Almost every time someone dies, especially celebrities, we who are left tend to remember and say good things about the dearly departed. The same happens at funerals (or as we in my faith call them...HOMEGOING services).
Whenever I hear folks reflect on celebrities or those whose services I attend, I am always Always ALWAYS left wondering, "What will folks say about me after I die?"
Of course, I have my own ideas about what I would HOPE folks would say, but it sure would be nice to know before I go, exactly what would be said.
Would I be described as kind, loving, caring?
Creative, artsy, quirky?
Bitchy, moody, some-timey?
Giving, selfless, Servant of Christ?
Sexy, funny, talented?
In all honesty, depending on who'd be speaking, you very well may hear me described as ALL of those...and many more that I've surely left off.
I often find it unfortunate that the accolades and benevolent statements are made after the person is gone and can no longer hear them.
Oh, I know that there are many who believe that the dearly departed "look down from Heaven" and see all that we do -- which would include being able to hear the kind words that are said.
I however, being the eternal "oddballl" simply do not believe that those who leave this earthly life look down (or up) to see, monitor, protect and/or watch what their loved ones are doing.
Heck, my Mom has been in Heaven for seventeen months now. There is NO WAY that I would want her looking back on ANY of what she left. NO WAY!!! How could she POSSIBLY experience the fullness of JOY, and PEACE if she saw all that was going on here. She WOULDN'T.
So with the recent death of one of our music icons, I've been left again to wonder, "Just what will folks say about me?" Even as I write these words, the song, "Give Me My Flowers" rings through my head.
I believe that if folks would "give others their flowers" and kind words while living, this world would be a much better place, and people would know how much they are LOVED and APPRECIATED when it means the most...while they are still ALIVE and can hear the words.
Anyhoo...That's my soapbox for tonight.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What word(s) would YOU hope folks use to describe and remember you after your life here is done?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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