My goodness! Seems like it was forever-ago since I last posted.
Part of that is because I was on vacation and out of town last week (WITHOUT a computer), and the other part is that my home internet service has been terribly spotty. Sometimes I have to wait TWO HOURS for the "little light" to come on that lets me know that I can get online. Many times that light isn't on until the wee hours of the morning when I am far into "Dreamland."
I finally decided that my spotty internet service was UNACCEPTABLE so I called my ISP and scheduled an appointment for them to come out and fix it.
Well...wouldn't you know it.
The appointment was scheduled for TODAY, and TODAY, my internet has behaved splendidly. Of course!
Apparently, the technician was able to remotely fix whatever the issue is. Although I am quite thankful for that, I still wonder why that hadn't been done all the other times that I called to report the issue.
Nevertheless...looks like I'm back in business, and I have a WHOLE LOT to catch up on.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: How you doooin'?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Lol! I am doooin' good! Spent some time at Manhattan Beach this morning.