Today I did just that.
And in dining with them we somehow got on the subject of television and how old my set is, blah blah blah. Then we talked about streaming movies and I mentioned how I had recently tried to do that through my Wii, as I had once done before but for some reason, now it won't work.
We tossed around what some of the problems could be and eventually someone suggested that I get a Roku.
A who ku???
A Roku.
I wasn't sure if such a new-fangled device would work on my 10 year old television set but said I'd look into it.
So I check with my cousin who's into all this Roku stuff and he told me which one to get that would work on my set.
Right after work I headed over to my local Best Buy and whammo bammo...I picked one up.
Now that was the easy part. The tougher task was actually setting it up, which for my non-techy self was gonna be quite the feat.
But I was up for the challenge, so I took it out of the box, read the instructions, and about 30 minutes later, I was in business!
Go ME!!!
And I am sooo excited.
More than anything, I am excited about the fact that I can stream whenever and whatever I want to on MY OWN account.
I've recently had two friends offer to add me as a user on their Netflix account. And I greatly appreciated those offers. I was actually *this close* to doing just that. But I knew that I didn't wanna watch Netflix on my small computer screen so I had to find a way to stream it to my television. And since I wasn't able to do that, I never added myself to either of their accounts.
But I think that was actually for the best. Although both of these folks are really good friends, I would've felt a level of dependency on them, or would've wanted to contribute to the payment of their account...or something.
Or what if things went sour down the road, and the streaming service that I would come to enjoy would come to a halt by a mere password change. Who knows? Anything can happen.
So by being forced to get my own device and stream from my own Netflix account, it has created a level of INDEPENDENCE that I know I need. And THAT'S a good thing. So all in worked out perfectly.
Well that's all for now...I gotta a movie to go watch...or SOMETHING! But before I go...
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you use any streaming devices or services? If so, which one?
Talk to me!

Til next time...
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