Five days from today will mark the 1 year "anniversary" of my Mom's passing. Anniversary really doesn't seem like the right word, but I imagine it will do for now.
So much has happened and changed in this past year.
In honor of my Mom's memory, I have decided to dedicate this month to her on Facebook, via my profile pics.
I've always changed my profile pic on the following days of each month: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th. Why? Because I get bored looking at the SAME thing ALL the time. So when it comes to my page, I like to "switch it up".
This month, every profile pic will be of my Mom. A couple will have ME in them too (like the current one). In two that I can think of, I am also in the pic, just not seen...unless you look at my Mom's big belly. That's where you'll spot me...just days from being born.
I've always been very particular about my profile pics, and I always make sure that I am in them. I don't do cartoon characters, or quotes, or images that are not MY face. I began that practice when a friend passed away and her profile pic was of her boyfriend. To this day, if you go to her page, there's HIS face.
If something ever happened to me, I'd want people to see MY face as the memory...not something random.
However, there IS an exception. That exception is my Mom. If by chance God calls me home THIS month while my Mom's face is my profile pic, I would be a-ok with that. Heck, I look just like her anyway...most folks wouldn't even know the difference.
Ironically, my Mom wanted nothing to do with social media when she was still living here on earth. I asked her once if she wanted a Facebook page and her response was, "I don't care about MyFace. I don't have any friends, nor anybody I would want to get back in touch with, so there's no point in having a page." Oh, I was so tickled when she called it "MyFace".
I wonder what she'd say if she knew that her face has finally made the pages of Facebook. She'd probably say, "Take my picture down. I don't want some weirdo to see it." Yep, that's probably what she'd say.
Well, that's about it. If you happen to be one of my Facebook friends, I hope you enjoy my profile pics this month...my "Month of Mom".
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the most unusual profile pic you've ever seen on Facebook?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Great way to remember her.