I was at the store yesterday and passed by a bin full of persimmons which quickly reminded me that yes, it is indeed "persimmon season."
I love persimmons!
For those who are wondering what a persimmon taste like, well, they have a flavor all their own. But if I had to make a comparison, I would say that they taste like a cantaloupe and an apple had a baby.
Although they look like tomatoes, they are actually firm (like apples) and sweet (like cantaloupe).
Persimmon season is now a bit bittersweet time for me.
I love the fruit, yet it brings back reminders of the "best friend" I once had, yet haven't heard from in almost a year now.
Her parents had a persimmon tree in their backyard and would graciously pick them for me. That is how and where I got my first taste.
As I just mentioned, I haven't heard from my former "best friend" in almost a year, so it's pretty much guaranteed that the only persimmons I will be enjoying this season are the ones I buy from the store.
As for the friendship, I have said this a number of times before. If she were to call me, or show up at my door today...I would welcome her with open arms and we could start over. That simple act would let me know that she actually does value me and our friendship, more than she values being "right" even in a situation where she was clearly WRONG.
And for those who are saying, "How 'bout YOU be the 'bigger person' and call HER, or show up at HER door?" (I know y'all are saying that), I did...a number of times. My attempts were ignored. Maybe I'm not the best person to say this because of course I'm a bit biased, but I think I'm a decent enough person that I don't have to beg for anyone to "be my friend." Maybe folks who know me would be able to attest to than better that I, with less bias.
So there ya have it. Welcome to "Persimmon Season!"
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever tried a food that looked unusual and then ended up LOVING it?
Talk to me (while I go eat a couple persimmons)!
Til next time...
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
Three Letter Word
After yesterday's inspiring event, my heart is still full.
One of the things that Shannon told us yesterday is that we have to be willing to say YES to God. That means YES to the things that we need to release so that He can bless us. And YES to the things that we want to receive.
Such a simple little word.
One syllable.
Three letters.
There's a song by the same name that I have listened to many times since yesterday's event. I listened to it this morning after I read my Bible and will listen to it again before I go to bed. It has become my "meditation song."
I didn't have the best day today, seems like I faced many obstacles. Yet I remain faithful in knowing that God is going to turn this thing around for my good. Until He does, my heart, my mind, and my mouth will continue to say:
How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a "meditation song?" If so, what is it?
Talk to me! Oh, but close your eyes and listen to this song first.
Til next time...
One of the things that Shannon told us yesterday is that we have to be willing to say YES to God. That means YES to the things that we need to release so that He can bless us. And YES to the things that we want to receive.
Such a simple little word.
One syllable.
Three letters.
There's a song by the same name that I have listened to many times since yesterday's event. I listened to it this morning after I read my Bible and will listen to it again before I go to bed. It has become my "meditation song."
I didn't have the best day today, seems like I faced many obstacles. Yet I remain faithful in knowing that God is going to turn this thing around for my good. Until He does, my heart, my mind, and my mouth will continue to say:
How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a "meditation song?" If so, what is it?
Talk to me! Oh, but close your eyes and listen to this song first.
Til next time...
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Exit Here
Earlier today I attended a powerfully inspiring event that reaffirmed my desire to LIVE in my PURPOSE.
Very few folks know my current situation yet one thing I can say with certainty is that it in NO WAY resembles what I'm supposed to be doing and where I want to be in life. At this point, my current situation and my PURPOSE are polar opposites. That's heartbreaking.
During the event there were so very many things said that made me want to burst into tears. Somewhere along this journey of mine I have become a bit stoic, so I suppressed pretty much every tear that tried to fall. That was until...
The event ended, thanked the host Shannon Yvette and headed to my car.
As soon as I got in the first tear was allowed to fall. That one was followed by countless more.
I started my car, turned off the radio and began my tear-filled chat with God.
The gist of the conversation was around my disappointment at where I am at this point in my life. How I am desperately seeking a career opportunity that will allow me to help others as my heart so greatly desires, yet I feel that I am failing because it just hasn't manifested itself yet and I am simply LOST.
So I'm having this heartfelt talk with God and get on the freeway.
Once I get on I realize that I need to quickly moved into the lane to my left otherwise I will end up exiting the freeway. Not what I wanted to do.
So I'm still pleading with God, tying to figure out why nothing I've done thus far has had any meaning or value. No one's life has been positively changed as a result of my interaction.
The tears fell even quicker.
And no one was letting me get over.
So...I angrily ended up exiting the freeway. Great! Now I'm crying and angry at the same time.
I get to the bottom of the off-ramp and there's a homeless person standing there with a sign. I reached over to my passenger seat and gave them the prepared "blessing bag" that I keep in my car for such occasions. Then I circled the block so that I could get back on the freeway.
About thirty seconds into my circling the "light bulb" went off and I said, "Ok God. I see what you did there."
Even though my plan was to get on the freeway and go straight home...God's plan was for me to get off at the "wrong" exit so that I could be a blessing to someone who otherwise may not have been. It was as if God was saying, "I hear you and YES...you ARE living in your PURPOSE...even NOW. No, this isn't ALL that I have destined you for, but as long as you keep doing what you can with what you've got...even though you feel LOST and that NOTHING is making an impact...the little things that you do 'in the meantime' ARE making an impact."
At that point the tears stopped falling.
I get it.
I need to keep working toward where I'm trying to go, and I need to be patient in the process.
Am I where I want to be yet in this journey called "life"? NO.
Am I doing little things along the way as I strive to get there? "YES.
What exactly is it that I ultimately want to do with this life of mine? I'm glad you asked. Here's the list:
That all sounds pretty well and good, right? The interesting thing is that "career wise," I have never done any of the above, yet my heart SCREAMS to do them all. I pray that one day, I will. Dear Lord, PLEASE!
Now...it's late, so Let the DIALOGUE begin: What (if anything) is holding you back from doing what you know you were created to do? Let's work on it together.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Very few folks know my current situation yet one thing I can say with certainty is that it in NO WAY resembles what I'm supposed to be doing and where I want to be in life. At this point, my current situation and my PURPOSE are polar opposites. That's heartbreaking.
During the event there were so very many things said that made me want to burst into tears. Somewhere along this journey of mine I have become a bit stoic, so I suppressed pretty much every tear that tried to fall. That was until...
The event ended, thanked the host Shannon Yvette and headed to my car.
As soon as I got in the first tear was allowed to fall. That one was followed by countless more.
I started my car, turned off the radio and began my tear-filled chat with God.
The gist of the conversation was around my disappointment at where I am at this point in my life. How I am desperately seeking a career opportunity that will allow me to help others as my heart so greatly desires, yet I feel that I am failing because it just hasn't manifested itself yet and I am simply LOST.
So I'm having this heartfelt talk with God and get on the freeway.
Once I get on I realize that I need to quickly moved into the lane to my left otherwise I will end up exiting the freeway. Not what I wanted to do.
So I'm still pleading with God, tying to figure out why nothing I've done thus far has had any meaning or value. No one's life has been positively changed as a result of my interaction.
The tears fell even quicker.
And no one was letting me get over.
So...I angrily ended up exiting the freeway. Great! Now I'm crying and angry at the same time.
I get to the bottom of the off-ramp and there's a homeless person standing there with a sign. I reached over to my passenger seat and gave them the prepared "blessing bag" that I keep in my car for such occasions. Then I circled the block so that I could get back on the freeway.
About thirty seconds into my circling the "light bulb" went off and I said, "Ok God. I see what you did there."
Even though my plan was to get on the freeway and go straight home...God's plan was for me to get off at the "wrong" exit so that I could be a blessing to someone who otherwise may not have been. It was as if God was saying, "I hear you and YES...you ARE living in your PURPOSE...even NOW. No, this isn't ALL that I have destined you for, but as long as you keep doing what you can with what you've got...even though you feel LOST and that NOTHING is making an impact...the little things that you do 'in the meantime' ARE making an impact."
At that point the tears stopped falling.
I get it.
I need to keep working toward where I'm trying to go, and I need to be patient in the process.
Am I where I want to be yet in this journey called "life"? NO.
Am I doing little things along the way as I strive to get there? "YES.
What exactly is it that I ultimately want to do with this life of mine? I'm glad you asked. Here's the list:
- Write books
- Become a Motivation Speaker (with a specific focus)
- Create a Non-Profit Organization that promotes literacy
- Work for (or create) an organization that provides services to homeless youth and their families
That all sounds pretty well and good, right? The interesting thing is that "career wise," I have never done any of the above, yet my heart SCREAMS to do them all. I pray that one day, I will. Dear Lord, PLEASE!
Now...it's late, so Let the DIALOGUE begin: What (if anything) is holding you back from doing what you know you were created to do? Let's work on it together.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Make Me Wanna Holler!
Some days feel like déjà vu. Today is one of them and I'm not happy about it AT ALL.
With the senseless killing of yet another Black man in the news I am fed up. Simply FED UP!
I've seen a few friends post that it appears to be "hunting season" on Black men, and I gotta tell ya...I'm beginning to wonder.
I mean really...
- Alton Sterling
- Philando Castile
- Micheal Brown
- Eric Garner
- Trayvon Martin
- Tamir Rice
- and now we add Terence Crutcher.
These are just a few (a very small few) whose lives have been cut short at the hands of "trigger happy" folks. If I listed them all this post would be PAGES long.
Every time I hear of yet another Black male life being lost I immediately think of my son. Only 18 years old, good kid, hard working, never been in any trouble. Yet the police don't know that when they see him. All they see when they see my son is a "Black male."
Here's the thing...
I could give him a whole list of "DOs" and "DON'Ts" when confronted by law enforcement, yet these days it seems that those things don't even matter.
Now I have to worry about how TALL he gets...how BIG he gets (weight wise), because then his SIZE (without doing ANYTHING at ALL) can be viewed as a threat.
So yes...
As a mother of a young Black male...I'm pissed.
As a woman who has brothers who are Black males...I'm pissed.
As the daughter of a Black male...I'm pissed.
As a woman who simply loves, and values Black men in general...I'm pissed.
WHEN will the "hunt" be over, and WHY does it exist in the first place?
I mean really...Somebody PLEASE tell me just WHAT exactly is so threatening about the Black male? PLEASE! Because quite honestly...I don't see it.
When I see Black males I see:
- Strength (to carry the weight of all that this unjust society places upon them)
- Intelligence
- Resilience
- Sex Appeal
- Power
- Love
- "Swag"
None of those equate to THREATS as I see them.
So really...what is it that "other folks" see that make them think the Black man has to be "taken down" like a rabid animal. Seriously...I wanna know. I need to know. Because I just don't get it.
My prayer is that we will NEVER have to hear another report of a Black male whose life has been unnecessarily taken for ANY reason. And please note that I said unnecessarily. After all, I am fully aware that this is not a utopian society that we live in. There are, and will be times when someone is truly posing a threat to others and as a result, that situation needs to be handled accordingly. But...sooo many of the accounts that we've heard lately did not fall within that criteria.
Seems to me that Black men are disproportionately killed when in a confrontational situation (and often times when NOT in a confrontational situation.) Yet "other" folks are merely wounded, and live to tell their side of the story. For the Black man...too many stories never got the chance to be told.
Then I've heard folks say, "Well...officers aren't trained to wound; they're trained to kill." Really? So why is it then that Black men always seem to be the ones who end up killed, when again, "others" get wounded? SOMETHING is terribly wrong with that picture!
Now don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that I want "others" to be killed at the hands of law enforcement as Black men do. What I want is for Black men to STOP being killed at the hands of law enforcement. That's all. I want them to have the opportunity to LIVE just as"others" do. That's not too much to ask, is it?
Anwyay...I'm heated and heartbroken at the same time. I didn't bring my son into the world so that his life could be cut short by the hands of ANYONE. I'm 100% certain that the mothers of all the Black men we've lost lately, didn't want that for their sons either.
The killing has got to STOP, and the Black male deserves the opportunity to LIVE.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What do YOU propose as a solution to this heartbreakingly angry issue?
Talk to me (because I need some answers)!
Til next time...
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Keepin' Up with The Times
This morning I made my 2nd visit to one of the churches from my "bowl."
How I came to visit was a bit interesting.
For those who have followed The Dialogue Den for the past few months, you know that I have been enjoying a "Season of Visitation" with regard to where I have been worshiping on Sunday mornings.
For those new to the blog I'll give you a "Cliff's Notes" version and let you know that I have a church home where I have been a member for over twenty years, yet for the past three years or so God has been urging me to visit other churches. I ignored the urge for a couple years and finally, this year, I decided to be obedient...and visit.
To be 100% clear, I am not looking for a new faith as I strongly proclaim my faith in Christ as Lord and Savior. Nor am I looking for a new church home, because I'm happy where I am currently.
I am however, enjoying the various styles of worship, and Scriptural messages that I have heard at churches other than my own.
How do I decide where to go?
I'm glad you asked.
I pay attention to where my friends "check-in" on Sunday mornings and I place the names of those churches in my "bowl." On my designated week to visit, I randomly pick a church from "the bowl" and that's where I head the following Sunday.
So what made today's (and last Sunday's) visits interesting was that this church was the most recent one that got added to my "bowl." That's never happened before.
A few weeks ago one of my friends noticed that I'm visiting churches so she invited me to hers. I thanked her for the invitation and told her that I would add her church to my list (didn't wanna have to explain 'the bowl') and that I wasn't sure when I'd be there, but that I would be one day...at Gods' "go."
Well, wha'da'ya'know...hers was the church that I pulled to visit last Sunday.
I enjoyed service there.
They don't have a building of their own yet so they have service in a middle school auditorium. That was just fine with me. I've always said that I can worship at the beach or at a park...as long as God is being praised and His word is going forth...that's all that matters. I even told her about my own church and how we were "homeless" for 18 months before we finally got a building of our own. So for those 18 months we shared a church building. Our service would begin at 8:30 and we would be finished in time for the other church to have their service begin at 11:00. Yep.
So I'm sure that soon enough they will be in a building of their own.
In the meantime, the worship was solid...the preaching was solid and God is getting the glory.
One thing that I noticed today was how "young" the church was. I mean, I was probably the oldest person in attendance and their use of technology was an example of how "young" the church is.
At my church, we have a "Meet and Greet" portion during the service where we go and say hello to each other, and preferably say hello to someone we've never seen before to make sure that visitors feel welcomed.
At this church, they have what's called "Tweet and Greet." You find someone to say hello to, take a "selfie" with them, and then post it to social media. Yep.
Where some churches frown upon the use of cell phones in church, this one actually encourages it...at least during that part of the service. I thought that was pretty cool.
Overall, I enjoyed my visits to Kingdom Culture Worship Center. Now I'm looking forward to where God will send me next.
In the meantime, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you on Twitter? If so, what's the last thing you tweeted?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
How I came to visit was a bit interesting.
For those who have followed The Dialogue Den for the past few months, you know that I have been enjoying a "Season of Visitation" with regard to where I have been worshiping on Sunday mornings.
For those new to the blog I'll give you a "Cliff's Notes" version and let you know that I have a church home where I have been a member for over twenty years, yet for the past three years or so God has been urging me to visit other churches. I ignored the urge for a couple years and finally, this year, I decided to be obedient...and visit.
To be 100% clear, I am not looking for a new faith as I strongly proclaim my faith in Christ as Lord and Savior. Nor am I looking for a new church home, because I'm happy where I am currently.
I am however, enjoying the various styles of worship, and Scriptural messages that I have heard at churches other than my own.
How do I decide where to go?
I'm glad you asked.
I pay attention to where my friends "check-in" on Sunday mornings and I place the names of those churches in my "bowl." On my designated week to visit, I randomly pick a church from "the bowl" and that's where I head the following Sunday.
So what made today's (and last Sunday's) visits interesting was that this church was the most recent one that got added to my "bowl." That's never happened before.
A few weeks ago one of my friends noticed that I'm visiting churches so she invited me to hers. I thanked her for the invitation and told her that I would add her church to my list (didn't wanna have to explain 'the bowl') and that I wasn't sure when I'd be there, but that I would be one day...at Gods' "go."
Well, wha'da'ya'know...hers was the church that I pulled to visit last Sunday.
I enjoyed service there.
They don't have a building of their own yet so they have service in a middle school auditorium. That was just fine with me. I've always said that I can worship at the beach or at a park...as long as God is being praised and His word is going forth...that's all that matters. I even told her about my own church and how we were "homeless" for 18 months before we finally got a building of our own. So for those 18 months we shared a church building. Our service would begin at 8:30 and we would be finished in time for the other church to have their service begin at 11:00. Yep.
So I'm sure that soon enough they will be in a building of their own.
In the meantime, the worship was solid...the preaching was solid and God is getting the glory.
One thing that I noticed today was how "young" the church was. I mean, I was probably the oldest person in attendance and their use of technology was an example of how "young" the church is.
At my church, we have a "Meet and Greet" portion during the service where we go and say hello to each other, and preferably say hello to someone we've never seen before to make sure that visitors feel welcomed.
At this church, they have what's called "Tweet and Greet." You find someone to say hello to, take a "selfie" with them, and then post it to social media. Yep.
Where some churches frown upon the use of cell phones in church, this one actually encourages it...at least during that part of the service. I thought that was pretty cool.
Overall, I enjoyed my visits to Kingdom Culture Worship Center. Now I'm looking forward to where God will send me next.
In the meantime, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you on Twitter? If so, what's the last thing you tweeted?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Friday, September 16, 2016
The Dates Beside The Dash
Yesterday I went to Inglewood Park Cemetery with a friend.
While I waited for my friend to conduct some business there I decided to take a look around. Not so sure if that was a good idea.
I know that I will probably get this wrong but here goes anyway.
I headed over to the wall (I think it might be called a burial vault, but not sure), and began looking at the dates on the outside of each, seeing how long each person lived and noticing the relationships between individuals. Husbands buried with wives. Children buried with parents, etc.
Then I got to a section where the dates next to the dash were much closer...too close. These were babies and young children.
Some only had a month's difference between the first and second date.
Some had a few years.
Others only had one date...with no dash.
My goodness! It was heartbreaking.
As I continued to walk by I wondered how the families are today. Are they still hurting from the loss? Did they have more children after the loss of the ones who were gone? What caused the little ones to go so soon? Illness? Accident?
Finally I just had to stop and say a prayer for them all...that they were able to find comfort and peace somewhere along the way.
My friend came back out and could tell that I was a bit "shaken up." I didn't realize how strongly I had been affected by the loss of those tiny individuals I'd never known. Funny how that happens. I think what got me the most was the fact that every single person buried in that cemetery had a story. EVERY ONE. Young and old. I hope that in their absence, someone thought enough to tell it.
One thing's for sure...aside from the ocean, cemeteries are the most peaceful places on earth. Other than yesterday, I'd never been to a cemetery beside those times when saying a final goodbye to someone.
I've never been one to "visit" anyone's grave because for me, the memory is in my mind and heart...so I have no desire to go to an actual site. Everyone's different though. We all grieve, mourn, and remember differently. That 's absolutely fine.
Anywho...I'm not really sure about what more there is to say with regard to cemetery visits. So, I'll just say this: Let the DIALOGUE begin: Today is Friday. What are your weekend plans?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
While I waited for my friend to conduct some business there I decided to take a look around. Not so sure if that was a good idea.
I know that I will probably get this wrong but here goes anyway.
I headed over to the wall (I think it might be called a burial vault, but not sure), and began looking at the dates on the outside of each, seeing how long each person lived and noticing the relationships between individuals. Husbands buried with wives. Children buried with parents, etc.
Then I got to a section where the dates next to the dash were much closer...too close. These were babies and young children.
Some only had a month's difference between the first and second date.
Some had a few years.
Others only had one date...with no dash.
My goodness! It was heartbreaking.
As I continued to walk by I wondered how the families are today. Are they still hurting from the loss? Did they have more children after the loss of the ones who were gone? What caused the little ones to go so soon? Illness? Accident?
Finally I just had to stop and say a prayer for them all...that they were able to find comfort and peace somewhere along the way.
My friend came back out and could tell that I was a bit "shaken up." I didn't realize how strongly I had been affected by the loss of those tiny individuals I'd never known. Funny how that happens. I think what got me the most was the fact that every single person buried in that cemetery had a story. EVERY ONE. Young and old. I hope that in their absence, someone thought enough to tell it.
One thing's for sure...aside from the ocean, cemeteries are the most peaceful places on earth. Other than yesterday, I'd never been to a cemetery beside those times when saying a final goodbye to someone.
I've never been one to "visit" anyone's grave because for me, the memory is in my mind and heart...so I have no desire to go to an actual site. Everyone's different though. We all grieve, mourn, and remember differently. That 's absolutely fine.
Anywho...I'm not really sure about what more there is to say with regard to cemetery visits. So, I'll just say this: Let the DIALOGUE begin: Today is Friday. What are your weekend plans?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Where you at?
With the advances in technology and the worldwide usage of Facebook, it's become much easier to share where we are, who we're with, what we're doing, with just a touch of a button.
I'm pretty sure that 99.99% of Facebook users have "checked in" to a place at least ONCE. At least!
I "check in" often, however those who know me well know that I am very specific as to when I "check in." If you're a friend of mine and you are reading this, you've probably already said to yourself, "Yes, I know. You 'check in' when you are LEAVING a place...NOT when you ARRIVE."
Yep. That's how I do it.
I dunno. It's not that I'm so popular that folks are just gonna roll up on me. I just don't like disclosing my location...until I've LEFT the location, or am on my way out. That's just me.
I get a little giggle when I'm out with friends who like to "check in" when we arrive and they'll stop before posting and say, "Hey, are you okay if I check us in now?" That's how well they know me.
I typically say yes. I mean really, who am I...the Facebook Police? It's YOUR page, and YOUR post. I have NO right to tell someone that they can or can not post something. If it truly bothered me, I would ask that I not be tagged. But, it doesn't, and even if I am "tagged," it doesn't show up on MY page until I "allow" it on my timeline, so...it all works out.
In my case, most of my "check ins" have been at churches; my own, along with the ones I've visited. I don't really need folks to know every time I dine out, or go to Costco, or things like that. But I love sharing where I've worshiped. So after service is over (before I leave), I "check in" and post the title of that day's message along with the Scripture(s) that message came from. I do this because I understand that many folks don't go to church. Can't tell you how many times I've read or heard my friends say, "I don't do 'organized religion'." That's okay. I don't either. I do "relationship with Christ." BIG difference. However, in my '"relationship," I have been compelled to share God's message with others in the hopes that someone (even if it's only ONE person) will be inspired to look into God's Word (in whatever setting is comfortable for them), and in the process, also develop a "relationship with Christ." That's my small way of sharing The Gospel.
For the most part, I think "check ins" are great. I've found some great restaurants to try as a result of my friend's "check ins." And the churches that I have visited have also come by way of my friend's "check ins." So for me, they've proven to be beneficial.
In some cases though, I've found "check ins" to be potentially detrimental. This is when it comes to children. My skin crawls just a wee bit whenever I see a friend checking in at their child's school. When my kids were younger, I never did that until it was their LAST day of school...at that school.
I mean, I get it. The only folks seeing the post are "friends" so there should be no harm with any of them knowing where a child attends school. But in the grand scheme of things...this is THE INTERNET, so you just never know where info will end up. When it comes to children, I don't think it's wise to take such a risky chance. Heck, even when my daughters were in college, I was reluctant to post when I was at their schools. College! So yeah. If I had my druthers, I would caution parents to STOP posting where their children (at least in grades pre-k thru 12) go to school. But that's just me, and everyone is entitled to raise their children however they see fit as long as it isn't causing any harm.
Well...that's my rant for the day.
Now it's your turn. Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you "check in" on Facebook? If so, have you ever given any thought to when you do so?
Talk to me, and tell me...where you at?!?
Til next time...
I'm pretty sure that 99.99% of Facebook users have "checked in" to a place at least ONCE. At least!
I "check in" often, however those who know me well know that I am very specific as to when I "check in." If you're a friend of mine and you are reading this, you've probably already said to yourself, "Yes, I know. You 'check in' when you are LEAVING a place...NOT when you ARRIVE."
Yep. That's how I do it.
I dunno. It's not that I'm so popular that folks are just gonna roll up on me. I just don't like disclosing my location...until I've LEFT the location, or am on my way out. That's just me.
I get a little giggle when I'm out with friends who like to "check in" when we arrive and they'll stop before posting and say, "Hey, are you okay if I check us in now?" That's how well they know me.
I typically say yes. I mean really, who am I...the Facebook Police? It's YOUR page, and YOUR post. I have NO right to tell someone that they can or can not post something. If it truly bothered me, I would ask that I not be tagged. But, it doesn't, and even if I am "tagged," it doesn't show up on MY page until I "allow" it on my timeline, so...it all works out.
In my case, most of my "check ins" have been at churches; my own, along with the ones I've visited. I don't really need folks to know every time I dine out, or go to Costco, or things like that. But I love sharing where I've worshiped. So after service is over (before I leave), I "check in" and post the title of that day's message along with the Scripture(s) that message came from. I do this because I understand that many folks don't go to church. Can't tell you how many times I've read or heard my friends say, "I don't do 'organized religion'." That's okay. I don't either. I do "relationship with Christ." BIG difference. However, in my '"relationship," I have been compelled to share God's message with others in the hopes that someone (even if it's only ONE person) will be inspired to look into God's Word (in whatever setting is comfortable for them), and in the process, also develop a "relationship with Christ." That's my small way of sharing The Gospel.
For the most part, I think "check ins" are great. I've found some great restaurants to try as a result of my friend's "check ins." And the churches that I have visited have also come by way of my friend's "check ins." So for me, they've proven to be beneficial.
In some cases though, I've found "check ins" to be potentially detrimental. This is when it comes to children. My skin crawls just a wee bit whenever I see a friend checking in at their child's school. When my kids were younger, I never did that until it was their LAST day of school...at that school.
I mean, I get it. The only folks seeing the post are "friends" so there should be no harm with any of them knowing where a child attends school. But in the grand scheme of things...this is THE INTERNET, so you just never know where info will end up. When it comes to children, I don't think it's wise to take such a risky chance. Heck, even when my daughters were in college, I was reluctant to post when I was at their schools. College! So yeah. If I had my druthers, I would caution parents to STOP posting where their children (at least in grades pre-k thru 12) go to school. But that's just me, and everyone is entitled to raise their children however they see fit as long as it isn't causing any harm.
Well...that's my rant for the day.
Now it's your turn. Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you "check in" on Facebook? If so, have you ever given any thought to when you do so?
Talk to me, and tell me...where you at?!?
Til next time...
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Older AND Wiser?
Old people! They crack me up sometimes. Other times, they make me shake my head.
One thing that I have particularly noticed about old people is that they do not "bit their tongues." Similar to children, if something is on an old person's mind, they are gonna LET YOU KNOW...good, bad, or otherwise.
Often times what they say can be a bit hurtful. But do they ever apologize? NOOO. Old people feel that after all their years of living, they have the RIGHT to say want they want, whenever they want...PERIOD.
I first discovered this with my great-grandmother during one of my summer visits to Ohio. In my opinion she was never the nicest woman. Not when I visited as a young child and not when I visited as a young adult.
The last time I saw her was at least 23 years ago. It may have been longer than that, I just know that the last time I was in Ohio was 23 years ago...can't quite remember if she was still alive then. So if it wasn't on that trip, it was on the trip before.
She inquired about my mother and I answered. She then said something so rude and hurtful about my mother that I began to cry. My mother. Her granddaughter. And all she could find in her heart to say was something mean. Needless to say...when she finally died at 105, I didn't shed a tear.
I said all of that to make a point about how some old people have absolutely NO FILTER.
So now we fast forward (rewind) to last Saturday.
I was out with some ladies and one of them is a bit older than I. Somehow we got on the topic of hair. She wears hers very short, like close to the scalp short. I mentioned to her that mine used to be short, like not even a quarter inch long. She was surprised by that so I showed her a picture of myself with the much shorter hair.
She looked at the pic...looked at me, then said, "Hmph! You need to go back to THAT style. It was much cuter than your hair is now and you looked younger too."
Well, I'll be!!!
I didn't even know how to respond to that.
Was I insulted? A lil bit.
Did it take me long to get over the comment? Not-at-all. I quickly reminded myself of her age and that unfiltered comments like those come with the territory.
Kinda made me wonder what I will be like when I get her age. Will I be mindful of other folks' feelings and THINK before I speak. Or will I just let'er rip like the old folks do?
Who knows.
Gotta tell ya though, I've been lookin' at that old pic and just MIGHT do the "BIG CHOP" once again. I've done it twice since 2013 so one thing I know for sure is that the hair will grow back. Maybe this time it'll grow back healthier, or, maybe...just maybe...I'll keep it short for a change. After all, it makes me look cuter and younger, right?
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the RUDEST thing an old person has ever said to you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
One thing that I have particularly noticed about old people is that they do not "bit their tongues." Similar to children, if something is on an old person's mind, they are gonna LET YOU KNOW...good, bad, or otherwise.
Often times what they say can be a bit hurtful. But do they ever apologize? NOOO. Old people feel that after all their years of living, they have the RIGHT to say want they want, whenever they want...PERIOD.
I first discovered this with my great-grandmother during one of my summer visits to Ohio. In my opinion she was never the nicest woman. Not when I visited as a young child and not when I visited as a young adult.
The last time I saw her was at least 23 years ago. It may have been longer than that, I just know that the last time I was in Ohio was 23 years ago...can't quite remember if she was still alive then. So if it wasn't on that trip, it was on the trip before.
She inquired about my mother and I answered. She then said something so rude and hurtful about my mother that I began to cry. My mother. Her granddaughter. And all she could find in her heart to say was something mean. Needless to say...when she finally died at 105, I didn't shed a tear.
I said all of that to make a point about how some old people have absolutely NO FILTER.
So now we fast forward (rewind) to last Saturday.
I was out with some ladies and one of them is a bit older than I. Somehow we got on the topic of hair. She wears hers very short, like close to the scalp short. I mentioned to her that mine used to be short, like not even a quarter inch long. She was surprised by that so I showed her a picture of myself with the much shorter hair.
She looked at the pic...looked at me, then said, "Hmph! You need to go back to THAT style. It was much cuter than your hair is now and you looked younger too."
Well, I'll be!!!
I didn't even know how to respond to that.
Was I insulted? A lil bit.
Did it take me long to get over the comment? Not-at-all. I quickly reminded myself of her age and that unfiltered comments like those come with the territory.
Kinda made me wonder what I will be like when I get her age. Will I be mindful of other folks' feelings and THINK before I speak. Or will I just let'er rip like the old folks do?
Who knows.
Gotta tell ya though, I've been lookin' at that old pic and just MIGHT do the "BIG CHOP" once again. I've done it twice since 2013 so one thing I know for sure is that the hair will grow back. Maybe this time it'll grow back healthier, or, maybe...just maybe...I'll keep it short for a change. After all, it makes me look cuter and younger, right?
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the RUDEST thing an old person has ever said to you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, September 5, 2016
Tag Check!
This morning I spent a considerable amount of time posting items on eBay to sell.
I listed 13 items and have 4 more bins full of clothes to post. I am determined to get them ALL listed within the next 7 days.
I don't know how most eBay sellers go about listing their items but I happen to be a bit meticulous. I iron everything and then photograph them "on display." After photographing, I then post on eBay and add a description along with the price I want.
One part of the listing asks where the product was made. I'm not sure if that's a new field or if I've always just bypassed it before, but this morning I actually populated that field for EVERY item and was saddened and disappointed to find that NOT A SINGLE ONE was "Made in The U.S.A."
I had items made in Egypt, El Salvador, Mexico, China and Vietnam.
That got me to wondering WHY we don't make more clothing here in these great United States of America. I immediately answered my own question. COST.
It costs far less to have items made "overseas" than to do so here on "American soil."
I've often heard folks say, "Well sure, we could manufacture those items here, but then we'd have to pay the legal wage to our workers and that would drive the price of the items up."
That got me to wondering again.
Just how much would the price of, say...a pair of jeans increase if they were made here? And most importantly, would we (I'll throw myself into the mix) who are demanding that jobs be "brought back to the U.S." be willing to pay that increase?
I mean, yeah...it would hit consumers a bit harder in the pockets, but...it would greatly benefit our economy by way of creating more businesses (here) which would in turn employ more U.S. citizens. Personally, I think that's worth paying and extra dollar or two when we look at the overall picture, especially if the businesses are located in the inner city/urban areas where so many folks need work and opportunity.
In my opinion though (and this is just my opinion as I am certainly NOT an expert in business), I believe that many of the jobs can be brought back, workers can be paid a fair and legal wage, and...consumer pricing does NOT have to increase? Why do I think those things are possible? Two words --- CORPORATE GREED.
I'm fairly certain that if the higher level executives who are cashing in fat paychecks would TRULY desire to see our country thrive economically by bringing jobs back, then they will agree to take cuts. I mean c'mon...most of them wouldn't even feel a financial difference, and the cuts could possibly work out to be less than what they currently pay in taxes. So my way (again, just my opinion) is the best way to go, and a "win-win" all around.
Unfortunately, I think I may be part of a very small minority.
Many folks will demand that jobs be brought back here, but when they find out that they will be directly effected by such an action, the demands get pretty silent.
So, what is the solution? I wish I knew.
In the meantime, I will continue to post my items and hope that somewhere in these 4 bins of clothes, I will find something that was made here in the U.S.A.
Who knows? Maybe I'm part of the problem. I can honestly say that when I buy clothing, I rarely (if ever) look to see where it was made. I just don't. I typically look at the price and if it's within my budget, I get it. Perhaps I can be more mindful going forward with regard to looking for more products that are made here. Hopefully that won't leave me naked, with nothing to wear. I know...that's pretty drastic, but considering that so far, NONE of the items I posted were made here...things could end up that way...hypothetically speaking.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Let's do a lil experiment. YOU...right there...right now...look at the tags on the items you're currently wearing and let me know where they're made. I'll go first and tell you that the Old Navy tank top I'm wearing was made in El Salvador and my Danskin pants were made in Cambodia. Yep! So go 'head...take a look at yours. Then...
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I listed 13 items and have 4 more bins full of clothes to post. I am determined to get them ALL listed within the next 7 days.
I don't know how most eBay sellers go about listing their items but I happen to be a bit meticulous. I iron everything and then photograph them "on display." After photographing, I then post on eBay and add a description along with the price I want.
One part of the listing asks where the product was made. I'm not sure if that's a new field or if I've always just bypassed it before, but this morning I actually populated that field for EVERY item and was saddened and disappointed to find that NOT A SINGLE ONE was "Made in The U.S.A."
I had items made in Egypt, El Salvador, Mexico, China and Vietnam.
That got me to wondering WHY we don't make more clothing here in these great United States of America. I immediately answered my own question. COST.
It costs far less to have items made "overseas" than to do so here on "American soil."
I've often heard folks say, "Well sure, we could manufacture those items here, but then we'd have to pay the legal wage to our workers and that would drive the price of the items up."
That got me to wondering again.
Just how much would the price of, say...a pair of jeans increase if they were made here? And most importantly, would we (I'll throw myself into the mix) who are demanding that jobs be "brought back to the U.S." be willing to pay that increase?
I mean, yeah...it would hit consumers a bit harder in the pockets, but...it would greatly benefit our economy by way of creating more businesses (here) which would in turn employ more U.S. citizens. Personally, I think that's worth paying and extra dollar or two when we look at the overall picture, especially if the businesses are located in the inner city/urban areas where so many folks need work and opportunity.
In my opinion though (and this is just my opinion as I am certainly NOT an expert in business), I believe that many of the jobs can be brought back, workers can be paid a fair and legal wage, and...consumer pricing does NOT have to increase? Why do I think those things are possible? Two words --- CORPORATE GREED.
I'm fairly certain that if the higher level executives who are cashing in fat paychecks would TRULY desire to see our country thrive economically by bringing jobs back, then they will agree to take cuts. I mean c'mon...most of them wouldn't even feel a financial difference, and the cuts could possibly work out to be less than what they currently pay in taxes. So my way (again, just my opinion) is the best way to go, and a "win-win" all around.
Unfortunately, I think I may be part of a very small minority.
Many folks will demand that jobs be brought back here, but when they find out that they will be directly effected by such an action, the demands get pretty silent.
So, what is the solution? I wish I knew.
In the meantime, I will continue to post my items and hope that somewhere in these 4 bins of clothes, I will find something that was made here in the U.S.A.
Who knows? Maybe I'm part of the problem. I can honestly say that when I buy clothing, I rarely (if ever) look to see where it was made. I just don't. I typically look at the price and if it's within my budget, I get it. Perhaps I can be more mindful going forward with regard to looking for more products that are made here. Hopefully that won't leave me naked, with nothing to wear. I know...that's pretty drastic, but considering that so far, NONE of the items I posted were made here...things could end up that way...hypothetically speaking.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Let's do a lil experiment. YOU...right there...right now...look at the tags on the items you're currently wearing and let me know where they're made. I'll go first and tell you that the Old Navy tank top I'm wearing was made in El Salvador and my Danskin pants were made in Cambodia. Yep! So go 'head...take a look at yours. Then...
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Friday, September 2, 2016
Santa Barbara Birdy
A couple weeks ago I spent a day at the beach in Santa Barbara. Oh how I love the water! "My Place of Peace" is what I affectionately call it.
Interestingly enough, I've lived my entire life in California yet somehow never made it to Santa Barbara. What's up with that?!?
Anywhoo...so I went a couple weeks ago for the first time and enjoyed it.
The part of the beach where we visited was close the pier and the water was very calm. The waves almost seemed as though they didn't want to be waves at all. Every now and then was the occasional "crash" just to remind beach-goers that we were indeed at "the beach."
While there, I spent some time watching the little cutie in the pic. I'm just gonna refer to him as male for the sake of simplicity.
Originally he was quite a ways back from the water. Like right at the edge of where the dry sand ends.
He'd stand there, way back, and watch the water roll in.
Then he'd scoot a little closer, cautiously, waiting for the water to roll in again.
I don't know how long I watched him, nor how long it took before he was finally as close to the water as he is in the pic.
Then he just stopped, stood, and watched. For a really long time.
At that point he reminded me so much of myself. Standing at the ocean's edge, enjoying the tranquility that is always found there. Sometimes I stand and just think. Allowing my head to clear.
I'd probably be reaching to say that my little bird friend was clearing his head. For all I know he may have been waiting for something to wash up that he could eat. In this pic though it just looks like he's looking out and wondering, "What if?" as I myself have done so many times.
If by chance he was there for answers, I hope he got 'em.
Although Santa Barbara was quite a drive just to get to the beach when I live pretty much 20 minutes away from at least 5 others, I'm glad that I can now say that I have been. One of these days I hope to go back and find my way down to the coastline where the big waves were coming in. There's gotta be a way to get to those, there's just gotta.
How 'bout you my friends, Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time YOU went to the beach, and which one was it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Interestingly enough, I've lived my entire life in California yet somehow never made it to Santa Barbara. What's up with that?!?
Anywhoo...so I went a couple weeks ago for the first time and enjoyed it.
The part of the beach where we visited was close the pier and the water was very calm. The waves almost seemed as though they didn't want to be waves at all. Every now and then was the occasional "crash" just to remind beach-goers that we were indeed at "the beach."
While there, I spent some time watching the little cutie in the pic. I'm just gonna refer to him as male for the sake of simplicity.
Originally he was quite a ways back from the water. Like right at the edge of where the dry sand ends.
He'd stand there, way back, and watch the water roll in.
Then he'd scoot a little closer, cautiously, waiting for the water to roll in again.
I don't know how long I watched him, nor how long it took before he was finally as close to the water as he is in the pic.
Then he just stopped, stood, and watched. For a really long time.
At that point he reminded me so much of myself. Standing at the ocean's edge, enjoying the tranquility that is always found there. Sometimes I stand and just think. Allowing my head to clear.
I'd probably be reaching to say that my little bird friend was clearing his head. For all I know he may have been waiting for something to wash up that he could eat. In this pic though it just looks like he's looking out and wondering, "What if?" as I myself have done so many times.
If by chance he was there for answers, I hope he got 'em.
Although Santa Barbara was quite a drive just to get to the beach when I live pretty much 20 minutes away from at least 5 others, I'm glad that I can now say that I have been. One of these days I hope to go back and find my way down to the coastline where the big waves were coming in. There's gotta be a way to get to those, there's just gotta.
How 'bout you my friends, Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time YOU went to the beach, and which one was it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Life Goes Better With A Song
Anyone who knows me well knows how much I absolutely love MUSIC. At home I actually listen to music far more than I watch television. I can go DAYS without turning on "the boob tube," but not a day goes by when I don't listen to or sing a song...or both.
Thanks to Pandora, getting my daily "music fix" is easy. I tune in and out flow my favorites, along with some new stuff every now and then. I typically listen on "Shuffle" mode because I prefer variety, but every now and then I pick one of my "stations" and listen that way.
You may be wondering what type of music I listen to. Again, anyone who knows me well knows that my listening taste is about as eclectic as I am, so my artists are all over the board.
Lucky for you, I'm gonna list all of my current Pandora stations so that your day can be complete. :-)
Ready? I've got a lot of 'em.
Here goes:
2Pac (Tupac)
Alexander O'Neal
Alicia Keys
Anita Baker
Antonio Vivaldi
Bob Marley
Boney James
Brian Culbertson
Bruno Mars
Byron Cage
Candy Dulfer
Carl Thomas
Casting Crowns
Chante Moore
Chris Botti
Corinne Bailey Rae
Curtis Mayfield
Daryl Coley
Dave Hollister
Donald Lawrence
Donny Hathaway
Dorinda Clark-Cole
Earnest Pugh
Earth, Wind & Fire
Eric Benet
Erykah Badu
Fryderyk Chopin
Gap Band
George Howard
Grover Washington, Jr.
Hall & Oates
Israel & New Breed
Jagged Edge
Jesse Cook
Jhene Aiko
Jill Scott
Johann Sebastian Bach
John Coltrane
John P. Kee
Jonathan Nelson
Justin Timberlake
Kelly Price
Kenny Barron
Kim Burrell
Kirk Franklin
Leela James
Loose Ends
Ludwig van Beethoven
Luther Vandross
Lyfe Jennings
Martha Munizzi
Marvin Gaye
Marvin Sapp
Mary J. Blige
Maze & Frankie Beverly
Michael Jackson
Mike Phillips
Norman Brown
Ohio Players
Ottmar Liebert
Raheem Devaughn
Regina Carter
Rhian Benson
Ricky Dillard & New G
Robin Thicke
Simply Red
Stevie Wonder
Teddy Pendergrass
Teena Maria (this was the very FIRST station I added. She's my All-Time FAVORITE artist!)
The Four Tops
The Isley Brothers
The O'Jays
The Spinners
The Temptations
The Winans
Urban Comedians
Vicki Yohe
Will Downing
Yolanda Adams
So there ya have it folks! As you can see, I've got plenty to sing, dance (or hum) along to on any given day.
Now it's your turn. Let the DIALOGUE begin: I seem to be missing artists that begin with Q, X and Z. Got any suggestions? If not, then tell me this...who are your top seven musical artists?
Talk (or sing) to me!
Til next time...
Thanks to Pandora, getting my daily "music fix" is easy. I tune in and out flow my favorites, along with some new stuff every now and then. I typically listen on "Shuffle" mode because I prefer variety, but every now and then I pick one of my "stations" and listen that way.
You may be wondering what type of music I listen to. Again, anyone who knows me well knows that my listening taste is about as eclectic as I am, so my artists are all over the board.
Lucky for you, I'm gonna list all of my current Pandora stations so that your day can be complete. :-)
Ready? I've got a lot of 'em.
Here goes:
2Pac (Tupac)
Alexander O'Neal
Alicia Keys
Anita Baker
Antonio Vivaldi
Bob Marley
Boney James
Brian Culbertson
Bruno Mars
Byron Cage
Candy Dulfer
Carl Thomas
Casting Crowns
Chante Moore
Chris Botti
Corinne Bailey Rae
Curtis Mayfield
Daryl Coley
Dave Hollister
Donald Lawrence
Donny Hathaway
Dorinda Clark-Cole
Earnest Pugh
Earth, Wind & Fire
Eric Benet
Erykah Badu
Fryderyk Chopin
Gap Band
George Howard
Grover Washington, Jr.
Hall & Oates
Israel & New Breed
Jagged Edge
Jesse Cook
Jhene Aiko
Jill Scott
Johann Sebastian Bach
John Coltrane
John P. Kee
Jonathan Nelson
Justin Timberlake
Kelly Price
Kenny Barron
Kim Burrell
Kirk Franklin
Leela James
Loose Ends
Ludwig van Beethoven
Luther Vandross
Lyfe Jennings
Martha Munizzi
Marvin Gaye
Marvin Sapp
Mary J. Blige
Maze & Frankie Beverly
Michael Jackson
Mike Phillips
Norman Brown
Ohio Players
Ottmar Liebert
Raheem Devaughn
Regina Carter
Rhian Benson
Ricky Dillard & New G
Robin Thicke
Simply Red
Stevie Wonder
Teddy Pendergrass
Teena Maria (this was the very FIRST station I added. She's my All-Time FAVORITE artist!)
The Four Tops
The Isley Brothers
The O'Jays
The Spinners
The Temptations
The Winans
Urban Comedians
Vicki Yohe
Will Downing
Yolanda Adams
So there ya have it folks! As you can see, I've got plenty to sing, dance (or hum) along to on any given day.
Now it's your turn. Let the DIALOGUE begin: I seem to be missing artists that begin with Q, X and Z. Got any suggestions? If not, then tell me this...who are your top seven musical artists?
Talk (or sing) to me!
Til next time...
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