Today marks the last day of my 21 Day Writing Challenge. How exciting! I've covered a lot of ground.
I've never written for 21 consecutive days in the 4+ years that The Dialogue Den has been in existence. So for me...this is a MAJOR accomplishment.
Even though my blog hasn't gained quite the following that I had hoped at the time of its creation, it's still mine, and I still love writing. Most would have quit long ago.
Although I may have had periods of inconsistency, I've NEVER quit. Quitting my blog would equate to quitting on myself. I love myself (and my readers...I know I have readers...I just know I do!) too much to do that, so I won't.
So...21 Days! It's been said that it takes 21 days to form a habit (good or bad). I'm sure that there's some validity to that. I mean, there were some days when 11:00 p.m. would roll around and I had to scramble to get to the computer so that I could complete that day's post. I felt that if I had missed one I would've had to start all over. So...I made sure not to miss.
Now, I'm wondering what I should do for another 21 day stretch. Let's see:
I could do Zumba everyday.
I could take a one mile walk everyday.
I could read for 21 minutes everyday.
So many possibilities! I'll definitely be giving this some thought. While I'm thinking, wha'da'ya'say we celebrate? I would love it if you would tell ALL of your friends about The Dialogue Den. As I've said before, it's not a political blog, not a spiritual blog, not a parenting blog, yet at times it could be any and all of that. In a nuthell, the blog is ME sharing my random thoughts with YOU, in an effort to get some DIALOGUE going. So spread the word and "LIKE" The Dialogue Den page on Facebook. Please and Thank you.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever committed to doing something for 21 days? If so, what was it, and did you stick to it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
(Day 21/21!!!)
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