Time warner.ive never had problems with the service, the service has always been excellent even when I was in Lakewood and I like I can access the Time Warner wi-fi when not home.
Welcome to the "The Dialogue Den", a cozy little blog where I share my random thoughts and greatly welcome YOUR comments! This is a collaborative effort people, so don't make me do this all by myself :-)
I want to hear from YOU. I NEED to hear from YOU!
As for who I am...someone very recently described me by these words, "author, writer extraordinaire, poet, publisher, scholar, etc." I wholeheartedly agree with all of the above. Even though some of those descriptions have not yet come to fruition, I BELIEVE that one day they ALL will. I'm also a mother of 3, who loves to sing, spend time with my close friends and family, and serve those in need. I strongly believe that our greatest blessings come when we are a blessing to others. I will soon begin development of a non-profit organization that I have envisioned for years and look forward to sharing its progress with you here as well. My topics here aren't too deep (that's not what I do). They're all pretty random (which is totally me). I hope you visit often and are ready to be entertained, intrigued, enlightened, and who knows what else, here in "The Dialogue Den". Thanks for stoppin' by and please "LIKE" the page on Facebook!
Time warner.ive never had problems with the service, the service has always been excellent even when I was in Lakewood and I like I can access the Time Warner wi-fi when not home.