So very tired.

Tired of being misunderstood.
Tired of having to explain my feelings when they are pretty clear.
Tired of right being wrong and wrong being right.
Tired of being made to feel that MY feelings don't matter, or that they are unwarranted.
I am one of the easiest people for most folks to figure out. What you see is what you get. Life is just simpler that way. Yet as a result of "just being ME", I am again...MISUNDERSTOOD, and TIRED!
There is waaay too much going on in my world right now (crap that would BREAK most people), for me to have to justify my feelings. Waaay waaay too much. I just can't do it.
Right now, my energy (ALL OF IT) has to be focused on this crumbling world around me...and how to keep it from falling apart further.
If folks decide to walk away from me while it's crumbling, or throw some of the debris AT me, that's their prerogative. But for those who actually know me (TRULY know me) to be a decent person (which I know I am)...feel free to pick up some of these bricks I'm carrying. There are plenty to go around. How? By being mindful of your actions. Before you do something, ask yourself, "How would I feel if someone did this to me?" If the answer is, "betrayed"...then DON'T DO IT. Simple. And if you're unsure...ASK the person first how they would feel about you doing "xyz". ASK! Not AFTER you do it, but BEFORE.
I've heard it said, "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission." I wholeheartedly disagree. Whoever came up with that is full of crap. If you ask PERMISSION first, THAT will alleviate the need for FORGIVENESS. Doing things the other way around just causes problems, especially when the action will possible effect someone else...negatively.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time YOU were misunderstood? Once you explained yourself, did that clear things up, or did the person who misunderstood you simply close their ears to any further understanding?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Oh! Oh! And Gasp are my only reactions at this point! Hopefully things work out for all people involved. Misunderstood is my middle name, so I kinda understand your pain. I can carry some bricks...toss them my way!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kyra! I realize that what seems small and harmless to one person could actually be pretty big to another. That's where I'm at right now. I don't feel like I should have to even explain why I'm upset about a particular issue, but because the other person CLEARLY didn't see anything wrong with their action, I now have to explain my RE-action. As I said...I'm just TIRED of being misunderstood.