Yet with all that I "LIKE" about Facebook, there are still some things that make me scratch my head at times.
For instance...those folks who you send a "friend request" to and they NEVER accept it. I have one such person in mind right now. I won't say his name, but I'll gladly give his initials: DC
I went to middle school AND high school with him, and ran into him a few times AFTER we graduated. Thought we were cool. His brother is cool. His cousin is cool. So what's up?
After a while I was like, "Really dude? I'm not trying to "get with you", I'm just re-connecting. That's what we do here on FB. So get over yourself!"
Eventually I canceled the request. Like why would I want to have someone like THAT as a "friend" anyway?!?
Then there are the mysterious "unfriend-ers". Now I've been "unfriended" several times. Three of those times I knew exactly who the folks were and pretty much knew WHY they did it. Two of those three have since "friended me" again.
But recently I noticed that some folks "fell off" and I had no way of know who they were. No biggie. Some folks fall off because they deactivate their accounts. Some fall of because for whatever reason, they decide that they need to clean up their "friends list" and I don't make the cut. I think that's what may have happened with one individual, but for another...I honestly believe that she unfriended me because I'm not "fit". Her life is about fitness and mine simply isn't. Sure, I'd love to be fitter, and weigh less, but I'm also okay with me, "just as I am". Regardless of how I look on the outside, on the INSIDE I am simply STUNNING. I don't think she saw me that way though, and I'm okay with that. She was a pretty cool person and I liked her a lot. Clearly, the feeling wasn't mutual. She was one of those "friends" who I met ON Facebook, we got to know each other, hung out in person a few times, and I THOUGHT we were cool. Again I say...I thought wrong.
Nevertheless, I wish her the best, and if I saw her out on the street one day, I would speak as though things were as I thought they were.
But here's what prompted the post...not so much the "unfriending" but HOW I found out that she unfriended me.
I was on Facebook, scrolling through my feed and she popped up as one of the "People You May Know". I was like, well yeah I know her...we're already "friends". Then I looked for her in my friends list and realized, she's not there anymore. Well WHADAYA'KNOW!
So yeah, that's just one of the many wonders of the "Whacky World of Facebook". It's really like a box of never know what you're gonna get...or WHEN you'll be "unfriended".
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever THOUGHT you were "friends" with someone on Facebook, only to realize later that they had "unfriended" you? If so, did you confront them about it, or did you "keep it pushin'"

Talk to me!
Til next time...
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