In spite of all that, it is well with my soul.
I have forgiven her (so that I can be FREE of bitterness and anger), lifted her up in prayer and have given her to God.
THIRTY EIGHT years worth of friendship down the toilet because she didn't care enough about my feelings to even ASK about my feelings, when she KNEW that she had disrespected my feelings.
It meant more for her to become "friends" with someone she didn't even know, than to remain friends with ME...someone she'd known all her life.
That's her choice and if she feels that she made the right decision, then as I told her when she feelings don't really matter, do they?
It's been said that TRUST takes years to BUILD, seconds to BREAK, and forever to REPAIR. That pretty much sums it up. I will not write about her again...EVER.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: How long did it take you to forgive the last person who broke your trust?
Talk to me!

Til next time...
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