I spent most of it with "Joe" and went to an evening service at one of the local churches to kick my new year off right. Man am I glad I made that decision.
The message tonight was from Psalm 73:1-17 and it was one that I really needed to hear.
It was about the Psalmist being envious of others, specifically those who aren't living a life as "righteous" as his, yet they are being blessed. I was totally able to relate.
I read my Bible daily, pray multiple times a day, forgive those who do me wrong, and just try to live my life in a "Christ-like" manner. Yet, I am STRUGGLING...BIG TIME. I mean STRUGGLING!
Then I look around and see folks who rarely, if EVER go to church, nor do they profess to have any faith in Christ. They may say that they "believe in God", which is good and all, but faith in CHRIST is the way to salvation. But...that's another topic for a different day.
Bottom line...some folks seem to be blessed hand over fist without having any "visible" relationship with God (and/or Christ), and then there are people like me who diligently seek and serve Him, yet never seem to get ahead. I just don't get it.
Well...neither did the Psalmist until verse 17, "Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end."
So the takeaway was that I need to STOP looking "vertically" at what's going on around me with others, and I need to look UP to God. When I keep my focus on God, I won't be so concerned with what others have. Makes sense to me.
So now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you often find yourself envious of others? If so, what (if anything) do you to do "snap out of it"?

Talk to me!
Til next time...
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