noodles", or may even "Cup of Noodles." I had no idea that they were called "Instant Lunch" or "Cup Noodles" (without the O' or of in the middle.) The things you learn...I tell ya!

Anyhoo...I digress.

So I added HOT water to my "Instant Lunch" and headed out to the car.

Now as I mentioned earlier, my lunch was shrimp flavored. As I was eating and waiting for bites of shrimp, I began to wonder just how many of these microscopic freeze-dried shrimp-like pieces (like the one pictured) does the maker LEGALLY have to include in each cup in order for it to be labeled as "shrimp" flavored.

In my ENTIRE cup, I counted THREE "barely there" bites of shrimp. Three very well may be the max that are required. We'll see tomorrow when I have another one. And then again the day after that.

Yes, I know that these noodles aren't the healthiest of choices as they are tremendously high in sodium. However, my finances are EXTREMELY tight right now, and will continue to be until I get my next paycheck. So until then, lunch will be noodles. Hey...if it's good enough for college kids, it's good enough for me.

And that leads me to "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 22" - I am THANKFUL for food to eat even when my money is abysmally low.

Noodles may not be"fine dining" or even "average dining," but they are food in my belly -- keeping me from going hungry, so I will thank God for those noodles just as I would thank Him for a meal consisting of the largest king crab legs around. Oh how I love me some king crab legs...actually, ANY kind of crab legs for that matter. Maybe tomorrow I will imagine that my noodles are king crab flavored instead of what they actually are.

With that said, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a favorite "go-to" meal when your money gets low?

When I was little, we'd have fried bologna sandwiches with that slit cut in the bologna so it wouldn't bubble up. May not have been much, but I was never hungry as a child, and I won't be as an adult. Even when the noodles run out, there's plenty of rice in my cupboard. For that too, I will be thankful.

Now talk to me!

Til next time...

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy EFFING Fourth of July!!!

The time is now 9:56 pm and I am sooo done with these *&^% ILLEGAL "fireworks" in my neighborhood.

I just don't get it.

Any other day of the year, the Sheriff are SPEEDING down the street to get to God knows where. Up and down the street they ZOOM...ALL NIGHT LONG. But tonight...NOTHING.

I mean, there is ILLEGAL activity going on all over my neighborhood with these EXPLOSIVES, and NOTHING is being done to stop any of it.

One thing I know for sure...this madness better stop at 10:00pm or I am going to be hotter than fish grease. I've gotta get up in the morning and go to work. I'll be *&^%ed if this racket is gonna keep ME up all night. To quote the late Whitney Houston,"Hell to the nah!"

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Was your Fourth of July peaceful and quiet...or did it sound like you were in the middle of a COMBAT ZONE as it did for me?

Talk to me!

Til next time...